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Gateway to the Savage Frontier screenshotGateway to the Savage Frontier 1991
The game arrives on three disks with an Amiga supplement (and an addendum -see later). Adventurer's Journal and Rule Book. Only gamers with 1 Meg Amigas need apply here. When you start you can get a quick look at the game via the built-in demo or you can load a...

Gauntlet 2 screenshotGauntlet 2 1989
What do Cavemen, blobs of jelly and skeletons all have in common? They all live in dungeons of course. I've no idea why - or who built all these dungeons, or even what for, but they're always there anyway. Gauntlet was the original arcade adventure dungeon and US Gold have here...

Gee Bee Air Rally screenshotGee Bee Air Rally 1987
Barnstorming is the name of the game in this aeronautical racing game from Activision. Speed and accuracy are required over a total of 2S6 different levels in an aircraft that looks as if it consists of an engine, the wings and you. The world and his wife seem to have gathered...

Geisha screenshotGeisha 1990
Where would we be without sex, eh? We wouldn't, it's as simple as that. Alter evolution, sex is the oldest trick in the book, so to speak, and yet certain sections of society still find the subject embarrassing or distasteful or offensive even. So for their benefit: sex, sex, sex....

Gem'X screenshotGem'X 1991
I've been playing Gem'X. Well, some of the time I play it. Lots of the time I just sit and listen to the amazingly beautiful intro music, and most of the rest of the time I |ust bang my head on the desk and whimper as I desperately try to...

Genesia screenshotGenesia 1993
Look. Let's just get one thing straight - there's no way I'm going to do much more than scratch the surface of Genesia in this review because it's a BIG game that's going to take a LONG time to play. It would be very easy for me to base this review...

Genghis Khan screenshotGenghis Khan 1991
Genghis Khan is really two games in one. In the solitaire Mode, 'Mongol Conquest' you can become Temujin, the Bordighin tribesman who is destined to unite the Mongols as Genghis Khan. The game then switches to the 'World Conquest' mode which can be played by up to four players. Other...

Ghostbusters 2 screenshotGhostbusters 2 1989
It's been five years since the Ghostbusters saved New York by bubbling a 100 foot marshmallow man and blowing the top three floors off an uptown high rise. Since then we've had countless spin-offs in the shape of cartoons and coin-ops. Now in the sequel we find that the citizens...

Ghosts 'n Goblins screenshotGhosts 'n Goblins 1990
After the success of US Gold's Ghouls 'N' Ghosts conversion, which received a Format Gold in these hallowed pages, it was inevitable that its predecessor would make its way to the 16-bit machines. For the six people that have lust landed from Mars and don't know anything about the game, the...

Ghouls 'n Ghosts screenshotGhouls 'n Ghosts 1989
This sequel arrived in its Amiga form before Elite's conversion of its forerunner, Ghosts 'n' Goblins, and far exceeded it in every respect. Retaining the 'run and jump' action of the original, Ghouls has a larger and more varied play area, with a whole host of zombies, magicians and vultures...

Giana Sisters screenshotGiana Sisters 1988
Giana and Maria are two little sisters. One night, Giana entered a strange dream-world of monsters, giant mushrooms and castles with hundreds of jewels suspended in mid-alr. The only way she could wake up was to find the crystal at the end of the 32nd stage of the dream-world with...

Giganoid screenshotGiganoid 1988
FIRST there was Pong, then there was Arkanoid and now there is Giganoid from Swiss Computer Arts. This time it is set in the year 2758 when the galaxy is ruled by a powerful master demon. You must battle your way through 50 mazes to the final confrontation with the...

Global Effect screenshotGlobal Effect 1992
World simulators have been around now on the Amiga for quite some time and have been generally well received. Populous was the first real hit from Electronic Arts and others such as Civilisation and Utopia followed on, also making names for themselves. So with the market swamped by this type...

Global Trash screenshotGlobal Trash 1991

Globdule screenshotGlobdule 1993
While it's true that in films such as The Blob and in numerous SF and superhero comics of the fifties and sixties the amorphous blob has been represented as the villain, there has been a marked move away from this viewpoint in the last decade. This was spearheaded by the...

Globulus screenshotGlobulus 1990
Do you ever get the feeling that the room is spinning and flipping around you? Globby does, only in his situation he's in control. Quite what his situation is, I'm not sure, but it entails flipping a room upside down, laying dynamite and jumping down rainbow coloured holes in the...

Gloom Deluxe AGA screenshotGloom Deluxe AGA 1996
Firstly, in terms of gameplay and structure Gloom Deluxe is virtually the same game as Gloom. The second thing that might come to mind is that if it is only an upgrade, why cover it again? The beneficial difference is that Gloom Deluxe can now run on non-AGA Amigas. Any...

Glücksrad screenshotGlücksrad 1991

Gnius screenshotGnius 1988

Goal screenshotGoal 1993
When Kick Off was launched onto an unsuspecting world way back in 1989, it was hailed as one of the best football games ever, and Dino Dini became a software star overnight. When the sequel. Kick Off 2, hit the streets, it was hailed as THE best football game ever....

Gobliiins screenshotGobliiins 1992
As the brilliantly crafted and hilarious opening sequence shows, the goblin king has gone barking mad over dinner, with a performance that would make king Leopold (the insane) of Bavaria look like a chartered accountant (notoriously sane people accountants). Three adventurers - a magician, a warrior and a technician, (Ignatius,...

Gobliins 2 screenshotGobliins 2 1992
France is known for many things: wine, fashion, food and dirty racing drivers to name but a few. However, Coktel Vision are the people who may well put La France on the Amiga games map for a while to come. Gobliins 2 (only two i's this time) is, as you...

Goblins 3 screenshotGoblins 3 1993
Yes folks, Sierra are back! They are only distributing this one on behalf of the French publishers, but the good news is that Kings Quest VI will soon be available in an Amiga version that I am promised will be up to the standard we expect Goblins 3 is an hilarious...

Gods screenshotGods 1991
The Bitmap Brothers have become synonymous with excellence. Their impressive list of games reads something like a hall of fame: Xenon, Speedball, Xenon II, Cadaver, Speedball 2 - everyone one a number one! Now comes Gods, a platform game with a difference. The game is based on happenings in Greek mythology....

Gold of the Aztecs screenshotGold of the Aztecs 1990
Bret Conrad, ex-US Special Forces and onetime CIA, is an all-action guy waiting for an adventure to happen. The adventure comes along in the form of an old Amazon map, pinpointing the location of a hidden Aztec tomb. Within the tomb lies incredible wealth - and it's there just waiting...

Golden Axe screenshotGolden Axe 1990
When it was released in the arcades, Sega's Golden Axe was immediately hailed as a classic beat-em-up. Just like many other coin-op games, the license for converting Golden Axe was quickly snapped up, this time by Richard Branson's Virgin/Mastertronic software label. After a year and a half of coding, the...

Grand Monster Slam screenshotGrand Monster Slam 1989
This is a fine game of a particularly ludicrous conception. The Grand Monster Slam is a game like no other. You have a number of small, furry round tribble-like creatures and the idea is to kick them down to the other end of the pitch, where your opponent stands. He,...

Grand National screenshotGrand National 1989
This is the official licence of the Seagram Grand National 1990, incorporating all of the participating horses and some jolly nice sound effects. At the start of your career (which can last for 1, 5 or 10 years, you decide) you have no horses and £10.000. The first thing you...

Gravity Force screenshotGravity Force 1989

Great Courts screenshotGreat Courts 1989

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