Amiga Games #11

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Die Hard 2 screenshotDie Hard 2 1992

Disc screenshotDisc 1990
Morlo leapt the final divide as the first disc slammed into the wall. As he landed, instinct was all that stopped the second disc from hitting home. The third he never saw, never had the chance to block. It hit hard and burned hot and every breath of air was...

Discovery screenshotDiscovery 1992
Pull up your sails and lets go sailing. In this nice strategy game, where you have to manage your ships, explore, trade, attack, etc. Many choices, you can take a loan from the bank and buy various types of ships. Unfortunately the graphics is very poor, othervise it would be...

Disposable Hero screenshotDisposable Hero 1993
Chaos has taken hold; anarchy reigns. The struggle lor power is all. But enough of my problems! Seriously (well, as serious as any shoot 'em up), D-Hero, a "Boys without Brains Production", doesn't strive for too much originality in plot. That's actually being unfair to the genre in toto. No matter...

Dizzy 2: Treasure Island screenshotDizzy 2: Treasure Island 1989
Dizzy is, you may be mildly interested to know, an egg with legs and a facile grin. After taking a trip with Long John Silver Cruises, he finds himself in eggxile, stuck on an island with not even an Egg Friday for company. Being an eggstrovert, he doesn't want to...

Dizzy 7: Crystal Kingdom screenshotDizzy 7: Crystal Kingdom 1993
An up to date adventure for the egg with more challenge and new characters to interact with. ...

Dizzy: Fantastic Dizzy screenshotDizzy: Fantastic Dizzy 1993
Paul McCartney wrote a song about eggs once. It started with the immortal lines: "Scrambled eggs/ oh my darling, how I love your legs," but then he ruined it by sticking in a string quartet and calling it Yesterday. Oh, and he mode an album called Back to the Egg...

Dizzy: The Dizzy Collection screenshotDizzy: The Dizzy Collection 1991
This collection has 5 games in it. They are: Fantasy World Dizzy - Dizzy... Dizzy... Dizzy. Dizzy is an egg. This time he has been thrown into a dungeon. He is being closely guarded by a troll. You must find a way to escape. I'll let you figure it out :)...

Dog Fight screenshotDog Fight 1993
Aerial dogfighting, just your flying skill and tactics pitted against your opponent, soaring through the clouds and fighting it out thousands of feet above the ground. What a nutter. There is little romance about it when you stop and think. A few swift turns and a burst of cannon-fire and...

Dog Fight v1.1 screenshotDog Fight v1.1 1990
This is the Dogfight game, which was the favourite of many Amiga gamers. You have a splitted screen and have to fly your plane and shoot the opponent. Can be played against the computer or a 2nd player. Very cool! ...

Dogs of War screenshotDogs of War 1989
Although the title evokes poodles with popguns, in Dogs of War you (and an optional partner) are mercenaries. Choose your mission from an international dozen. Before the fighting starts both players have several thousand credits to spend in the armory. Weapons include various pistols, rifles machine guns, rocket launchers, grenades, and...

Doodlebug (Bug Bash 2) screenshotDoodlebug (Bug Bash 2) 1992
Good platform game, which takes only one floppy disk, but features fine graphics with happy colours and a nice character called Doodle. ...

Doofus screenshotDoofus 1993

Double Dragon screenshotDouble Dragon 1988
Billy and Jimmy Lee must rescue Billy's girlfriend after she is captured by Mr. Big and his gang. Featuring one- or two-player action. You can do many special moves, and also had a range of weapons. Fight your way through the levels to the final confrontation with Mr. Big. Watch...

Double Dragon 2 screenshotDouble Dragon 2 1989
When the first Double Dragon appeared this time last year, it was received with almost uniformly awful reviews. Readers voted it one of the worst games of the year. Disappointment was evident because expectations were high. The appearance and subsequent licensing of Double Dragon II gave Virgin another chance to produce...

