Eye of the Beholder 2 1992
What a clichéd world we live in. Everything comes and goes in such a predictable way. Take music for instance. One minute everyone's wearing flares and listening to those Happy Monday fetas, and the next thing you know, it's all bleeping techno music. B&O dust masks and Vicks vapo-rub (and...
F-19 Stealth Fighter 1990
Near invisible to radar, shrouded in secrecy and worrying Saddam Hussein as this is written, the F-117A Stealth Fighter is America's most secret aircraft. It was in service for years before it was allowed to be filmed. So MicroProse developed their Stealth sim using 'best guesses' and called it F-19....
F-29 Retaliator 1989
Ocean's first flight sim is certainly ambitious, simulating not only the next generation of fighters, but also the jets to replace them. Retaliator begins with the pilot enrolling in the Air Force at any of five ranks (1st Lieutenant up to Colonel). Once cleared for pilot status by a retina-scan security...
F/A-18 Interceptor 1988
F/A 18 Interceptor is a flight simulator in which you can fly either a F-16 Falcon or a F/A-18 Hornet jet, on one of six missions that are set in the Cold War. The game has vector based graphics, unfortunately it is quite slow on an Amiga 500. ...
F117A Stealth Fighter 1993
Flight sims, eh? Most of them are about as exciting as watching the M25 video, or a driver's eye view of the rail journey from Aberdeen to Penzance. They come with manuals the size of bungalows and instructions which you need a degree in Physics to understand. Sheehsh! You have...
F15 Strike Eagle 2 1991
Microprose have again drawn inspiration from a PC game by their American branch. F15 II places you in the cockpit of the USAF's mainstay war-plane, the Strike Eagle. The first notable feature of F15 II is its speed. It's very fast. The horizon scrolls smoothly and at speed, a feature which...
Face-Off 1991
Ice hockey, on live surface, should be one of those gentle games where you skate about, happily knocking a little rubber disc from one end of the rink to the other, trying to score. Then off to the showers for a wash and a sing-song with your team. In real-life...
Faery Tale Adventure, The 1987
Some of you may not be old enough to remember when this one came out. I know I'm not. Of course, now it's a bit cheaper. Faery Tale cost almost 50 quid first time around - but in all honesty, I think I can safely say it was worth it....
Familien Duell 1992
Fantasy Manager: The Computer Game 1994
Fate: Gates of Dawn 1991
Fatman 1993
Fears AGA 1995
Well one way to satisfy your lust for good clean harmless violence Is to get out a good violent video. Another way is to go and watch a boxing match. However a while ago I discovered interactive violence without any danger of getting hurt. Yes, It's on the computer and...
Fernandez Must Die 1988
Do you ever find it strange that graphic artists often choose to make their sprites cute and cuddly rather than mean and muscular in games where your prime concern is to murder everyone and everything in sight? Take Bionic Commandos, Joe Blade or Ikari Warriors for example, all feature characters...
Fields of Glory 1994
Microprose's new strategy game, Fields of Glory, re-enacts the battles which decided the future of Europe following Napoleon's dramatic escape from the island of Elba in 1815. The campaign, which climaxes at Waterloo, includes five other battles, Nivelles, Wagnee, Quatre Bras, Ligny and Wavre. Two of these, Nivelles and Wagnee...
Fiendish Freddy's Big Top o' Fun 1989
Move over Freddy Kruger, here comes Fiendish Freddy, as sweet as a Jelly Baby made from Semtex. In disguise he is a corrupt and psychotic circus clown, in real lite he's a corrupt and psychotic property type who wants to tear down the big top and build multi-storey real estate. Freddy...
FIFA International Soccer 1994
FIFA is tremendous fun in two-player mode. There's none of this piddling around with pea-sized characters, watching scanners': it's good, clean, healthy isometric action with a gigantic hoola hoop stuck to the feet of the player you're in control of, just in case you can't figure out which one it...
Fighter Bomber 1990
Fly some of the world's most advanced military hardware and classic jet aircraft in Fighter Bomber! You take the helm of and are given historical and technical information for the Saab AJ37 Viggen, the Panavia Tornado IDS, the McDonnell Douglas F-4E Phantom and four other incredibly powerful flying machines. After choosing...
Fightin' Spirit 1996
Though our good old chum the Amiga has always had the advantage over consoles such as the SNES and Megadrive as far as churning out great strategy romps. RPGs and adventure games goes, it's never really been a machine that's got completely to grips with the genre of the mighty...
Fighting Soccer 1990
The recent spate of football games in the arcades has given rise to Activision's latest conversion, Fighting Soccer. Like its arcade counterpart the action is viewed from above and the screen scrolls to keep the ball central. You have a team of five players of which you control the one...
Final Blow 1991
After scouring the ZERO office for someone hard enough to review Sales Curve's new beat 'em up, Final Blow, we finally had to settle for Richard 'Float Like A Bee, Sting Like A Butterfly' James. Boxing is well known as the 'sport of gentlemen', and what a league of gentlemen we...
Final Conflict, The 1990
As the words of that funky song so eloquently put it: 'War. Humph. What is it good for? Well, absolutely nothing' was the inspirational answer but that hasn't stopped Tactix re-releasing The Final Conflict, a simulation of power, politics, global warfare and men in dark sunglasses swapping coded bananas on...
Final Fight 1991
Final Fight made a great impact on the arcade scene, with superior graphics and gameplay as well as an option to participate in three player action. Now, after the long wait, the Amiga conversion has finally arrived. The game is set in the not-so distant future where drugs and gang warfare...
Fire and Brimstone 1990
Fire and Ice 1992
This is not just another pretty platform game. Although the idea of jumping and dodging is the same - the special features of this game make it one of a kind. In a nutshell, the evil wizard Sutan has escaped from his interstellar prison, and is attempting to enslave the...
Fire Force 1992
Fire Force is a 2D scrolling game in the vein of Metal Slug and Bloody Wolf. As a solitary soldier chosen to complete the mission of taking on an entire enemy army, your character (chosen from a list of pre-rendered characters) has an arsenal of machine guns, anti-tank weapons, grenades,...
Fire Zone 1989
FireZone is labelled as a game of 21st Century Warfare between the super powers of the time, the Pacific Combine and the European League, and has been produced by the PSS company as one of their Wargamer series. All the scenarios within the game depict ground based action without the...
Firefly 1993
Firepower 1988
Firepower puts you in the driving seat of a tank traversing a huge desert blowing away anything unfortunate enough to get in your way, with the aim of capturing the enemy's flag. The desert is spanned by a network of roads which are used to get from location to location. You...
First Samurai 1991
In a tiny village at the heart of ancient Japan, a young samurai and his master combed the streets collecting taxes from the local peasants. All was well until the evil Demon King left his mountain perch and reigned terror on the village people (was that before or after YMCA?)....
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