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Castlevania screenshotCastlevania 1990
Everybody knows this game. One of Konami's biggest titles. On Amiga there were only one episode... But the series continued on Megadrive and the Nintendo machines. You are a vampire killer, go though the levels and kill everybody! The Castlevania music is also famous. ...

Cattivik: The Videogame screenshotCattivik: The Videogame 1992

Cave Mania screenshotCave Mania 1992

Cedric and the Lost Sceptre screenshotCedric and the Lost Sceptre 1995
Become the eponymous Cedric, recover the sceptre and win the hand of a princess with a sillier name than your own in this platform/adventure re-release. Along time ago in the days when dinosaurs roamed the earth and used Sinclair Spectrums, a small software house called Gargoyle Games released a masterpiece by...

Celica GT Rally screenshotCelica GT Rally 1990

Celtic Legends screenshotCeltic Legends 1991
T'was a grim day when the skies blackened and the clouds descended to hug the higher mountains of Celtica. The only relief came when the graphic artist announced: "Change the palette colour and make it a cheery bluer In fact, Celtica appears, from the outside, to be quite a scenic,...

Centerbase screenshotCenterbase 1992
The programmers write in the opening blurb that there are still some people around who are not merely interested in blowing extra terrestrials away all day long. Because of this they have produced a strategy game for the thinking man (or woman). reLINE (that's how it's spelt!) have brought out...

Centerfold Squares screenshotCenterfold Squares 1988
It's an erotic puzzle game. Players have to compete against the computer. The goal is to take the squares covering a digitized picture of a centerfold. When you acquire a square, it disappears, showing more of the picture. The game has many opponents (girls) with pictures and difficulity levels. ...

Centurion: Defender of Rome screenshotCenturion: Defender of Rome 1991
Rome - 275 BC. Since its evolvement under the reign of Romulus and Remus, the city has diversified considerably and has now become the centre of all activity in the province of Italia. The petty kingdoms have all been united and the Roman Empire has taken its form. Now, the...

Challenge of the Matrix, The screenshotChallenge of the Matrix, The 1991

Chambers of Shaolin screenshotChambers of Shaolin 1989
As Hang Foy Qua peered through the trees the tranquility of the surroundings confirmed his suspicions - he had finally reached the great Shaolin Temple. He cautiously made his way up to the temple entrance, where he was greeted and welcomed in by one of the many monks. Taken before...

Champion Driver screenshotChampion Driver 1991
Following the recent glut of driving games (F1 Grand Prix, OutRun Europa, Lotus 2 etc.), all that we've been missing is a Nitro-style overhead-view scroller to complete the set, and now that gap's been filled by Champion Driver. Set on 50 Grand Prix tracks from around the world, the game starts...

Champions of Dawn screenshotChampions of Dawn 1996

Champions of Krynn screenshotChampions of Krynn 1990
Firstly, I must emphasise that Champions of Krynn is not the sequel to Curse of the Azure Bonds, even though it utilises an enhanced engine from the Forgotten Realms series. Krynn is, in fact, the first in the Dragonlance series. The story starts after the War of the lance has...

Championship Manager '93 screenshotChampionship Manager '93 1993
Ah, the good old Championship Manager! Who can say that there is better football management game anywhere in the world? Sure, the new versions are all better than this one, but I meant the complete series, not just this one! CM93 offers you to play as a manager of any of...

Championship Manager Italia 1995 screenshotChampionship Manager Italia 1995 1993
The Italian first division, Serie A, is widely regarded as the most concentrated collection of footballing talent the world has to offer. The stakes are high, and the rewards for winners are enormous. However, if you're the man in charge when your team's on the losing end of things, it...

Chaos Engine screenshotChaos Engine 1993
The Chaos Engine lurks behind the white-starched linen and soap-scrubbed facade of Victorian respectability. Dr Jekyll's concoction steamed and bubbled with sinister promise, the smog swirled around the Ripper's cloak as another dark crimson ribbon streamed into the gutter and the raw underbelly of life existed in an opium-induced delirium....

Chaos Engine 2 screenshotChaos Engine 2 1996
It's a couple of years since the Bitmap Brothers released its smash hit The Chaos Engine and the game sold like hot-cakes because of the blend of playability, superb graphics and sound. The long awaited sequel, cunningly entitled The Chaos Engine 2, will be released this Christmas, virtually assuring the...

Chaos Strikes Back screenshotChaos Strikes Back 1990
Although this sequel to Dungeon Master is technically a stand alone game, those who haven't grappled long and hard with the original would be ill advised to get involved. Firstly because the instructions are less than helpful and frequently advise you to refer to the Dungeon Master instructions. Secondly, and more...

Chase H.Q. screenshotChase H.Q. 1989
Whenever I'm in an arcade I'll always head straight for the Chase H.Q. machine, so I was delighted when the conversion finally arrived in the office. As racing games go in the arcade, this has to be one of the most popular, even more so than Power Drift, Hard Drivin'...

Chessmaster 2100, The screenshotChessmaster 2100, The 1990
Chessmaster 2100 comes heavily packaged, with a 20-page instruction manual in four languages, plus a glossy 56-page guide to the rules and history of chess. The game is superbly presented, easily the most attractive of the bunch and also features some neat sound effects and speech. It's just as packed...

Chicago 90 screenshotChicago 90 1989

Chip's Challenge screenshotChip's Challenge 1990
Chip's life was not fulfilled. He would wander aimlessly about the corridors of his school, his mind full of images. Those images had a name, the name of Melinda. Some saw Chip as a dreamy character, while others perceived much more deeper feelings of sadness and despair. Nobody knew of Chip's...

Chrono Quest 2 screenshotChrono Quest 2 1990
Ever spent the better part of an afternoon looking for a shop that you thought you roughly knew the location of? Well, Psygnosis' new graphic adventure game, Chrono Quest 2, will strike a familiar chord for such forgetful readers. Any new re-lease by Psygnosis is usually worth looking at for...

Chuck Rock screenshotChuck Rock 1991
Ooger Booger! Is the sort of noises you would expect to hear from Core Designs' new character, Chuck Rock is set in the middle of the stone-age when little birds are used for clothes pegs and the invention of the wheel has just been announced on the news. Chuck has a...

Chuck Rock 2: Son of Chuck screenshotChuck Rock 2: Son of Chuck 1993
Legendary game, where you play the son of Chuck, who is a little baby. You have to take care of him and devastate every dinosour with his hammer. Very nice game, with amazing graphics and sound! ...

Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Center screenshotChuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Center 1990
Flight sim fans will recognise the name Chuck Yeager. In the past he has been associated with a couple of serious simulators and now there has been another game released with his mug shot adorning the box. For those of you who are a little green when it comes to...

Citadel screenshotCitadel 1995
Bibles worth of text have been written about and contributed to the hyperbole and hoopla surrounding the idea of the interactive movie. In theory, it sounds great; in practice, it's a crock - delivering no more than a motley collection of full-motion video clips, costing more than the development costs...

Civilization screenshotCivilization 1992
There are some sick people out there, kids. And it's all the fault of your computer. I know that's a pretty stupid thing to say, just like saying that listening to creaky old metal bands turns you into a foaming Satanist, but I reckon it could be true. A certain type...

Civilization AGA screenshotCivilization AGA 1992
The world's best god game just got even better. Sam Meier's epic history of the human race is now available on the A1200 and looks set to wow you all over again. Civilization enables you control the destiny of one of eight tribes who are locked in a bitter struggle...

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