Arcade action Games #87

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Squeezils screenshotSqueezils 1997
Squeezils is a fun and innovative 3D action game from Protozoa, a small and now-defunct developer better known for making short eye-catching 3D animated clips in mid-1990s. Although billed as an "action adventure," the game is really a straightforward 3D action game that platformer fans will feel at home with....

Squirmer The Game screenshotSquirmer The Game 1994
Squirmer The Game is a remake of the classic Centipede game. You are flying a mini-spaceship inside a garden, filled with mushrooms, friendly creatures, foes, and, of course, your arch-enemy, the Squirmer (a centipede). Your job is to completely kill the Squirmer, before he catches you. If you kill the beginning or...

Stack Up screenshotStack Up 1993
A good alternate title for this one would be Rows - not the kind you have when your wife finds lipstick on your shirt collar, but as an equivalent of Columns. The gameplay is essentially the same - groups of 3 variably-colored blocks fall towards the bottom of a 6x18...

Stalin Subway, The screenshotStalin Subway, The 2005

Stalin Subway, The: Red Veil screenshotStalin Subway, The: Red Veil 2006

Stalker 1: Path of Fire screenshotStalker 1: Path of Fire 1994
In a world contaminated by the radiation of a nuclear power plant accident, you are a Stalker." Much of the land is highly radioactive and mutated creatures roam in search of food. You look pretty tasty to them. As a Stalker, you wander from zone to zone,...

Star Assault screenshotStar Assault 2007

Star Castle screenshotStar Castle 2002
Star Castle is an excellent freeware remake of the arcade hit of the same name back in the early 1980s. The plot, from the official Vectrex manual, goes as follows: "You and other experienced intergalactic voyagers have heard about and shared the legend of Star Castle -- a mysterious fortress...

Star Castle PC screenshotStar Castle PC 1994
Star Castle PC is a freeware remake of Star Castle. John Dondzila created this game in memory of his favourite arcade game. Gameplay is simple: Controlling a small space fighter you have to destroy a mighty battleship to get into the next level. Surrounded by three energy walls it fires permanently...

Star Chamber screenshotStar Chamber 1987
Another pinball game generated by Pinball Construction Set. Like the name says, the pinball action in focused around a star shaped object surrounded by 5 bumpers. Available to up to 4 (human) players with 9 different background colours to match the players taste. ...

Star Crusader screenshotStar Crusader 1994
Star Crusader is similar in vein to Wing Commander or X-Wing. It's a space combat simulation that takes place in the far future and the story revolves around a futuristic world, the Gorene Empire, which is reminiscent of the old Roman Empire. This is a very expansionist empire that spreads...

Star Defender screenshotStar Defender 2002

Star Defender 4 screenshotStar Defender 4 2007

Star Defender II screenshotStar Defender II 2005

Star Defender III screenshotStar Defender III 2006
The third installment in this budget-minded shooter series, Star Defender III brings more of than same explosive, fast-paced action. The evil Insectus aliens have returned to Earth, and it's up to gamers to stop them from destroying the human race. There are more than 100 levels full of fiery combat,...

Star Dust screenshotStar Dust 1988
The Blodroid Empire has launched a mass attack on Earth. Fortunately, its entire network of ships use shields powered remotely from a single generator located on their homeworld. As a feared pilot, you must fly your Astrohunter spaceship through hostile territory to destroy it. The journey is viewed from above. The...

Star Fighter 3000 screenshotStar Fighter 3000 1996
3037. FedNet is now in control of the federation, and at an attempt to gain trust of the population following decades of corruption and warfare, the FedNet Space Corps were sent to the outermost planets to crush the small-time warlords still running the show there. After being "convinced" to join...

Star Fox 2 screenshotStar Fox 2 1995
A cool 3D space combat game featuring polygonal graphics, Star Fox 2 is one of the most sought-after unreleased games in existence. Years after the final beta was uncovered and released as ROM on the Internet, the translation group Aeon Genesis (AGTP) finally released the English translation to the delight...

Star Glider screenshotStar Glider 1986
The Planet Novenia has been attacked by the Egrons, who snuck in by disguising their craft as the protected Starglider species, which Novenia's automated defenses were programmed not to shoot. Your task is to fight them off using only an obsolete Airborne Ground Attack Vehicle. This was designed as the...

Star Goose screenshotStar Goose 1989
Star Goose a top-down space shooter in which you move through a semi-3D environment shooting rounds and missiles at your enemies. Occasionally, the player can enter a tunnel and collect upgrades (ammo, shield or fuel) by climbing the walls of the tunnel to run into powerups. ...

Star Hammer screenshotStar Hammer 1994
You could think of Star Hammer as Wing Commander in 2D. You are the pilot of a combat space ship which has to destroy enemies or protect friendly shuttles. The game features 40 linear missions with the main goal to defeat an enemy alien race. In a topdown perspective you...

Star Merc screenshotStar Merc 1997
Star Merc is a single-player, first-person, space shooter from Diversions Software. The object of the game is to achieve a score high enough to be recorded on the high score table. The player takes the role of a mercenary hired to keep the space lanes clear. This means dropping into...

Star Quest I in the 27th Century screenshotStar Quest I in the 27th Century 1995
Star Quest 1 is a fun shareware space flight simulator that is much better than your average shareware game, although it's still nothing compared to Nomad or Elite, two heavyweights in the genre. In addition to putting you in pilot role, the game lets you give orders to a squadron...

Star Rangers screenshotStar Rangers 1995
For some reason, the game designers at Interactive Magic thought it would be ingenious to combine all the rough and dirty action of a western with the light speed world of a space combat simulator. In short, it doesn't work. In attempting to put a new twist on the space...

Star Trek Pinball screenshotStar Trek Pinball 1997
When you've done everything else you can possibly do with a game license, what's left? If Star Trek Pinball is anything to go by, the last outpost is apparently a pinball sim. This bizarre entry from Interplay (makers of the excellent Starfleet Command and Starfleet Academy) conjures up three 3D...

Star Trek TNG: Klingon Honor Guard screenshotStar Trek TNG: Klingon Honor Guard 1998
"Oh no! Not another Star Trek game!" This was the call from many when Klingon Honor Guard was first announced. Well they were right; this isn't just another Star Trek game, hoping to cash in on the captive Trekker audience. License or not, Star Trek: The Next Generation -- Klingon Honor...

Star Trek: D-A-C screenshotStar Trek: D-A-C 2009

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Fallen screenshotStar Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Fallen 2000
The chronicles of Star Trek have traversed many galaxies over its history. Several shows have tried to capture its excitement and enthusiasm for mystery, but, to this reviewer, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine always seemed to be the most boring. Luckily, The Fallen rectifies the situation and brings much needed...

Star Trek: Elite Force 2 screenshotStar Trek: Elite Force 2 2003
When the U.S.S. Voyager returned to Federation Space safely, the Hazard Team was disbanded. However, Lt. Alexander Munro was assigned to Starfleet Academy and quickly caught the eye of Captain Jon Luc Picard. Players must take charge of the reunited Hazard Team on the U.S.S. Enterprise and confront an assortment...

Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force screenshotStar Trek: Voyager - Elite Force 2000
If you're looking for a fix after watching the final episode of Star Trek: Voyager, your search is over: Activision has released a worthy shooter based on the syndicated television series. Quake III lovers will be ecstatic about Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force since it uses the same engine --...

Arcade action Games:
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