Amiga Games #27

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Quest for Glory 2 screenshotQuest for Glory 2 1990

Quik The Thunder Rabbit screenshotQuik The Thunder Rabbit 1994
A simple platform game, with fine graphics and good music. The story is: Everybody was happy in the rabbitvillage, but one day and evil steal all the carrots! Argh, you have to get it back! ...

Quizmaster+ screenshotQuizmaster+ 1991

R-Type screenshotR-Type 1989
One of the most addictive arcade games, this conversion retains many of the original features. A truly playable game which can bring out withdrawal symptoms of sweaty palms and itchy fingers if you go too long without the R-Type experience. Once again, a life and death battle is being fought...

R-Type 2 screenshotR-Type 2 1991
There was a bit of a scare when Activision UK packed their bags recently and disappeared into the realms of history -yes, it was sad to see such a famous and long established name go down, but more to the point what would happen to the various projects they'd commissioned?...

Rage screenshotRage 1994

Railroad Tycoon screenshotRailroad Tycoon 1991
It's that man Sid Meier again, with yet another masterpiece. The king of simulations has really provided us with his crowning achievement, making what is a really complex business into a great fun game. Railroad Tycoon is all about, well railways. But it is the sheer depth of the thing...

Rainbow Islands screenshotRainbow Islands 1990
The sequel to Bubble Bobble, Rainbow Islands is a seven-level platform affair, starring the ever-cute Bub as he tries to clamber to the top of the screen. The levels are based on set themes, such as Vampires, Toys, and Armies, and along the way, numerous theme-related nasties leap at our...

Rally Championships AGA screenshotRally Championships AGA 1994
A fine AGA racing game from the Flair UK. It features realistic car physics and driving, a car range: Porsche RS, Peugot 205 Rally, Opel Calibra, Lancia Delta, Ford Escort Turbo, and the Toyota Celica. Rally courses range from snowy Scandinavia to the dusty East African savanna, bustling city streets...

Rambo 3 screenshotRambo 3 1989
It's rooting, tooting, shooting action with that clinically brain dead hero, John Rambo. The first mission is set in a mazelike fort, and our steroid-laden hero must rescue his colleague, Colonel Trautman, who is slowly being tortured to death. In the fort, various weapons and objects must be picked up...

Rampage screenshotRampage 1989
The plot is very simple: three people, three radiation overdoses, three transmutations and, ultimately, three monsters hell-bent on the destruction of each and every city they find. Amiga Rampage is excellent. Three players, arcade graphics, snazzy sound, and great game play wrap up an enjoyable destructive romp. ...

Rampart screenshotRampart 1992
Cult (in other words, it didn't make much money, but those who played it loved it) Tengen coin-op Rampart is one of many games based on Tetris with a few elements added in an attempt to create something entirely new. Most attempts at such video game Frankensteinery end in mediocrity:...

Reach For The Skies screenshotReach For The Skies 1993
Flight simulations are big business these days, with everyone trying to get in on the act. Fortunately the programmers behind Reach for the Skies have a very good pedigree and certainly know what they're talking about when it comes to this type of game. If you enjoyed playing the absolutely...

Reach For The Stars screenshotReach For The Stars 1988
Reach for the Stars (RFTS) is a turn-based strategy game of epic galactic exploration, colonization and conquest. The original RFTS released in the mid 1980's was wildly popular in it's day, winning spots on many "Game Of The Year" and "Best Game" lists, and even now maintains a very loyal...

Realms screenshotRealms 1991

Red Heat screenshotRed Heat 1989
East meets West in the fight against drugs. Based on the film of the same name (obviously), Arnie plays a Russian agent who has to hunt down a Soviet drugs dealer. Additionally, though, he must also face the Cleanheads gang, the most nefarious of Chicago's underworld. There are four levels...

Red Storm Rising screenshotRed Storm Rising 1990
As the Iron Curtain finally comes down on the Cold War, out from the deeps of mid-Eighties Reaganesque jingoism sails Red Storm Rising. Based on the techno-thriller by Tom Clancy and Larry Bond, this simulation pits the best of the Russian and US navies against each other in a fight...

Reederei screenshotReederei 1988

Renegade screenshotRenegade 1988
Renegade has been around for what seems an age, yet I'm quite sure that it's never been released on the Amiga until now. The 8-bit versions were reasonable, particularly the sequel Target Renegade. On the Amiga however, it all looks well dated. The aim of the game is to lock the...

Rick Dangerous screenshotRick Dangerous 1989
Firebird's square-jawed hero's debut gets another airing, and he's just as fresh as when he first appeared. Basically an extension of the popular platform genre. Rick takes an Indy-style scenario set over five stages and mixes in some of the most devious traps and pitfalls you are ever likely to...

Rick Dangerous 2 screenshotRick Dangerous 2 1990
After rushing around through all manner of strange and exotic locations, the man they call Rick Dangerous is in need of a rest. It's no mean feat trying to thwart the plans of overweight tyrants and Rick has just fought a long and gruelling battle with just such a blubbery...

Rings Of Medusa screenshotRings Of Medusa 1989
Just a glance trough the heavy-handed text which accompanies Starbyte's latest RPG leads us to believe that R.O.M. is quite a meaty piece of software. Indeed, the quest itself is attractive. You, as Crown Prince of some unknown land, have to deal with one of the greatest adversaries of Greek...

Rise Of the Robots AGA screenshotRise Of the Robots AGA 1994
Well known beat'em up game, which was released on many platforms. This is the Amiga 1200 AGA version, which is almost the same as the OCS version, but takes even more, 13!! floppy disks. Of course you get more advanced graphics, with 256 colors. The game is HD installable (Disk...

Risk screenshotRisk 1989
Parker Brothers' classic board game of world conquest makes its official Amiga debut with four play options and three difficulty settings. Up to six players, computer or human, alternate turns acquiring and defending 42 territories spread across six continents. The object is simple: eliminate all opponents by occupying every territory...

Risky Woods screenshotRisky Woods 1992
OUT OF THE CUPBOARD Every now and then, a game smashes on to our screens from out of nowhere, blazing a red hot trail through the piles of over-hyped software before it. Risky Woods is going to prove to be just that sort of phenomena. The majority of code was finished...

Road Kill AGA screenshotRoad Kill AGA 1994
If the CD32 ate Hovis loaves then Roadkill would be the next best thing, or so we reckoned last month, but just in case you A1200 types don't believe us, here's your version Three disks' worth of racing madness without the violent rendered intro, but with just as much fun...

Road Rash screenshotRoad Rash 1992
What can I say? Road Rash is without any doubt one of the most exciting, enjoyable and easy to play games ever created. As out-and-out motorcycle racing games go, this is way up there right at the very top. But when you add to that the extra dimension in the...

Robinson's Requiem AGA screenshotRobinson's Requiem AGA 1994
Desert Island Discs in space, I thought, reading the blurb on this survival simulation. There you are, government agent Robinson of the Alien World Exploration Dept, on a reconnaissance mission to an unknown planet, when magnetic shields cause you to lose control of your ship and you have to bail...

Robocop screenshotRobocop 1989
The success of the licence clearly has as much to do with the cult status of the film as the quality of the conversions. Robomania looks set to last a long time with a sequel (scripted by Frank Miller) already in the pipeline. It may not be Batman, but it's...

Robocop 2 screenshotRobocop 2 1990
Robocop 2 - if it performs as well as the first game - should help line Ocean's pockets with a fair few squidlies. Just as Robocop 2 (the film) follows the successful formula of the first movie (but not quite as good), so Robocop 2 (the game) offers more of...

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