Betty Bad Download (2002 Arcade action Game)

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WildTangent, a company dedicated to web-based content delivery, is the developer of Betty Bad, a third-person action game inspired by the arcade classic, Tempest. Elizabeth Badowski (the eponymous Betty Bad) is the most sought after bounty hunter in the galaxy and it falls on her to eradicate the alien infestation that has overwhelmed the mining colony of Asgard. As the infamous Ms. Bad, players must make their way through a series of subterranean tunnels, fighting off waves of enemy creatures and avoiding various projectiles while activating switches and surmounting various environmental hazards.

As in Tempest, players are free to circumnavigate the tunnel in order to avoid enemies, however, only by momentarily lining Betty up with a creature and obtaining a lock-on can she destroy the intended target. Coming into contact with an enemy results in immediate death. Players begin with an allotment of five lives, but more can be obtained as they progress.

Though armed only with the so-called UniGun, Betty can acquire weapon augmentations that change its modes, providing the player with everything from a standard repeating blaster to grenade and rocket launchers. Energy left behind by fallen aliens can be used as ammunition for the various UniGun modes. Some strategy is involved in selecting the right weapon for the job at hand, as well as in estimating the necessary trajectory for particular projectiles to hit their intended targets. As is the case with all of WildTangent's titles, the full and trial versions are available through download only.


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