Thomas the Tank Engine 1992
A nice game with Thomas, the little locomotive. You have to navigate him through the railway and beware of the barriers and other engines. Good graphics, sound and speed. ...
Three Stooges 1987
It was Moe, he of the pudding basin hair cut that first heard the crying. Pointing the noise out to his two colleagues, they quickly determine that the source is the nearby orphanage. For want of anything better to do, i.e, resting to use actors' vernacular, they go to investigate....
Thunder Blade 1988
Based on the arcade game of the same name, Thunder Blade is a 3D chopper combat mission with both first-person and overhead perspectives. The chopper you pilot is equipped with a rapid-fire 30mm automatic gun and unlimited air-to-ground missiles. Evil forces have surrounded the cities, infiltrated the forests, and covered the...
Thunder Jaws 1991
A bit of a sleeper in its arcade form, Thunderjaws has finally made it to the Amiga after a six-month development time. Unfortunately, though, the premise set by the game's brilliant scenario isn't quite borne out by the game itself. Set in the not-too-distant future, the voluptuous but thoroughly evil...
Thunderbirds 1989
Thunderbirds was a puppet show apart. Nowadays. Gerry Anderson's creations take their cue from Frank Oz and the Muppets, with pliable faces, no visible wires and voice overs by the likes of Windsor Davies. Back in the 60 s nobody seemed to mind that Batman wore knickers. U.N.C.L.E. got T.H.R.U.S.H.,...
Thundercats 1988
To be honest, I was not overly thrilled when I first heard that Elite had signed up the kiddie's cartoon Thundercats for conversion, primarily because there is not a lot you can do with a cartoon concerning 5 cat-like mutants and their battle against an Egyptian mummy. All my suspicions...
ThunderHawk 1991
It's been a long lime coming but finally a really sensational helicopter simulation has arrived -well almost, it should be released about now. In the past, many a programmer has tried to master what is perhaps the trickiest form of flight, usually with mixed results. In the case of Thunderhawk,...
Thunderstrike 1991
The first thing that strikes you about this futuristic fight and flight game is its speed. Compared to a flight sim such as F19 or F16 where the scenery scrolls at a fairly reasonable pace, in Thunderstrike your ship, with added turbo boosters, positively scorches across the screen. Even better...
Time 1989
YOU have seen the future, and it is not good. Not good at all. In fact, it's terrible. Everyone dies. Not very enjoyable. You've seen it because you've been there. In a time machine. Confusing things, time machines. If you've seen the future, can you go back to the past...
Tiny Troops 1997
Tiny Troops is more Command and Conquer (but on the Amiga) than it is Cannon Fodder - but it's stolen elements from both of those games and created something that's similar to both without being close enough to be called a clone. It's all about controlling small squads of, well, tiny...
Toki 1991
Toki is a hero, a square-jawed, all-round nice guy and, of course, he's in love with a beautiful girl, Miho. She's the apple of his eye, music to his ears, the beating of his heart, the sweet smell of primrose - and she cleans up every Tuesday. But there's a...
Tom & Jerry: Hunting High and Low 1989
Two of the most popular cartoon creations of all time have now been brought to the computer screen. Everybody always refers to Jerry as the cutest little mouse you ever did see etc, etc, but I have a sneaking suspicion that true fans of the programs found him to be...
Tomcat 1994
Tommy Gun 1996
Aliens have arrived and have taken control of all the fruit and vegetables. You have to take control of Tommy Gun who is a killer tomato and fight your way through each level defeating all the creatures. ...
Top Gear 2 AGA 1994
A very good looking AGA racing game, similar to the Lotus series and the Jaguar XJ 220. It has fast speed, with long visiblity, 3D rolling cars, many levels and good music. ...
Top of the League AGA 1995
Just an other football manager game. It takes 3 disks, loads quite fast, and has many options and possibilities to act. Unfortunately you can't really see that this is an AGA game, because of the limited graphics. ...
Tornado 1993
Flight simulations vary between those that focus on gameplay and those that focus on reality. Tornado is in the later camp. With the time and effort you'll put into mastering this beauty, you might as well have enrolled in the RAF and trained for the real thing. The publicity claims design...
Total Carnage AGA 1994
OK, Listen up men! We're getting closer to the general's base and so the defences are going to get a lot hairier. From your current position, you must make your way along the main supply road towards the air fields. The road is swarming with Armoured Personnel Vehicles and SCUDs....
Tower FRA 1990
In Tower FRA, the player takes the role of an air traffic controller assigned to one of five German airports. As usual for this kind of game, the goal is to manage all incoming and departing air traffic without letting them crash into each other. The ten difficulty levels are...
Tower of Babel 1990
Anyone familiar with the Bible and the book of Genesis will recognize the title of this game. According to the book, the descendants of Noah, wishing to be closer to God, built a huge tower intended to reach up to heaven. This actually struck God as being a bit cheeky,...
Tower of Souls AGA 1995
In the beginning there was Dungeon And Dragons. The original rules were packaged in a handy, simple booklet that imparted all the necessary guidelines needed for a few imaginative (pre)adolescents to get together around a table, throw innumerable oddly shaped dice and consult multitudes of seemingly esoteric tables based on...
Transarctica AGA 1993
A mad scientist type called John Merrick had this great idea to get rid of the greenhouse effect by blowing up a couple of nuclear bombs at each pole. It would have been a good idea, if the scientists had not completely naffed it up and plunged the world into...
Trapped AGA 1996
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, I've always been told, and plagiarism is the key to success in almost any field. Why else is it that so many companies over the years have tried to emulate the success of Doom by trying to take the idea and put a...
Traps & Treasures 1993
Captain Flynn is having a really bad day. Not only has he lost his ship on the rocks of a foreign island, but all his crew have been kidnapped as well. Being the hardy sea dog that he is, he won't let any minor things like the fact he's only...
Trex Warrior 1991
Tricky Quiky Games 1991
Trolls: AGA 1992
In cutesy-woodsy platform land things just seem to be getting cuter all the time. And they don't get much cuter than this, mate. Little stubby trolls with cute hair and even cuter smiles jumping around levels full of cute toys and sweets with sweet, toy cutesy things all over the...
Tron5000 1989
According to the title screen, the game's name is Tron 500. On the other hand if you read the instructions you will find its is called Atron 5000, and a glance at the disk will lead you to think it is really Antron 5000. It would be nice if Players...
Turbo Cup Challenge 1988
The 3D graphics are brilliant not only the cars but the roadside obstacles and spectators. Four tracks present themselves for your delectation and a practice lap before the race is mandatory. The practice circuit not only gives you a feel for the track but it also dictates your starting position...
Turbo Thrust 1992
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