Amiga Games #37

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X-Out screenshotX-Out 1990
In the ocean depths something stirs, and as we all know the good guys shake their liquids so this must be the baddies which means it's blasting time. Before the slaughter can begin you need to select and design your ship. Select the shell of your vessel from one of the...

X-Poker screenshotX-Poker 1992

Xenomorph screenshotXenomorph 1990
You know how it is. You've been stuck on your space ship, the Mombassa Oak, for flippin' ages. You've travelled hundreds of billions of light years across tons of galaxies to reach your destination, the mining colony Atargis. Then, just as you're about to make your rendezvous, the ship's computer...

Xenon screenshotXenon 1988
The Bitmap Brothers first game gets a new lease of life at a welcome new price thanks to 16 Blitz/Mastertronic. This is a cracking vertically-scrolling shoot 'em up that's aged remarkably well. You have a choice of attack craft - either a land-based futuristic tank or sci-fi jet fighter -...

Xenon 2: Megablast screenshotXenon 2: Megablast 1989
If anyone approaches rock celebrity status in the software world, it has to be the Bitmaps. It's something they've managed to achieve effectively in the space of three games. Speedball is their most famous, but Xenon II revives their first, a shoot'em up which turned heads for its excellent sonics...

Xenophobe screenshotXenophobe 1989
A bit of a shock to the system this: MicroProse, renowned for their simulations (and buying other companies!), have turned their corporate hand to coin-op conversions. Xenophobe, the Bally Midway coin-op, first appeared way back in 1987 and was one of the first simultaneous three player games to hit the...

Xmas Lemmings screenshotXmas Lemmings 1991
Next version of our favorite lemmings game. Now they are conquer the artic levels, with xmas trees :) Nice music, good graphics, hard levels, loooong gameplay. ...

Xorron 2001 screenshotXorron 2001 1989

Xp-8 AGA screenshotXp-8 AGA 1996
So XP8 isn't the most inspirational of names. It isn't the wailing of a female spirit warning ol impending doom a-la-Banshee. Nor is it a gathering of distant stars which appear to the observer as a cloud of dust that is Stardust. It isn't even a Seventies rock 'n' roll...

XR 35: Fighter Mission screenshotXR 35: Fighter Mission 1988
A very simple shoot-'em-up this, so simple that if it wasn't for fear of the sack I could have just repeated the word 'very' 150 times and ended the review there. Suffice to say that moving about and shooting things is all that needs be done - although at times...

XTreme Racing 2.0 AGA screenshotXTreme Racing 2.0 AGA 1995
It's unashamedly an attempt to do SNES games like Mario Kart and Street Racer- but on the Amiga, with comedy cars, multiple views, an eight-player mode, textured 3D, split-screen and everything. (If you refuse to accept the existence of any other machine (sigh) imagine Bump and Burn crossed with Virtual...

Xybots screenshotXybots 1989
As a coin-op, bots was an unusual game. Unusual both in the way that the game combined strategy to a maze shoot 'em up. Set in a space station of some description, you, and a friend if you so wish, play Major Rock Hardy (!?!) and Captain Ace Gunn (!?!?!)....

Yo! Joe! screenshotYo! Joe! 1993
Yo! Joe! has six levels. They're all really big, except the fifth one which is a little train-ride interlude. You can play on your own, or with another player taking the part of your mate, Nat The Rat, who surprisingly isn't actually a rat. The scrolling in two-player mode follows...

Yolanda screenshotYolanda 1990
If the Great Gianna Sisters was too tough for you, then you might as well stop reading now. Yolanda is the toughest and fastest platform game on the Amiga ever. Period. If you don't like driving yourself to achieve perfection, or if your reflexes are tested by checkers, this game...

Yuppi's Revenge (German) screenshotYuppi's Revenge (German) 1988

Z-Out screenshotZ-Out 1990
The success of X-Out has ensured yet another alien menace looms over Earth, this time allowing two pilots to participate in the action. Interestingly the game plays quite differently in one- and two-player modes. In the former there's seven different weapons to collect, each upgradable three times, and once you die...

Zak McKraken and the Alien Mindbenders screenshotZak McKraken and the Alien Mindbenders 1988
Zak's saga is played out pretty much in the style of Lucasfilm's other joystick operated adventure game - Maniac Mansion. The action of Zak and his mates is controlled using cursor, joystick and a menu system of possible commands and displayed a bit like a film in the top half...

Zany Golf screenshotZany Golf 1988
I don't think that I have ever seen anything quite as silly as Zany Golf (except perhaps a Brosette). The latest release for the Amiga from Electronic Arts is a crazy golf simulator with a difference - it is playable. The introduction screen is an impressive 3D scrolling picture of a...

Zaxxon screenshotZaxxon 1995

Zeewolf screenshotZeewolf 1994
The intelligent man's Desert Strike; the fighting man's Gunship 2000; the sentimental man's Virus; the intuitive man's Conqueror. The list goes on. Zeewolf is the most talked about and most played game we've ever seen in the Amiga division of Future Publishing. To help understand the impact, excitement and buzz...

Zeewolf 2: Wild Justice screenshotZeewolf 2: Wild Justice 1995
Zeewolf was a mission-based, arcade wargame that not only improved on, but bettered David Brabon's seminal classic, Virus. Zeewolf put you in charge of a deadly blue attack chopper and offered a choice of three weapon systems with which to hand out justice to its enemies. Zeewolf 2, though, is a...

Zelda screenshotZelda 1997

Zeppelin screenshotZeppelin 1995

Zero Gravity screenshotZero Gravity 1988
Zero Gravity is one of those incredibly addictive games which always looks boring on somebody else's micro but materialises on monitors with startling regularity. It might not offer any major advancements in the field of computer technology but it will keep your fingers vibrating on the old joystick for hours...

Zombie screenshotZombie 1994
A simple game about the Zombie ruled city. You control 4 guys and have to move them separately. There are many places to visit, many things to use and many Zombies to explore :) Anyway there are nothing special, it's just an adventure game. ...

Zombie 2 AGA screenshotZombie 2 AGA 1994
Anybody fortunate enough to have seen the original Zombie Massacre will no doubt be more than happy to receive a second installment, as it was, quite simply, one of the most mindlessly violently and genuinely enjoyable chunks of PD we've seen in a fair old while. If you don't know...

Zone Warrior screenshotZone Warrior 1991
Time-travel is tricky at the best of times. But when aliens from the future are invading the past, it's time for a soldier of tomorrow to journey to yesterday... to stop them today (follow that!). A horde of aliens, known only to us as Geeks, have put the safety of the...

Zool screenshotZool 1992
Zool is a dimension-jumping Ninja with more tricks up his sleeve than Simon Drake. Only he's got lost while leaping from pillar to post (in a metaphysical sense) and now needs a little help to get back. This is where you step in. As everyone must already know, the game...

Zool 2 screenshotZool 2 1993
Zool 2 takes everything that was great about the first game and retains it. It takes everything that was merely very good about the first game, and improves on it. Then it takes a few things that weren't even in the first game, casts them into the melting pot, stirs...

Zoom! screenshotZoom! 1988
The aim of Zoom is to fill in the grid of boxes by going over the lines that make up the grid. When you go over each line it changes colour, and when a box is completed it does the same. As any player who was around during the era...

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