Snaker Download (1993 Arcade action Game)

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Snaker is a Swedish adaption of the classical concept of snake games.

The player uses the arrow keys to control a green snake that is constantly moving through a scrolling labyrinth. The snake has a certain amount of strength at its disposal that decreases by movement and will immediately kill the snake when run out. This strength can be refilled by eating apples (spawning one after another) and pears (spawning randomly) in the labyrinth, but the hook is that eating such fruits will grow the snake, thus making it harder to navigate through the sometimes narrow corridors, because hitting its own tail will also end the game as will hitting a wall. If the player manages to eat enough apples, the level exit will open and allow access to the next floor of the labyrinth. Eating pears will refill the strength meter to full power and yield 800 points.

The goal of Snaker is to accumulate enough points to make it into the integrated high score list. Points can be earned by eating fruits and finishing a level with as much remaining strength as possible.

How to run this game on modern Windows PC?

This game has been set up to work on modern Windows (11/10/8/7/Vista/XP 64/32-bit) computers without problems.


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