Arcade action Games #40

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General Admission Sport Pinball: Ice Hockey screenshotGeneral Admission Sport Pinball: Ice Hockey 1996
General Admission's Sport Pinball series rank among some of the worst pinball games ever made. Each game in the series presents one sport-themed table, and gets boring once you pass the initial "ooh, sport-themed table" novelty in the first few minutes. The table looks nice at first. The graphics is...

General Chaos screenshotGeneral Chaos 1994
Ten hut! The creators behind Xenophobe and Rampage take their distinctive sense of humor to the barracks with General Chaos. The game involves two teams of soldiers (led by warring brothers General Chaos and General Havoc) in an effort to outduel each other through three campaigns. The winner is the player...

Genocide screenshotGenocide 1996
Genocide brings the concept of Scorched Earth to 3D. Up to four tanks, controlled by either humans or computer players of varying skill, are placed into a randomly generated landscape, ranging from desert islands to rainforests to a cratered moon surface to abstract shapes based on mathematical formulas. Then, those...

Genocide screenshotGenocide 1998
Adding an interesting new dimension to the side-scrolling shooter, Genocide delivers plenty of fast-firing action in a cyborg-laden world. Using a mouse/keyboard combo, you can fire 360 degrees around your character as you navigate a complex labyrinth. Using both input devices at once can be tricky at first, but all...

Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved screenshotGeometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2007

Get Medieval screenshotGet Medieval 1998
As one of the lucky millions who can vividly remember the "Golden Age" of gaming in the early eighties, I have discovered that certain archaic sound bites are permanently etched in my memory. In the middle of a perfectly normal workday, I'll suddenly start humming the cutesy theme track of...

Gex screenshotGex 1996
Probably Crystal Dynamics' least successful release, Gex is a decent platformer that tries too hard to emulate Earthworm Jim in playability and humor... but doesn't quite get there. In Gex, you play a cocky 20th century gecko with an attitude who has been sucked into his television by Rez, an...

Gex 3D: Enter the Gecko screenshotGex 3D: Enter the Gecko 1997
You control a lizard named Gex through somewhat open levels. You usually have specific tasks to complete like finding 5 purple mushrooms or 5 blood coolers. Once you accomplish these tasks you gain access to Gilligex Island. Gex3d is quite vibrant in some levels, and it certainly doesn't shy away from...

GF Captor Kurara screenshotGF Captor Kurara 2002
We already knew that Japanese freeware developer CNC Darkside had a taste for bizarre fusions: G-Type (R-Type+Gradius), Super Mario XP (Mario+Castlevania)... This time, they took the characters of Card Captor Sakura, and put them in a horror setting, with Sakura's school transformed in a dark manor full of demons and...

GFID Advance Place: Project Zero screenshotGFID Advance Place: Project Zero 2001
GFID Advance Place: Project Zero is a fun freeware vertical shooter from Japan. Although the ships (including your own) are smaller than in an avarage shooter, this makes the playing field quite large in comparison, thereby allowing awesome firefights with dozens of enemies on screen at a time. End-level bosses...

Ghostbusters screenshotGhostbusters 1986
Based on the 1984 film of the same name, the Ghostbusters are the ones to call to "bust" any ghost hauntings. They do this through the use of nuclear-accelerated "proton packs" and "ghost traps", whereby the ghosts can be captured and transferred to a secure storage facility at their Headquarters....

Ghostbusters 2 screenshotGhostbusters 2 1989
Re-live the movie as you bust ghosts, collect slime, find the proper mixture, break outta jail and hunt down Vigo, the Scourge of Carpathia. ...

Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime screenshotGhostbusters: Sanctum of Slime 2011

Ghostbusters: The Video Game screenshotGhostbusters: The Video Game 2009
Watch out for slime and avoid crossing the streams in this surprise continuation of Sony Pictures' Ghostbusters franchise. Written by stars Harold Ramis and Dan Ackroyd, who scripted both blockbuster films, Ghostbusters: The Video Game features a storyline set two years after the events depicted in Ghostbusters 2. Hailed by...

