Full Tilt! Pinball is a pinball simulation presented in 3D that contains three separate tables. Unlike many other pinball games, Full Tilt! doesn't use scrolling screens to portray the action but does incorporate three-way "nudging" of the table during game play.
The game runs in VGA, 256-color resolution and will not run in anything less. There are three unique tables featured in the game including Space Cadet, Dragon's Keep and Skulduggery. Multi-player mode accommodates up to four players and the manual includes some general tips on how to increase pinball scoring through skill (75%-80%) instead of luck (20%-25%). The "art" of nudging the table is one of the skill factors the designers mention along with aiming and controlling the ball.
Full Tilt! emphasizes other methods of building high scores such as the Dead (or Drop) Catch, the Live Catch, Flipper and Bounce Passes and getting the most out of multi-ball opportunities. Full Tilt! is part of the Pinball Madness collection by Encore Software.
Full Tilt! Pinball is the first pinball simulation game developed by Cinematronics, LLC.
The game includes three boards: Dragon's Keep - Medieval Fantasy theme; Skulduggery - Pirate theme; Space Cadet - Space ship commander theme. Each board features the usual amount of bumpers, targets, ramps, etc. as well as a big payoff for the successful completion of each table, such as slaying a dragon in Dragon's Keep, or creating a black hole in Space Cadet. Different sounds and music are incorporated for the individual tables.
The games are played using keyboard keys and include being able to nudge the tables. Being too forceful with a nudge will result in a tilt and end that turn.
Full Tilt! Pinball is an excellent pinball game from Maxis, a company best known for Sim games. All the tables in this collection are one-screen tables: viewed from an isometric 3D angle, so you do not need to scroll the screen to see the entire table.
There are only three tables in FTB - too few compared to most pinball games that feature six or more. However, all the tables are quite well done. The version of Space Cadet table in FTB is the same as the version in MS Plus!, except it has been enhanced with improved graphics, multi-ball play, and support for multiple resolutions. With the largest viewable surface, Space Cadet is the simplest and easiest of the three tables. All the tables have a nice built-in help feature: small arrows light up to show you the next target/ramp/bumper to hit for bonus points.
One of the best features of FTB is the soundtrack. You will hear hear digitized pirates telling you to walk the plank on the pirate-themed Skullderduggery table, kings commanding you to slay the dragon on the fantasy-themed Dragon's Keep. Sound effects such as laser fire, cannon fires, and water splash are all realistic and add significantly to the atmosphere. The problem is FTB is the same as with most one-screen games: the ball is too small to follow its trajectory accurately, so only sharp-eyed pinball experts will have a chance at high scores in this game.
While Full Tilt! Pinball is by no means a classic pinball game, it is fun enough to warrant a revisit once in a while. Compared with other one-screen games, it's not as good as Crystal Caliburn, but much better than average fare.
How to run this game on modern Windows PC?
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