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Base Jumpers screenshotBase Jumpers 1995
There is one major problem with Base Jumpers and it is this. When you are playing in two, three, or four (human) player mode, and one (or two, or three) perishes, they are forever out of the game. Until you start again. This considerably decreases the fun (and there is...

Batman Returns screenshotBatman Returns 1993
Gotham City is in trouble. Oswald Cobblepot, known as The Penguin, planned more mayhem and schemed the take over of the fightened metropolis. You, The Batman have to take control of the situation, in this movie conversion game, through many different levels. ...

Batman: The Caped Crusader screenshotBatman: The Caped Crusader 1988
Solving devilishly hard riddles and ridding Gotham City of foes is all in a day's work for Batman. The adventures of the super hero continue apace in this 'arcade adventure' game. The game consists of two plots involving Batman's deadliest enemies - The Penguin and The Joker. In The Penguin puzzle,...

Batman: The Movie screenshotBatman: The Movie 1989
The Dark Knight has returned. The success of Fran Miller's groundbreaking graphic novel has revitalized a hero presumed extinct. Further novels, repeats of the TV series and a new film have followed. Now there is the game of the film, pitting Batman against the Joker in what can only be...

Battle Chess screenshotBattle Chess 1988
For as long as I care to remember, I have always had access to a chess-board of some sort or another and, although I've never become a very proficient player, I still enjoy a game now and then. When I purchased my first Commodore, along with all the bits in...

Battle Chess 2 screenshotBattle Chess 2 1991
The central theme in all forms of chess is a representation of war without the randomness or inequalities of the real thing. Both sides begin the battle with the same number of pieces, and except for the privilege of first move, the sides are completely even. The beginnings of chess can...

Battle Command screenshotBattle Command 1990
Jack Dempsey was known as the Manassa Mauler. He had a knock-out punch, could take a good shot and fought on until the bitter end. Maybe, just maybe, that's why Battle Command's tank star is called The Mauler, an ultra-sophisticated armoured weapon platform which is sent on suicidal missions that,...

Battle Isle screenshotBattle Isle 1991
At last a war-game has come along that will pull the genre out of the trenches and appeal to arcade junkies as well as strategy-sim freaks... Computer war-games will never be the same again. UBI Soft have taken all the trappings from the table-top board-game, mixed in some cunning computer...

Battle Isle (German) screenshotBattle Isle (German) 1991

Battle of Britain, The screenshotBattle of Britain, The 1990
When the Battle of Britain was finally over the RAF had suffered losses totalling over three hundred, nothing compared with the twelve hundred plus German fighters and bombers which fell prey to Britain's Hurricanes and Spitfires. Though it looks slightly similar to Lucasfilms' other flight sim Battle Hawks, Their Finest...

Battle Squadron screenshotBattle Squadron 1989
Whatever you do, don't buy this game unless you possess an auto-fire joystick. I've just come fresh from a two-hour blasting session and I can hardly type, so you'll have to bear with me if a few mistakes pop up here and there. After that rather sad little literary gag (if...

Battle Toads screenshotBattle Toads 1994
Battletoads is divided into twelve levels. The first is a scrolling beat-'em-up, very much a poor man's Golden Axe (walk up to baddies and press Fire), the second is like that bit in Ghostbusters 2 (the game) where you are lowered down a cavern on a rope (swing into baddies...

Battle Trucks screenshotBattle Trucks 1995

Battletech 1: The Crescent Hawks' Inception screenshotBattletech 1: The Crescent Hawks' Inception 1988
The rate the Battletech series of games is growing, it was only a matter of time before an enterprising company like Infocom brought out the computer game. Subtitled 'The Crescent Hawk's Inception', you play the 18 year old Jason Young-blood. Fresh out of school and wet behind the ears, you have...

Beach Volley screenshotBeach Volley 1989
With the sun in the sky and rock 'n' roll music playing in the background, Beach Volley takes you to Tokyo, Moscow, Paris, London, New York, Nassau, Sydney, and Cairo. Played against the computer or a friend, this is two-on-two beach volleyball, tournament style. The first player to score seven...

