Noggin Knockers 1 Download (1993 Arcade action Game)

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"Well, Here's Bloodlust Software's parody of PONG, the classic cheapo paddle game." Just as ugly as our first game, and just as stupid. Now the pong paddles have attitude and special moves, and the ball (now a severed head) bitches when you hit it. As odd as it seems, this game had its own competition group who would meet weekly to butt heads(err noggins?). Half-evolved versions of Hellbent and Smegma sit at a game show table with electrical caps hooked to their heads as they casually discuss the decay of society. The game started as a demonstration from a programmer to an artist to show the ease of programming, and evolved into what it is now. I believe this game took us about 2 weeks to finish. And before you make fun of Zippy, I actually saw him win! Once. Hey, I just realized Smegma had a typo right in our main title screen. There shouldn't be a space between the words, but since it's the title screen...maybe the typo is in the second game? Will the world ever solve this mystery?

Noggin Knockers 1 and its sequel are "teasers" of sorts to Bloodlust Software's better and more controversial Time Slaughter. They are funny but gruesome parody of classic arcade game Pong, in which two players score points by knocking balls a la Ping Pong. Except that here you have various gruesome objects instead of balls, and equally gruesome players. Either game pokes fun at itself, so don't take it too seriously.

How to run this game on modern Windows PC?

This game has been set up to work on modern Windows (11/10/8/7/Vista/XP 64/32-bit) computers without problems. Please choose Download - Easy Setup (1.74 MB).


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