Dick Tracy Download (1990 Arcade action Game)

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Dick Tracy is a tie in to the 1990 movie adaptation of the classic comic strip, staring Warren Beatty and Madonna. While an action/adventure hybrid using this license was released by Disney for the PC and Amiga, Titus also held a license to the movie. This is a side scrolling action game, where you control Dick Tracy as he moves through five stages, shooting gangsters with an assortment of weapons. Each stage leads to one of the mob bosses, until you ultimately capture the big man himself.

Dick Tracy is a tie in to the 1990 movie adaptation of the classic comic strip, staring Warren Beatty and Madonna. While an action/adventure hybrid using this license was released by Disney for the PC and Amiga, Titus also held a license to the movie. This is a side scrolling action game, where you control Dick Tracy as he moves through five stages, shooting gangsters with an assortment of weapons. Each stage leads to one of the mob bosses, until you ultimately capture the big man himself.

In this adventure game you are the famous detective Dick Tracy which has to track down criminals and solve several cases. Some of the suspects will cooperate and others will shoot.

A much inferior adaptation of the hit Disney screen by Disney's own Dick Tracy: Crime Solving Adventure, Titus' Dick Tracy is wooden, shallow, awkward, tedious, and generally devoid of much of the atmosphere that makes the movie a cult favorite among fans of detective novels. Definitely a sub-standard platform game, and a low point in Titus' career (who's not normally known for good games anyway). Fans of the movie should check out Disney's game instead and leave this old game forgotten. Unless, of course, you really like Dick's bright yellow overcoat and want to see it just one more time :)

How to run this game on modern Windows PC?

This game has been set up to work on modern Windows (11/10/8/7/Vista/XP 64/32-bit) computers without problems. Please choose Download - Easy Setup (3.13 MB).
This game has been set up to work on modern Windows (11/10/8/7/Vista/XP 64/32-bit) computers without problems. Please choose Download - Easy Setup (1.78 MB).


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