Laser Age Download (1999 Arcade action Game)

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LaserAge is a futuristic "retro" 2D Shooter where the player commands a spacecraft to defend a planet from the enemies. Developed and published by Freeform Interactive in 1999, LaserAge takes on the form of an old school Space Invaders clone running in crystal clear 24-bit color and 640x480 resolution.

All up Freeform Interactive have managed to pack forty-five waves of pure action, 2D shooting into a mere three levels. Each wave involves shooting down a collection of varied spacecraft enemy designed to push your own skills to the limit. These space craft enemies are split into fifteen types with each ship featuring a heavily distinctive look, movement pattern, AI and weaponry. The movement pattern is a feature where the movement of the enemy is in patterns rather than controlled by AI, meaning players can often realize where a ship will be flying to next.

LaserAge is completely controlled by a mouse with the ship movement relying upon movement of the mouse and firing by a click of the left button. Nine power ups can also be collected and act as powerful additions to your firing arsenal as well as boosting your crafts health by increasing the ships shield capability.

Laser Age can also be played in both full-screen mode and window mode where the gamer can easily presume playing while multi-tasking with other programs and applications.

Laser Age is a decent coffee-break sized vertical shooter from Freeform Interactive/Ingava -- one of the best freeware developers that folded sometime in 2000. Good SVGA graphics, detailed ships, and many different kinds of enemy ships help keep the game interesting for the few minutes that it will last, since the game is rather short. Fast, fun, and pretty to look at -- all the qualities that bode well for Freeform/Ingava's future releases that would include G-Sector and Outbound.


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