Amiga Games #19

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Karamalz Cup screenshotKaramalz Cup 1993

Karate Kid Part 2 screenshotKarate Kid Part 2 1987
This familiar but well-done production has you playing the part of Daniel-san in a succession of Karate confrontations and skill-testing interludes. Graphics, music score, and sound effects are nicely done. While the action is two-dimensional (like every other Karate simulation on the market), the body animation is superior, the sounds...

Katakis screenshotKatakis 1988
Those galactic fiends are at it again. You give 'em just enough time to get over your last attack and what do they do? Repair their lasers and start shooting photons at you again. Denaris, previously named Katakis, is US Gold's answer to the hugely popular R-Type. GAMEPLAY Between the ravages of...

Keef The Thief screenshotKeef The Thief 1989
Keef the Thief is a graphic adventure in the traditional role playing mold as seemingly favored by Electronic Arts. The more killing you do, the more experience you gain as a warrior and the same principle applies when you use magic and practice theft. You can find, buy or steal...

Kelloggs Land screenshotKelloggs Land 1994

Kelly X screenshotKelly X 1989

Kennedy Approach screenshotKennedy Approach 1989

KGB screenshotKGB 1992
In Virgin's latest hard-hitting graphic adventure, you play a Soviet agent working for the cause of perestroika. You've been drafted in from the Soviet GRU (the Red Army's Intelligence Administration) to help the KGB (the Committee for State Security) investigate itself. From now on, you're a KGB agent - hut...

Kick Off screenshotKick Off 1989
Mention the name Anco, and the chances are mental images of scantily-clad poker-playing women will pop into the average games-player's head. This stereotype is not entirely fair - because Anco have released some great titles in the past, including Karting Grand Prix - but perhaps Kick Off will go some...

Kick Off 2 screenshotKick Off 2 1990
One year after an original that set the games-playing world alight, the much-anticipated and much talked-about sequel has made its appearance. Kick Off 2 looks set to follow on from Kick Off, but with a host of new features to enhance the superb gameplay. Question is, has Dino Dim been...

Kick Off 3 AGA screenshotKick Off 3 AGA 1994
Those of you lucky enough to be the proud owner of an August 1994 issue of AA may very well remember Kick Off 3. In fact you might own it, because it's been riding high in the software charts ever since its release, despite being one of the poorest footballing...

Kid Chaos screenshotKid Chaos 1994
So Sonic can't be done on the Amiga, eh? Since Some appeared on the Mega Drive it's been the bone of contention for Amiga kids, jeered at in school playgrounds by smug Mega Drive-owning peers. And seemingly every time an Amiga is mentioned in a Mega Drive magazine it's described...

Kid Gloves 2 screenshotKid Gloves 2 1992
A long, long time ago (well back in 1990, but that is an aeon ago in the fast-moving world of game publishing) the kid with the magic boxing gloves made his debut appearance on the Amiga. He was fast, he was cute and he was colourful. The only reservations that...

Kid Pool screenshotKid Pool 1993

Kikstart 2 screenshotKikstart 2 1987
When Mastertronic started producing budget games, the quality of their games was pretty bad. The game that restored my hope on decent cheap games was Kikstart; it was the first Mastertronic game I played that was worth playing more than once. That was followed by the sequel which was even...

Kikugi screenshotKikugi 1988

Killerball screenshotKillerball 1991
It's a futuristic sports simulator. You have to run on a circle tracks, like rollerball. It has nice graphics, but the gameplay is extremly fast! ...

Killing Game Show screenshotKilling Game Show 1990
Imagine having your body chopped off at your waist, your lower body thrown away, your skin sandblasted off and replaced by armour. You'd have to bounce around on your arms with your head and upper torso parallel to the ground. Of course you would die nowadays, but in the future...

King of Chicago screenshotKing of Chicago 1987
Step into the shoes of a gangster in 1930s Chicago. Capone is dead and now you must defeat his forces in order to take over the city. As a mobster you'll take part in drive-by shootings, bombings, gambling, and bribery of government officials. The King of Chicago can be controlled...

King's Bounty screenshotKing's Bounty 1991
Oh no, not another one. I'm an awful long way short of being the world's biggest fan of these D&D fantasy role-playing things, so after Death Knights Of Krynn I was less than thrilled to get this one to review as well. Imagine my surprise, then, when I found myself...

King's Quest 1 screenshotKing's Quest 1 1987
The first in the King's Quest series may not feature the stunning graphics of the latest addition, yet you'll find one hell of an adventure just fighting to get out! Cast as Sir Graham, your quest is to search the lands of Daventry for the three great treasures stolen long ago...

King's Quest 2 screenshotKing's Quest 2 1987
"Romancing the throne". The king goes to a quest to find a woman imprisoned in a glass tower in a far away land. This episode follows the first episode of the adventure, "King's Quest". ...

King's Quest 3 screenshotKing's Quest 3 1986
If there's one thing the early King's Quest games have got it is superb graphics. I mean, you'll just marvel at them. Don't they just make you desperate to play the buy the game for as long as you possibly can? No, me neither. However they are horribly misleading. The...

King's Quest 4 screenshotKing's Quest 4 1990
Edward, King of Daventry, is dying and, having no heir to his throne, chooses his favorite knight Sir Graham ro rule when he finally snuffs it. To prove himself worthy of the throne Graham is set the task of finding and returning three great treasures to the kingdom. This he...

King's Quest 5 screenshotKing's Quest 5 1991
IF YOU GO DOWN TO the woods today, you're in for a big surprise. At least you are if you happen to be the good King Graham of Daventry. While out on one of his morning constitutionals, an evil wizard by the name of Mordack saw fit to kidnap Graham's...

King's Quest 6 screenshotKing's Quest 6 1994
It's been a long time coming, but Sierra have kept faith with their many Amiga tans and produced a marvellous version that fairly zips along. Rumour has it that the Amiga version has been programmed by a Brit here in the UK and good for them too, for realising that...

Kingdoms of Germany screenshotKingdoms of Germany 1995

Kingmaker screenshotKingmaker 1993
The period of British history between 1455 and 1483 is known as The War of the Roses - indeed, you may have seen the film starring Kathleen Turner and Michael Douglas. And in 1974, a board game about that period of history was introduced with the title of Kingmaker. Now...

Kingpin screenshotKingpin 1995
The noble sport of tenpin bowling is a game of great skill and determination. You want proof? Only the other day I was searching through the various satellite channels trying to find something of slight interest to watch. Making my way into the foreign section I noticed that the tenpin...

Klax screenshotKlax 1990
Imagine the scene. You've just been given the world's biggest bathroom, and you've got to re-tile it. Just imagine! A bathroom five miles across! Luckily the tiles are one mile across, which makes the task a little easier. Wouldn't it be a great idea for a game? Well, Klax isn't...

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