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Iridon screenshotIridon 1987

Iron Lord screenshotIron Lord 1989
UBI Soft's attempt at the Defender Of The Crown throne wasn't as easy to get into, but featured far more depth than the Cinemaware game. Played over a large map area, the basic aim of the game is to recover your father's kingdom from the evil despot currently masquerading as...

Ishar screenshotIshar 1992
Silmarils, a french game developer, published many games which quickly became worldwide hits. This happened in the case of Ishar, an unofficial follow-up to Crystals of Arborea. Both games can be classified as role-playing games in which, during his journey, the player gathers his party, collects weapons and trains his...

Ishar 2 AGA screenshotIshar 2 AGA 1993
The Ishar trilogy is one of the top RPG series ever released on the Amiga, and Ishar 2 is widely regarded as the best of the three. For those who like stories with lots of unpronounceable names, here's the plot in brief. The land of Kendoria is peaceful again. Krogh,...

Ishar 3 AGA screenshotIshar 3 AGA 1994
I absolutely loved the original two Ishar games. The lush forests and busy cities of Ishar and Ishar 2 generated the kind of atmosphere and environment that made me want to keep playing over and over again. So, I just couldn't wait to get my hands on the latest Ishar...

It Came from the Desert screenshotIt Came from the Desert 1989
As Cinemaware's homage to B-monster movies, It Came From the Desert may be the only game in which you can call in F-86 Sabre jet strikes on giant ants, then escape from a hospital and knife-fight with hoods at the drive-in theater. Players take the role of a scientist in...

It Came from the Desert 2 screenshotIt Came from the Desert 2 1990
Honoring the cheap-o spirit of 1950s monster movie filmmaking, the It Came From The Desert sequel Antheads patches the original game files to create a ludicrous new story about plutonium turning people into "antheads." This time around you're a tough lug, not a scientist. As outlaw Brick Nash, you seduce...

Italia '90 World Cup Soccer screenshotItalia '90 World Cup Soccer 1989

Italy 1990 screenshotItaly 1990 1990
Four weeks of football and films, with plenty of the Arsenal lads in action, a six pack of San Miguel and a fanzine by my side. Yes, the world cup's here again! Lock up the disbelievers and chain yourself to the TV. Or perhaps try a pre-tournament warm up with...

Ivanhoe screenshotIvanhoe 1990
Did Lord Ivanhoe really have long, flowing blond locks, a quiff and a walk which makes Julian Clary - also known as The Joan Collins Fan Club - look as butch as Rambo? Is that fact? What is a fact, according to Ocean France, is that he rescued Richard the...

Jagd auf Roter Oktober screenshotJagd auf Roter Oktober 1987

Jaguar XJ220 screenshotJaguar XJ220 1992
Probably one of the most successful genres in the Amiga games industry is that of racing games. You only need to take a browse through the racing league to see how many there are and the high quality that exists within. While many companies were jostling for the top position,...

James Pond 1: Underwater Agent screenshotJames Pond 1: Underwater Agent 1990
The world's greatest underwater agent is back! You are a little fishy, the underwater kingdom's answer to Roger Moore. You have twelve missions to complete. The first is to free the lobsters using keys that are dotted around the playing area. The game has wonderful graphics, stunning animation and great...

James Pond 2: Codename Robocod screenshotJames Pond 2: Codename Robocod 1991
Once upon a time there was a game called James Pond, and it was not terrible. Since the game was an unmitigated success the people who made it took the tried and tested, Hollywood approved, course of action and made a sequel. Like most sequels, this one, code-named Robocod, was...

James Pond 3 screenshotJames Pond 3 1994
After defeating the evil Doctor Maybe at the end of Robocod, and taking a well earned holiday in Aquatic Games. James Pond, Millennium's ubiquitous hero, has been called back into service. And this time he's up against his biggest challenge yet. Again. It has to be said that JP3's plot is...

Jaws screenshotJaws 1989
Basically, Jaws puts you in the role of Brodie, the chief of police, charged with the task of ridding the islands of the great white shark. While travelling through a reef, he loses the gun necessary to take out Jaws. With a crew of divers, he has to travel across...

Jet screenshotJet 1988
I must admit I am never one for playing flight simulators, they are normally too difficult to play, sporting awful graphics, bad sound effects and stupid controls. Another reason why I never play flight simulators is that they are so boring - you fly for about half an hour, do...

Jetstrike screenshotJetstrike 1994
Jetstrike is an arcade shoot-em-up which enables you to fly 39 different types of aircraft on over 100 individual missions against the dastardly SPUDD. You get to fly everything from attack helicopters to Stealth Fighters, and Spitfires to stunt planes, with just tow slight catches. Firstly, they have been lent to...

Jim Power screenshotJim Power 1992
More intelligent than Einstein, more muscular than Arnie and sexier than Tom Cruise - but that's enough about me, what about Jim Power? Poor old Mr Power has found himself in the unfortunate position of having to save the Universe. It seems that some demon has taken over the infamous...

Jimmy White's W. Snooker screenshotJimmy White's W. Snooker 1991
WHY ANYONE WOULD want to sit down and watch a televised snooker match is beyond me. I'm sorry, but sitting in front of a small screen, watching two grown (or in Stephen Hendry's case pre-pubescent) men walking around a green table, hitting balls with a stick, for hours on end...

Joan of Arc screenshotJoan of Arc 1989
Just as pretty to look at, and the same fine mix of strategy and arcade action, as the ST. The sound and graphics have hardly changed. Anyone who liked Defender of the Crown will find this much more satisfying. ...

Joe & Mac screenshotJoe & Mac 1992
Well, well, imagine my surprise when I discovered that the aim of this game is to rescue the women folk that have been unchivalrously snatched from their own home village. Cock-a-doodle-doo, I was howled over backward by the originality - or at least I would have been had there been...

Jug screenshotJug 1988

Jump Em screenshotJump Em 1995

Jumping Jack'son screenshotJumping Jack'son 1990
Jumping Jack Son must travel through the strange dimension where the recording is kept, revealing and playing any other rock recordings he can find before the classical instruments destroy them. This is not as easy as it sounds, since the records are all hidden in zones built up of square...

Jungle Strike screenshotJungle Strike 1994
If Zeewolf hadn't been released recently, and Jungle Strike wasn't a sequel, it would have found itself with an easier reviewing flight path. Undoubtedly, Jungle Strike is a fine game which continues in the tradition of Desert Strike's pretty - though not beautiful - graphics, engaging strategies and top boom...

Jurassic Park screenshotJurassic Park 1993
Well, it's certainly a mixed month for Ocean. On the one hand there's the decidedly average Burning Rubber, while on the other there's this. An enormous and impressive computer game version of Stephen Spielberg's latest box-office smashtastic masterpiece Of course Ocean have always been associated with producing games based on films,...

K240 screenshotK240 1994
If you sat down and spent some time with our exclusive playable demo on the March 94 issue of CU AMIGA you'll already know what a great game K240 is, you haven't even seen the half of it yet! K240, otherwise known as Utopia 2, is a massive game, and...

Kaiser 2 screenshotKaiser 2 1987

Kamikaze screenshotKamikaze 1990
Codies perform their old trick of rewriting an ancient arcade classic, just long enough after the official conversion to avoid messy lawsuits and the like. This time it's Flying Shark that gets the treatment, but with an added twist in that each level has a particular mission to complete. This...

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