Double Dragon 3 screenshotDouble Dragon 3 1991
HOW MANY EXCUSES do you need to beat someone up? They're messing with your woman? They stole everything you own? They insulted your family? They're the ultimate evil in the world? For Billy and Jimmy Lee, stars of coin-op and computer conversions (and even a possible film), it's the latter...

Dr. Plummet's House of Flux screenshotDr. Plummet's House of Flux 1990
There aren't too many Thrust clones on the Amiga, so American publishers Microillusions reckon it's about time there were more. This one gives the player 28 levels spread over four increasingly difficult missions, where the idea is to fly around the often bizarre and psychedelic levels and rescue a set...

Dragon Breed screenshotDragon Breed 1990
Space ships? Thing of the past! A new breed of shoot-em-up has risen and at the arcade forefront is Dragon Breed. Coming from IREM Corporation -those nice people who bought us R-Types I and II - it has a massively violent pedigree featuring more power-ups than you can eat and...

Dragon Flight screenshotDragon Flight 1990
After three years in the making, the much hyped and long awaited German role-player Dragonflight has at last been released. When it was first demo'ed a few years back, it captured the attention of adventure fans worldwide. Of course, back then we didn't have as many quality roleplaying games or...

Dragon Ninja screenshotDragon Ninja 1988
Ocean France are fast emerging as one of the leading development houses in the 16-bit arcade field. Although, as Ocean France, the team is new to the scene, they are already showing off a unique, unrivalled style of graphics in their forthcoming games, which I can honestly say are the...

Dragon Strike screenshotDragon Strike 1990
Dragonstrike is the first and as far as I know, the only dragon combat simulator on the Amiga. And it's based around the Dragonlance chronicles. You must mount one of the many good dragons that roam the fantastic land of Krynn and do battle against the evil dragon armies under...

Dragon Wars screenshotDragon Wars 1990

Drakkhen screenshotDrakkhen 1989
Usually I send role-playing games to Kamikaze Andy in his Dungeon to review, but I liked this one so much I decided to review it myself (sorry Andy!). So, if you are an adventurer looking for something different, or a role-player looking for something good, then take a look at...

Dreamweb AGA screenshotDreamweb AGA 1994
Dreamweb's got one of those very rare things in computer games, a believable plot. I say that, not because it could really happen, but because the idea of a dreamweb can happily sit up there in your imagination alongside extra-terrestrials, shamans, vampires and poltergeists. A long and cinematic opening sequence...

Druid 2: Enlightment screenshotDruid 2: Enlightment 1988
Although you, Hasrinaxx, played a vital part in expelling Acamantor over one hundred years ago, a scries of disturbing events lead you to the inevitable conclusion that he has returned and is once again trying to exert his evil powers over the land of Belorn. Your apprentice has been zombified...

Duck Tales screenshotDuck Tales 1990
Most of the games released on the Amiga can be placed into two categories. The mindless blast with all the weapons that you can lay your hands on, or initially confusing mind-games that take a lot of brain power to figure out. This is all very well if you're a...

Dune screenshotDune 1992
A world beyond your experience, beyond your imagination? Or just a load of old tosh? Gary Whitta shakes the sand from his shoes and finds out. You've read the book (although you probably haven't), you've seen the film (but you couldn't make head nor tail of if), now play the game!...

Dune 2 screenshotDune 2 1993
Maybe sixth best of all time was a bit harsh because this truly is one of the best Amiga games ever written. Based on the planet Arrakis, it's a one player wargame centred around three clans, or houses, battling for control of the planet and the spice that the planet...

Dungeon Master screenshotDungeon Master 1988
As roleplaying games go Dungeon Master has a fairly simple story with minimal plot development that is generally in line with other games of its time. You start at ground level and make your way down through the dungeons to the deepest darkest level to rid the labyrinth of the...

Dylan Dog: The Murderers Adventure screenshotDylan Dog: The Murderers Adventure 1992
Good old Dylan Dog! He's not a dog, that much is obvious, and he doesn't even look like a Dylan. A Brian perhaps, or maybe a Stuart, but not a Dylan. And yet the game treats him as if he's a computer celebrity to rival Sonic The Hedgehog. Stranger and...

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