Arcade action Games #24

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Crow, The: City of Angels screenshotCrow, The: City of Angels 1996
This reviewer had quite a time trying to come up with an adequate description of this game. It's hard to convey in words how horrible this title is. Acclaim may have been reborn from it'sold ashes, but it's not completely forgotten it's past roots. Let's start, shall we? If you're...

Crown screenshotCrown 1991
Crown is a jump and run game. The goal is to travel trough six different countries to finally become king. The game is non-linear, so the player can choose which country he wants to go to. The levels are pretty different: in England, you need to control a knight on...

Cruel World screenshotCruel World 1993
Made by the Israeli company Makh-Shevet, "Cruel World" is a tribute to the famous game Prince of Persia, having identical gameplay and looking very similarly to the classic platformer. The hero is an innocent citizen who was thrown into a deep dungeon without trial and explanation. Your goal is...

Crunchling Adventure screenshotCrunchling Adventure 1999
According to Quaker Oats legend, Cap'n Crunch cereal gets its unique flavor and crunchiness from a special element known as Crunchium. Very rare and found only deep beneath the surface of the earth, Crunchium is not featured on most standard periodic tables. Nevertheless, there are some wily thieves who know...

Crusade, The screenshotCrusade, The 1991
The Crusade is a below-average action/strategy hybrid similar to Gauntlet - except not half as much fun. For starters, the plot is quite ludicrous: you are a king who has returned from a long journey, only to be refused entry into his own castle by a pompous guard who demands...

Crusader: No Regret screenshotCrusader: No Regret 1996
Crusader: No Regret (CNG) continues the hyper-violent tradition of death and blood letting that the game's predecessor, Crusader: No Remorse began a year or two before it. If you've not played either game (and shame on you if this is the case), a bit of explaining in relation to the...

Crusader: No Remorse screenshotCrusader: No Remorse 1995
Are you craving one of those games that are as mindless as the character you play that lets you blow up every dang blasted thing in sight? Do you want one of those games that is jam-packed with all sorts of violence, gore and killing mayhem? If so, Crusader: No...

Cryostasis screenshotCryostasis 2008
Set in the claustrophobic confines of an atomic icebreaking vessel shipwrecked near the North Pole, Cryostasis puts players in the shoes of Alexander Nesterov, a Russian meteorologist sent to investigate strange occurrences on the submarine. Once aboard, Nesterov discovers that the captain and the crewmen have seemingly died of exposure,...

Cryptic Passage for Blood screenshotCryptic Passage for Blood 1997
A Mystical scroll has been stolen, one that could change the balance of power in the struggle for the underworld. It's time for Caleb to kick butt once again, taking up the fight against the cult - the cult he used to call his own. Cryptic Passage is an add...

Crysis screenshotCrysis 2007
The developers of Far Cry return to the first-person shooter genre in their first game for publishing giant Electronic Arts. The year is 2019 and a massive asteroid has crash-landed somewhere within North Korea. Soon it is revealed that the asteroid is in fact a gigantic alien vessel whose malevolent...

Crysis 2 screenshotCrysis 2 2011
In the role of a soldier, alone in a devastated urban jungle, players use the super-human abilities provided by a technologically advanced suit to save the world from alien invaders, as they battle through the first-person shooter sequel, Crysis 2. As in the first game, the hero's most important weapon...

Crysis: Warhead screenshotCrysis: Warhead 2008
Crysis Warhead presents gamers with a parallel story intended to be more technologically accessible than Crytek Studios' critically lauded but hardware-straining 2007 title Crysis. Players take on the role of the aptly nicknamed Sargeant "Psycho" Sykes as he makes use of an expanded arsenal of customizable weapons and vehicles on...

Crystal Caliburn screenshotCrystal Caliburn 1994
Having reviewed pinball games on the computer before, I'll admit I wasn't expecting much out of Crystal Caliburn. Most pinball games just don't have the feel of the real thing. But in, fact, I was surprised. Pleasantly surprised. This pinball game may be showing on your computer screen, but that is...

Crystal Caves screenshotCrystal Caves 1991
Mylo Steamwitz, an enterprising space trader, has set out to the perilous mines of the Altairian system. He hopes to collect enough crystals to start a profitable twibble farm. Crystal Caves is a side-scrolling platform game, where the objective is to finish all 16 levels, collecting every single crystal within....

Crystal Hammer screenshotCrystal Hammer 1995
One of the best Breakout (aka Arkanoid) clones ever made, Crystal Hammer was one of Magic Bytes' last hits on the Amiga that failed to make an impact in the crowded PC market. Everything you love about Arkanoid is here, and enhanced dramatically with bright SVGA graphics, great sound effects,...

