Cloud Kingdoms Download (1990 Arcade action Game)

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Baron von Bansai has stolen Terry's precious collection of crystals, and dropped them onto 32 different kingdoms, so Terry sets off to retrieve them. Viewed from above, his challenge sees him having to progress through these worlds, collecting keys to gain access to different sections, and avoiding enemy balls and bugs by jumping them where possible. There are no 'lives' as such, but there's a strict time limit of around 400 seconds for the whole game, and death puts you back to the start of the level, with time lost as well. You get an extra 80 seconds for completing each level though.

The levels feature all manner of further hazards - there are holes in the ground to avoid falling through (some visible, some hidden), arrows which force the ball in a particular direction, slippery squares making any movement's effect exaggerated, magneted squares making it impossible to jump from, and many more. Fortunately lots of power-ups, time boosts and bonus fruits are dropped onto the levels at random intervals as well.

To complete the game you must clear 8 levels, and the structure is non-linear - initially you have a choice of 4 levels, and after completing one of those you have a choice of 4 more levels (which are different depending on which level you completed first). The third and fourth levels you take on as you go through the game are chosen from a choice of 3, the fifth and sixth from a choice of two, and only those final two levels are perscribed (although they do vary depending on which levels you've already done).

Each of the 32 worlds has its own twist - Arrow Kingdom has a large amount of arrows directing you, Ice Kingdom is especially slippery, Unseen Kingdom leaves you to work out the route for yourself (other than the holes, which are all you can see), Box Kingdom involves a lot of flying over some trapped squares to grab the keys they contain before making the main jumps onto the sections which contain crystals, and so on.

Cloud Kingdoms is a great action/puzzle game featuring the first injection-moulded, eight-way rolling, rubber-bottomed software hero! The review at Lemon 64 says it all about this old game, and there's not much difference between the C64 and PC versions aside from graphics detail, so I'd like to quote it here in full:

"Ok, so here is the plot: Terry is a little, eight-way scrolling rubber ball who lives in a peaceful kingdom over the clouds. This kingdom is filled with crystals and Terry has nothing better to do than scroll around and look at these crystals all day. One day a nasty fiend, for some reason, decides that he can't stand Terry's lifestyle and steals all of the crystals from Terry's kingdom. Terry gets quite upset about this and decides to get them back. Now tell me if this isn't the most stupid plot ever! Surely those guys at Millennium didn't have much imagination...

Well, the plot really sucks, but the game itself is wonderful, an under rated little gem who didn't get the success it deserved. There are 16 levels in which you struggle to get your little crystals back; Things aren't very easy, there's a strict time limit for each level, and little annoying bugs such as insects (not programming faults) who can take off some of your energy. Again, don't forget that you're a rubber ball filled with air, and therefore things like acid and fire can hurt you quite a lot.

Each level is really peculiar and has its own strategies: for example, in Chase Kingdom you're chased by bugs on a magnetic track leading to the crystals; you can't jump to avoid the nasties and you have to be quick and pay attention not to fall off the track. In Unseen Kingdom the walls are invisible and you move around trying to find a path to the crystals. Check out Ice Kingdom, my personal favourite, where you slide and bounce around like a with the smoothest scrolling ever seen on a C64! Cloud Kingdoms is by far my favourite C64 game, and one of the best platform games I've ever seen. Try it and you won't be disappointed."

A puzzle game that will make you come back for more. You are some kind of green, fury ball with an evil-looking eyes who's been imprisoned in some kind of Cloud Kingdom. Your goal - complete all levels by picking up all the diamonds on a certain level. Jumping, rolling, key and diamond collecting while avoiding evil ladybugs. A great game for puzzle-arcade lovers.

How to run this game on modern Windows PC?

This game has been set up to work on modern Windows (11/10/8/7/Vista/XP 64/32-bit) computers without problems. Please choose Download - Easy Setup (1.40 MB).


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