Amiga Games #17

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Hook screenshotHook 1992
This is the stuff that all adventure games should be made of. Great animation, great graphics, brilliant music, quick screen loading and a fast moving story, with plenty of puzzles. The only disappointments are that it is too short by far, and the puzzles are not really very tough. The...

Horror Zombies From The Crypt screenshotHorror Zombies From The Crypt 1990
A simple horror game, with action elements. You have to enter the gothic mansion, which is full of vampires and zombies, ghouls and you have to pass six levels. ...

Hostages screenshotHostages 1988
Most of the noteworthy games software for the Amiga now seems to be emanating from the continent, not the States. Obviously spending the last five years on Orics and MSX machines has stood them in good stead, now that they have proper machines to work on. In Hostages, you must free...

Hound of Shadow screenshotHound of Shadow 1989
There were six people in all, seated at arms length from each other around the circular covered table. The room was dark, save for a small red lamp sat in the exact centre of the table. Stranger eyed them all, not sure of just why he was there. Was it...

Hoyle's Book of Games screenshotHoyle's Book of Games 1990
Card games aren't everybody's idea of entertainment at the best of times -even less so when they don't actually feature real cards but come on a disk instead. I had certain reservations about this game before I'd even taken it out of the box. You can't blame me though. It's a...

Hugo screenshotHugo 1996

Hunter screenshotHunter 1991
When you hear that a dictator backed by a huge army has invaded a small territory you may start to think, uh oh, they didn't take long to make a game out of that! Indeed, it does sound very similar to what a certain person did to a certain country...

Hybris screenshotHybris 1988
REALLY good shoot 'em ups are something of a rarity on the Amiga. Sure, there's Xenon and Zynaps and a few others, but when you consider the range of games of this type that exists for the 8 bit computers, it seems extraordinary that this situation has developed. Maybe it's...

Hydra screenshotHydra 1991
The future is bleak. We are doomed to live in a world where terrorists rule the seas and skies, killing anyone who dares to enter their domain. But there are a select few that dare to trespass on such dangerous ground. These are the group of men that courier special...

Hyperion screenshotHyperion 1993
You're the lost fighter pilot left to defend the planet against an unknown enemy. Sounds familiar? Well it is, but you're not going to get the complete works of Shakespeare, and they wouldn't be half as entertaining. You have four lives to complete 10 missions to seek and destroy enemy targets....

Hägar screenshotHägar 1991

IK+ screenshotIK+ 1988
The deadly practice of Kung Fu fighting becomes more of an art form in this furious fists 'n' feet fracas. Attain the giddy heights of martial fame by kicking and punching your way through over 25 levels of combat. As prowess increases, so does the colour of your belt, which...

Ikari Warriors screenshotIkari Warriors 1988
Hot on the heels of Microdeal's jolly jungle shoot-em-up romp Leatherneck comes the official conversion of the game that inspired it, Ikari Warriors, courtesy of Elite. If, when it comes to the coin-op scene, you are a pretty wised-up dude, you may as well skip the next couple of lines,...

Impact screenshotImpact 1987
Here we have a blast from the past. Do you remember the original game of Breakout, where you guide a small dot around the screen by bouncing it off your movable bat and similarly off a pile of bricks piled up in front of you. Since the original game was...

Imperium screenshotImperium 1990
In this new release from Electronic Arts you become the Emperor of the Solar System. You wield total control over every aspect of society, from military forces to the galactic economy. Evaluate your strategy in dealing with the other empires that make up the universe. The fate of your people,...

Impossamole screenshotImpossamole 1990
Monty Mole has been making money for Gremlin for some time. He appeared in Wanted: Monty Mote in 1984 which raised some eyebrows for reflecting on the miners' strike. Three releases later and Monty retired in 1987 with the game Auf Wiedersehen Monty. Now, like all "retired" superstars Monty is...

Impossible Mission 2 screenshotImpossible Mission 2 1988
The fiendishly clever Elvin Atombender is on the rampage and out to destroy the world. As the special agent returning from the C64-only original, you especially wish to stop Atombender as you are rather fond of planet Earth. However, in Impossible Mission II there's a nigh-on impregnable fortress to make...

Impossible Mission 2025 screenshotImpossible Mission 2025 1994
As an erstwhile Spectrum and C64 owner, the name Impossible Mission sends all sorts of chills up and down my spine. I can well remember countless days and nights spent searching rooms in a secret underground bunker, looking tor the missing parts of a puzzle that would allow me to...

In Eighty Days Around the World screenshotIn Eighty Days Around the World 1987
FROM the people who made far too good a job of Katakis for it to have escaped the eagle eye of Activision's lawyers, comes a tale of derring do and adventure from around the globe. A tale first scripted by Jules Verne of course, as the game is Around The World...

Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis screenshotIndiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis 1992
Indiana Jones and the fate of Atlantis is a game attempt at creating an adventure game with a decent level of replay ability. There are three "paths" you can take, TEAM, WITS and FISTS, and which you choose determines much of what you'll do and where you'll go in the...

Indiana Jones: The Last Crusade screenshotIndiana Jones: The Last Crusade 1989
Based on the film of the same name, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade pits you against Nazis, the Luftwaffe, mercenaries, traitors and spies in a race to locate The Holy Grail in an effort to keep it out of the hands of the world's archfiend, Adolf Hitler. This graphic...

Indianapolis 500 screenshotIndianapolis 500 1990
South of the Great Lakes and Kalamazoo, a few miles west of Cincinnati, lies one of the world's most famous gladiatorial arenas. But the chariots here are a far cry from El Cid: this is the home of the Indianapolis 500, America's less brutal but far more dangerous sport. For...

Industrie screenshotIndustrie 1992

Indy Heat screenshotIndy Heat 1992
Indy Heat is a multi-player, top down racing game which began packing gangs of boy racers into the arcades a few years back. The Sales Curve's conversion allows three players to drive at once -you'll have to draw straws though, 'cos only two of them can use joysticks, player three...

Infestation screenshotInfestation 1990
What? No 'free' T-Shirt? Oh well, with a game this good who needs a T-shirt? Infestation is all about a small space colony that has been invaded and destroyed by a band of marauding aliens. You, Captain KAL SOLAR (to be pronounced in a big booming voice) have to travel...

Inner Demons screenshotInner Demons 1994

Innocent Until Caught screenshotInnocent Until Caught 1994
The Interstellar Revenue Decimation Service IRDS (the tax men) have got it in for Jack T. Ladd, small time smuggler and contraband dealer. They want loads of money within the next 28 days or else they are going to do something very nasty to him. In order to earn enough...

Interchange screenshotInterchange 1991
This is a conversion of a recent puzzle game from the 8-bit machines, where it was received reasonably well. It's a fairly original concept, placing the player in a messed-up maze with rotating walls, the object being to turn sections round until the maze is complete, while avoiding (or dispatching...

Into the Eagle's Nest screenshotInto the Eagle's Nest 1987
Eagles Nest is reminiscent of Gauntlet - with a new twist. You are a strong, stiff upper lip type, hindered only by a profoundly silly moustache. Your task is to invade the Eagles Nest, a Colditz style castle, and ultimately rescue three of your buddies. This is achieved by charging...

Invest (German) screenshotInvest (German) 1990
If you enjoy business sims then this is definitely the right game for you. You're an investor with a rather large sum of money and a complete freedom of investing it in any of the offered areas. There's a lot you can do in game, but, I repeat, you'll like...

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