Crystal Towers screenshotCrystal Towers 2005
Crystal Towers is yet another great freeware platformer game with the quality to rival commercial releases, amateurish graphics notwithstanding. Obviously inspired by Apogee's classics like the Commander Keen games, Crystal Towers casts you as Bernard, the nightwatchman at the Column Temple. The official plot and goals: "... He wakes up...

CTU: Marine Sharpshooter screenshotCTU: Marine Sharpshooter 2003
In their follow up to Navy SEALs, developer Jarhead Games continues to focus on the fight against global terrorism in CTU: Marine Sharpshooter. As a member of the elite United States Counter Terror Unit (CTU), players must thwart a plot by Middle Eastern terrorists who are scheming to detonate a...

Cube screenshotCube 2002
Cube is an open source multiplayer and singleplayer first person shooter game built on an entirely new and very unconventional engine. Cube is a landscape-style engine that pretends to be an indoor FPS engine, which combines very high precision dynamic occlusion culling with a form of geometric mipmapping on the...

Cube 2: Sauerbraten screenshotCube 2: Sauerbraten 2004
While it's difficult to screw up the classic FPS gaming mechanics that have become a staple among gamers, Sauerbraten manages to exceed stupendously at stomping on any hint of a redeeming quality that may convince us to ever to play it again. We'll focus on gameplay first. Perhaps the most dominant...

Curse of the Catacombs screenshotCurse of the Catacombs 1993
Curse of the Catacombs is a first-person shooter very similar to the previous game. Once again, you're a mage whose quest is to destroy the evil Nemesis. Just like in the previous installment, you can throw fireballs at your foes or use them to destroy certain walls. You can find...

Curse: The Eye of Isis screenshotCurse: The Eye of Isis 2003
An Egyptian artifact protected by a deadly curse has been abducted from a museum in Curse: The Eye of Isis. As archaeologist Darien Dane, players must recover the statuette and return it to its original resting place in Egypt. Together with his assistant Verity, Dane must travel by train, cargo...

Cursed Crusade, The screenshotCursed Crusade, The 2011
In The Cursed Crusade, two warriors must battle untold evil in a last-ditch effort to save their afflicted souls and prevent the world from turning into Hell. The action is viewed from a third-person perspective as players take control of Denz, a Templar knight, who has a supernatural power to...

Cyberball (1998) screenshotCyberball (1998) 1998
Cyberball is a pinball game where four tables are available: Dooke, inspired by underworld devils, Enlightment, with a space travel theme, Air Crash, about modern air combat and Shark Attack, where a treasure is hidden in the bottom of the sea, and guarded by sharks. Unlike other games, where tables...

Cybercon III screenshotCybercon III 1991
The Cybercon III computer was built with the intent of looking after the world, but something went wrong - the computer killed people instead, and now the world lies in chaos. The player takes on the role of one of the few survivors, with the goal of destroying the Cybercon...

Cyberdogs screenshotCyberdogs 1994
If anyone remembers the top-down shooters Loaded or Chaos Engine, Cyberdogs is the same basic gameplay. You must choose your character and his weapons that you will fight with. In your mission you must destroy the enemy and retrieve the lost items. ...

CyberDome screenshotCyberDome 1996
CyberDome is a great 3D space shooter that sports a very complex 3D engine for its time, patented under the name "SuperSet" engine. In this fun game set in cyberspace, the gameplay is simple: destroy all enemy ships and targets as you progress through 64 increasingly difficult levels of action. All...

Cybergenic Ranger screenshotCybergenic Ranger 1990
Cybergenic Ranger is a side-scrolling shoot'em up arcade game where you must shoot your way to success. You have to explore 7 different planets to collect some pods and discover the secret of the "7th Planet". ...

CyberGladiators screenshotCyberGladiators 1996
3D beat 'em up for Windows. As is de rigueur for this kind of caper, all the participants have exceedingly stupid names (which is probably why they're always getting into scraps). One of them is called 'Madam Discipline' and has a special 'Foot Fetish' maneuver. Ahem, well, yes, it takes...

Cyberia 2: Resurrection screenshotCyberia 2: Resurrection 1995
The original Cyberia was a rail shooter that combined adventure game elements with Rebel Assault style action sequences. Cyberia 2 is essentially the same, except the 3D rendered graphics have been improved, and the quantity of in-game movies has been increased. Cyberia 2 takes off where the original ends. After...

Cyberlaw screenshotCyberlaw 1996
Cyber Police is a Final Fight-inspired arcade game set in the future. As a member of Cyber Police, your mission is to maintain the law and order from the evil henchmen of the Blue Scorpion gang, which are trying to sow chaos everywhere they go. To do so, you will...

Arcade action Games:
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