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Plotting screenshotPlotting 1990
In Plotting you play a small, brown, blobby creature called an Amsha. The game is played in a series of ornately-patterned rooms with blocks stacked in the corner. The idea is to eliminate the blocks until there is only a specific number left. This is done by throwing a block into...

Pocket Rockets screenshotPocket Rockets 1988

Police Quest 1: In Pursuit of the Death Angel screenshotPolice Quest 1: In Pursuit of the Death Angel 1987
If American TV is to be believed, police work involves having a partner you don't want, investigating the occasional corrupt fellow officer and shooting at people with your .38 Detective's special. Unfortunately, as all good The Bill fans know, the real world isn't nearly as glamorous. It involves scooping drunks...

Police Quest 2: The Vengeance screenshotPolice Quest 2: The Vengeance 1989
Why should cops in the movies have all the fun? After all, everyone's dream is to wander around in a long raincoat annoying people, getting drunk and generally being abusive -Adrian (thanks Ash) does it all the time. Now you can too. Police Quest II is very similar to the...

Police Quest 3: The Kindred screenshotPolice Quest 3: The Kindred 1992
I think this is the best Police Quest of the lot so far, both graphically and aurally. There is no getting away from the sheer realism throughout, mainly because Jim Wallis the game's creator was a real life LA cop, and he makes sure that procedure is followed to the...

Pool of Radiance screenshotPool of Radiance 1990
Perhaps the most popular and prolifically ported of early attempts to translate the communal Dungeons & Dragons role-playing experience to a single-player computer game, Pool of Radiance is true to both the story-telling spirit and statistical structure of the original pen-and-paper RPG, with emphasis on tense exploration and turn-based fantasy...

Pools of Darkness screenshotPools of Darkness 1992
An evil demon had formed a huge army of horrific creatures and was attempting to take over the Realms, but thanks to your skill and a lot of luck you managed to overcome the powerful being and send him back to his own dimension. But this was not to be...

Populous 1 screenshotPopulous 1 1989
Look closely at your armchair. Does it resemble Mount Olympus, the Seat of the Gods? Currently, perhaps not - but in Populous that's exactly what it can become, as you look down on a world in which you have divine powers, and influence the lives of the population at the...

Populous 2 screenshotPopulous 2 1991
There's a really nifty bit in Clash of the Titans when Zeus (aka the late Laurence Olivier) becomes angry with a certain, rather callous King for casting his earthly son Perseus out to sea to die. By way of retribution the white-bearded Ruler of the Gods releases the awesome Kraken...

Ports of Call screenshotPorts of Call 1987
Ship trading simulation Trading simulation. Start with $5.000.000 and build up a trading empire by ocean wide trade. Typical office management game with some arcade elements (such as manual port departure, navigation through icebergs...). You can play with a time limit or until one prevails. Used to be my favorite long...

Powerdrift screenshotPowerdrift 1989
Forget the Ferraris and the Porsches: what you really want is a little buggy to sit in. Give it plenty of, poke in the shape of a rear-mounted engine with a top speed of 244km/h and don't bother with namby-pamby seat belts and roll cages and you're away. Welcome to Powerdrift,...

PowerDrive AGA screenshotPowerDrive AGA 1994
I know we don't normally start voicing opinions during our intro text, but considering how relatively underwhelming Powerdrive is, I just had to let you in on some of the 'slightly exaggerative' press release material that accompanied the game. When you accept that most player/reviewers instantly know when they're about...

Powermonger screenshotPowermonger 1990
Powermonger may have been seen as the follow-up to the incredibly successful Populous - this is not the case. Programmed by Bullfrog. Powermonger is indeed a game of conquest and strategy, but places you in the role of an exiled warrior with twenty men under your command. You're out to...

PPHammer and his Pneumatic Hammer screenshotPPHammer and his Pneumatic Hammer 1991
The hero in this adventure isn't a brave and fierce warrior. Nor is he out to save the world or rescue a loved one. In fact he is just a rather plain and average guy. During the day he works on a construction site before returning to his meager home....

Predator screenshotPredator 1989
It's tough being Arnold Schwarzenegger. Your best buddies have been slaughtered and skinned in horrific circumstances and your jungle green combat gear is badly in need of a visit to the nearest launderette. Predator is army action in which staying alive is extremely difficult to accomplish. A very atmospheric game,...

Prehistoric Tale, A screenshotPrehistoric Tale, A 1990
This game is a quite simple platform/logic game, where you travel back in time into the prehictoric era. Also featuring Jochen Hippels music, which makes a fine atmosphere. ...

Prehistorik screenshotPrehistorik 1991
As you turn and wave to friends a tear swells up in your eye and a lump gets caught in your throat. The rest of the tribe is relying on you so you must be strong. Shouldering a club you set out on a long journey as your mind wanders...

Preiss ist heiss, Der screenshotPreiss ist heiss, Der 1991

Premiere screenshotPremiere 1992
Clutch Gable, the editor of Core Pictures' new film production is in big trouble. Editing into the early hours of the morning, he finds himself dozing further and further into slumberland, eventually sinking into a deep, deep sleep. Woken in the morning by a phone call from his irate boss, he...

Prince of Persia screenshotPrince of Persia 1990
When Domark originally released this in December '90, it breathed new life into the platform genre. Up until Persia's arrival, the platform game had become stale and bland, with numerous contenders to the Mario throne disappearing without a trace. POP, however, went completely the opposite way and created a game...

Pro Tennis Tour 2 screenshotPro Tennis Tour 2 1991

Project X screenshotProject X 1992
I worked out that I'd need about five thousand pounds to make this dream a reality and began saving. When I got to about five hundred pounds I gave up and bought an Amiga, then upgraded it. So much for dreams But did I do the right thing after all?...

Projectyle screenshotProjectyle 1990
Most ball games are complicated enough. Football, basketball, hockey and the rest all have their own peculiar rules which can have even an aficionado scratching his head at times. And these games are all played on one single pitch - just imagine what a game that was played on five...

Puffy's Saga screenshotPuffy's Saga 1989
Enter the world of Puffy and Puffina, possibly two of the cutest things you've ever seen in your life. Sadly their best friends have been captured and it is down to you to rescue them from the castle of the evil Baron Loftus. To rescue them you have to make...

Puggsy screenshotPuggsy 1994
The worrying crime explosion we're currently witnessing in the real world has finally spilled over into Cyberspace, the land where all computer games exist. Juvenile delinquents, fed up with nicking cars and ramming them into lampposts, perhaps taking out a few innocent bystanders along the way, have found themselves with...

Pushover screenshotPushover 1992
High hopes and a lot of determination are what you're going to need, especially if you want to crack Ocean's latest, Push-Over. Colin Curly of Quavers fame and GI Ant team up to bring you cheesy flavor crisps, high-profile television adverts and now a cutesy platform game for your Amiga....

Putty screenshotPutty 1992
As he slept in his homely hole on Pulty Moon, Putty began to dream about his old Grandpa... "Ee, you must remember as well as I do, young Putty. The Moon used to be a quiet place, and our people lived in peace and harmony. Until, that is, the evil...

Qix screenshotQix 1989

Quak screenshotQuak 1993

Quest for Agravain, The screenshotQuest for Agravain, The 1992

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