Fleet Sweep Download (1983 Arcade action Game)

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Fleet Sweep is a space shoot'em-up. There are eight different aliens, each with a different attack pattern. When you clear the screen you move to the next zone, 10 zones is called a fleet. After each fleet the game gets more difficult.

In the first zones you face four of the same aliens, then alien types are combined. Starting from zone 30, the attack patterns are repeated only faster and with five aliens. You can start the game at four difficulty settings.

Beginner - Start at zone 0 with 0 points. Novice - Start at zone 10 with 2000 points. Advanced - Start at zone 20 with 4000 points. Expert - Start at zone 30 with 6000 points.

As an extra gameplay element, you have a limited amount of fuel, if it runs out you die. The fuel is slightly refilled every time you shoot an alien. There are also bonus ships that sometimes appear at the top of the screen which (if shot properly) will drop a fuel ball. Catch it to refill the fuel bar. You also have torpedoes to kill all onscreen aliens, useful to skip the more difficult zones.

Freddy Fish, Fleet Sweep, and Spyder are three arcade oldies by Mirror Images Software, no doubt one of the most obscure game developers ever. Similar to Windmill Software, Mirror Images produced games that were "inspired" (to put it mildly) by well-known arcade classics, most often ATARI games. They all play pretty well, but they don't really offer any innovations to set them apart from the original classics. Of this trio, Spyder is probably the best game of the lot: you shoot spiders that drop from the ceiling, and there are a few surprises on the later levels to keep things interesting. Fleet Sweep is good fun, but it becomes tedious after a while once a lot of fish fill up the screen. All three games except Spyder suffer from quick repetitiveness, but they'll hold your interest for a few minutes at least. If you just want to pick the best game of the lot, try Spyder, peek at Freddy Fish and leave Fleet Sweep alone.

Fleet Sweep is one of the early classics offering the well known arcade shooter gameplay. The game is simple and unless you are a fan of these kind of old games I can't recommend that you spend time on this game since it doesn't offer anything special.

The game reminds me a lot of the many Atari arcade games where you control a spaceship and have to blow up as many enemy spaceships and other objects as possible on each level with only very little variation. Both the graphics and sound are limited mainly because of the technology available at the time of the development of Fleet Sweep. Stay clear of this game unless you just don't know what to spend your time on.

How to run this game on modern Windows PC?

This game has been set up to work on modern Windows (11/10/8/7/Vista/XP 64/32-bit) computers without problems. Please choose Download - Easy Setup (1.38 MB).


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