Ghosts 'n Goblins Exceed screenshotGhosts 'n Goblins Exceed 2002
Ghosts 'n Goblins Exceed is yet another excellent freeware game inspired by 8-bit classics. Yes, this time CNC Darkside put fusions aside and made a remake of CAPCOM's classic. Be warned: the graphics are very dull, and the sprites are too small. Nice sound and playability, though. The original levels...

Ghosts'n Goblins screenshotGhosts'n Goblins 1987
Ghosts'n Goblins is a sideways scrolling action platformer spread over six levels, each of which must be completed within three minutes (or a life is lost), taking in forest, village, mountain and cavern settings with increasing difficulty. Arthur the brave knight must rescue his beloved Princess from the Demon King Astaroth...

Giana Family screenshotGiana Family 1999
Giana Family is a great PC version of the famous Rainbow Arts classic that never made it beyond the Commodore 64. Andreas Kahn has pulled off something very few people can do: create a PC conversion that is not only very faithful to original in looks and play, but also...

Giana Sisters 32k screenshotGiana Sisters 32k 1998
Remake of the real Giana Sisters. Kick some bad monstes and find a magic gem which will bring you back to your real world. ...

Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams screenshotGiana Sisters: Twisted Dreams 2012

Giant Space Slug screenshotGiant Space Slug 1990
As a giant space slug your job is to guard your territory. Random hot-shot space-ship pilots insist on landing on your territory but don't know they're trespassing. As you devour their ships your body will get larger and larger but be careful not to go and eat yourself! Your territory...

Giants of Steel screenshotGiants of Steel 1996
Giants of Steel is a fun 3D giant robot action game from DIGITAL Nightmares, a small Germany-based developer who released the game into the public domain after selling it for a number of months as shareware. Games Domain's says it all about this unpretentious game: "Giants of Steel is a Mech...

Glace screenshotGlace 2004
Glace is a polished, long, and fun freeware platformer that harks back to the golden days of Super Nintendo. The story: in a strange galaxy inhabited by aliens, two made scientists named Dr. Frog and Dr. Slagg are trying to create a creature that will help them control the universe....

Gladiator screenshotGladiator 1995
Gladiator is a game that will remind serious gamers of the classic video game, Gauntlet. The developers of Gladiator even describe it as a "Gauntlet-style" game in their documentation. While Gladiator is not as great a game as Gauntlet, it is certainly worth playing. The graphics give players a very basic...

Gladiator: Sword of Vengeance screenshotGladiator: Sword of Vengeance 2003
Gladiator: Sword of Vengeance is a third-person action game taking place during the twilight of the Roman Empire. Inspired by classic films like Spartacus and the fantasy-oriented Jason and the Argonauts, the storyline focuses on a slave who takes it upon himself to rise up against his supernatural captors. Instead...

Glider for Windows screenshotGlider for Windows 1994
A port of a Macintosh title, Glider puts you in the role of a paper airplane in its quest to find an open window and exit the house he's trapped on. You have a rudimentary control of the plane (remember it's a paper plane) and must try to get through room...

Glider: Collect'n Kill screenshotGlider: Collect'n Kill 2005
In the years of the beginning discovery of space by man, when state and private organizations fought for the dominating position, one came to the conclusion that an amalgamation of man, the new federates and the freed species would be necessary. The smartest heads came together and made the foundation...

Global Operations screenshotGlobal Operations 2002
This squad-based first-person shooter is designed to please solo adventurers and online gamers alike, boasting both responsive AI and solid multiplayer support. The Global Ops player becomes a member of one of several diverse teams, ranging from government-supported peacekeepers to rogue guerilla forces. Missions are set around the world and...

Glover screenshotGlover 1998
Hasbro has had some success in the PC Gaming industry. This is a company which has released a number of excellent games, although they have released a bust or two as well. The Monopoly series has been successful (with editions such as France '98 and Star Wars) and Centipede and...

Gnome Alone screenshotGnome Alone 1992
Gnome Alone is a little-known PC conversion of a little-known Amiga game, developed by UK house Visionaires. In this unique action/strategy game, you play a gnome who, other than being alone, is trying to keep his garden and greenhouse free from pests and grumpy other gnomes who constantly sneak in...

Go West: A Lucky Luke Adventure screenshotGo West: A Lucky Luke Adventure 2007

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