Did your mother throw out your Atari 2600 when you went off to college? Do you have fond memories of raiding rivers, storming barns, and attacking plaque? Do the names David Crane, Larry Kaplan, Alan Miller and Bob Whitehead mean anything to you? If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, you may want to check out Activision's Atari 2600 Action Pack 2. This mega-maniacal dose of early-'80s nostalgia lets you play 15 classic games on your PC.
The featured titles include Atlantis, the only game in the compilation originally created by Imagic, Dolphin, Barnstorming, Dragster, Ice Hockey, Keystone Kapers, MegaMania, Laser Blast, Skiing, Stampede, River Raid II, Tennis, Plaque Attack, and Oink! In addition to the 15 titles in the collection, there are a number of extra features, including game histories, hints on playing the games, and a unique "virtual mother" who will gently nag you throughout gameplay with such phrases as, "Shouldn't you be doing your homework?"
As if the original Activision's Atari 2600 Action Pack wasn't enough for old-school console gaming junkies, Activision follows up with a second set of 15 cartridges from their archives. These are not PC ports; the package includes a 2600 emulator and the original cartridge ROMs.
The games featured in Activision's Atari 2600 Action Pack 2 are: Atlantis Barnstorming Dolphin Dragster Enduro Ice Hockey Keystone Kapers Laser Blast Megamania Oink! Plaque Attack River Raid II Skiing Stampede Tennis
How to run this game on modern Windows PC?
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