Beast Lord screenshotBeast Lord 1993
I know that we at The One often go on about originality and its importance in the games world, but we didn't really have a game in mind where your success relies upon chatting up squirrels. I do love animals and all that, but I still wouldn't want to be...

Behind The Iron Gate screenshotBehind The Iron Gate 1995
"'At least they're low security inmates on this floor' he thought. He started to inhale deeply and then in short pants, psyching himself up..." In 'short pants'? Regular readers will understand my joy in reading a sentence like that in a game manual. It was almost certainly written by a...

Beneath a Steel Sky screenshotBeneath a Steel Sky 1994
In a gaming universe where many genres have gone just about as far as they feasibly can with the technology they have, it's rare to find a field that keeps growing and growing. Flight simulations are taking small steps all the time, as are platform titles and even the odd...

Benefactor screenshotBenefactor 1994
I've had quite a while now to think of the best way to describe Benefactor, thanks to all the time I've spent playing it, and I've decided that the best way to sum up this new game from Psygnosis is that it's like taking part in an episode of the...

Bermuda Project screenshotBermuda Project 1987
Mirrorsoft's latest Amiga adventure sets the scene among sun-drenched islands to the north of the Caribbean. The sort of place you might expect to find cricket, good fishing and friendly people. It is also the location of one of the most mysterious puzzles of modern times - the Bermuda Triangle,...

Betrayal screenshotBetrayal 1990
If you believe in fair play and the old adage that cheats never prosper, and that honesty is a virtue, then you will not get very far in BETRAYAL. This is a game where your opponents will betray you, not to mention each other, at the drop of a hat...

Beyond the Ice Palace screenshotBeyond the Ice Palace 1988
Gosh, Elite certainly are a bunch of busy little beavers. What with Buggy Boy and Ikari Warriors arriving almost on top of one another, and Space Harrier and A Question 0f Sport promised soon, you'd think that they wouldn't have the time for yet another release, but not. Beyond The...

BIFI 2: Action in Hollywood screenshotBIFI 2: Action in Hollywood 1994

BIFI: Snack Zone screenshotBIFI: Snack Zone 1993

Big Business screenshotBig Business 1991
THE BIGGER THEY ARE, the harder they fall. That's the motto that's seen you in good stead through all these years in the big, bad world of business. Now you'll need it more than ever, as you've just been offered a job as head of a large conglomerate, producing the...

Big Deal, The screenshotBig Deal, The 1987
A simple platform arcade game, where you control a kitchen robot. Simple graphics and music, but nice gameplay. The game was also released on C64, so the Amiga game is a conversion with enhanced graphics. ...

Bill's Tomato Game screenshotBill's Tomato Game 1992
BTG (as this will be hereafter known) is a hilariously irritating game, which will have you playing like no other game has done since this company's other puzzle smash. Lemmings. It's all about getting Terry Tomato up a beanstalk to rescue Tracey, his sweetheart, who has been unfortunate enough to...

Bionic Commando screenshotBionic Commando 1988
This one's all about platformy action set in forests, castles, sewers and a missile silo. An odd collection of locations, all with lots of things to shoot at. As well as blasters and bombs this short-arsed commando also has a bionic bit. Nah, stop laughing you cheeky gits - it's...

Birds of Prey screenshotBirds of Prey 1991
Flight sim fans, as a rule, like detail. Lots and lots of it. The more background information the title has the better - so long as the gameplay remains intact, of course. So, for a game which does more than just thumb through Jane's Book of Fighting Planes, why not...

Black Crypt screenshotBlack Crypt 1992
Black Crypt is a first-person perspective 3D dungeon exploration game similar to the "Dungeon Master" and "Eye of the Beholder" series. You play the leader of a group with three other characters, whose goal is to locate Estoroth Paingiver, a powerful cleric, and seal him within another dimension. Although banished...

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