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Pacmania screenshotPacmania 1988
Pac-Mania brings Pac-Man out of his singular 2D maze and puts him in a land of 3D mazes and scrolling worlds. Consisting of 22 levels of play, Pac-Mania takes place in Pac-Man's Park, Sandbox Land, Jungly Steps and Block Town. Each maze is filled with dots; Pac-Man must gobble up...

Paladin screenshotPaladin 1992
The lime has come once again for you to step into the shoes of the legendary hero, the Paladin. Countless quests await, and only you are skilful and brave enough to tackle them. Well perhaps that's not quite true but some of them are damn difficult, anyway! During your adventures, you...

Pang screenshotPang 1990
Pang is another of those surreal Japanese arcade games, this one involving bouncing balloons. One or two players work through single-screen levels, each containing a number of platforms: some destructible, other connected by ladders. To complete a level, one or more balloons must be destroyed using a vertically-firing energy beam....

Panza Kick Boxing screenshotPanza Kick Boxing 1990
If everything was to be taken in a literal sense, the thought of two tanks fighting it out in a boxing ring could be quite bizarre. Fortunately though, the name Panza refers to Andrea Panza, the world kick boxing champion. The game is basically a one to one beat'em-up, but...

Paperboy screenshotPaperboy 1989
You are Sammy Cycle, a young lad with not a lot to do in the morning before he goes to school, and so gets himself a paper round, delivering copies of the Daily Sun (the world's most throwable newspaper) to selected residents in one of three streets. At the end...

Paperboy 2 screenshotPaperboy 2 1992
Picture a street, preferably in isometric 3D. Along that street are a number of subscribers' houses, the people who want the paper delivered every day. Bombing along the street is the paperboy - you - dishing out papers, as is his wont. The basic idea is to wang the papers...

Paradroid 90 screenshotParadroid 90 1990
The frontier world of Basymth has come under attack from the Trimorg empire and an urgent call for help has gone out. Time is short, and five freighters are launched with human skeleton crews aided by maintenance droids. The cargo is a wide range of awesome battle droids. All goes...

Parasol Stars screenshotParasol Stars 1992
Rainbow Islands is a tough act to follow -even if you are from Taito's successful cutesy stable - but Ocean's Parasol Stars conversion is quite easily a contender for 1992's game of the year. Bub and Bob's travels have seen them up against some of the weirdest sprites Taito's fevered...

Patrician screenshotPatrician 1992
The Patrician has to be the Europe-wide surprise hit of 1993. This game has dominated the German charts for longer than anyone can remember, and judging by the response Daze Marketing have received after last month's exclusive playable demo, it's set to repeat that same success in the UK. Who...

Patrizier, Der screenshotPatrizier, Der 1992
Just in case you aren't familiar with this particular phase of history, The Patrician is set at a time of great change in Europe. The Renaissance is on its way, and all over this great continent traders are calling for some kind of agreement - a union almost - to...

Pawn, The screenshotPawn, The 1986

Pegasus screenshotPegasus 1991
Satan is a very nasty type of guy. You've probably heard of him. You know the one, horns, red skin and lots of flames. Lives down under. No, not Australia. Hell (is there a difference?). Well, now you know who I'm talking about I shall proceed. The big guy from...

Perihelion screenshotPerihelion 1993
The bleak world of Perihelion is in big trouble. A great and evil force has appeared from nowhere and thrown fear, confusion and hatred into the hearts and minds of the whole population. Rioting, looting, robbery and murder are commonplace throughout the cities and a friendly face is almost impossible...

Persian Gulf Inferno screenshotPersian Gulf Inferno 1989
In a couple of months' time hostilities are going to break out between Iran and Iraq again. This may come as a surprise to observers of the Middle East where conflict between Iraq and Israel seems far more likely, but they don't have the benefit of the manual to Persian...

Personal Nightmare screenshotPersonal Nightmare 1989
Here is the first in a series of horror adventures from Horror Soft. In Personal Nightmare, your father is an oddball vicar, and a letter from your mother prompts you to visit them. Just before you are about to leave, you receive a disturbing letter which states that you have...

PGA European Tour screenshotPGA European Tour 1994
Golf, it must be said, is a thoroughly frustrating game. Your feet ache horribly offer about five holes, and the hooks, the slices, the hacks, the tops and the missed putts ensure days of plus four-bedecked frustration. In fact, the golfer's favourite sight is the nineteenth hole where one can...

PGA Tour Golf screenshotPGA Tour Golf 1991
Yes, PGA Tour Golf is better than Leaderboard. Find that hard to believe? Let me convince you. I'll get the worse point out of the way first Rob Hubbard, once considered the Jan Hammer of computer game music, has supplied the soundtrack for the game. It consists of a grating...

Pharaoh screenshotPharaoh 1989
No you don't have to play the part of a mummy. Actually, you are a high ranking Pharaoh. The game is set sometime between 2300bc and 250bc and it's the governor's task to rule his province and win favour in the eyes of the gods. DOTP starts with a suitably...

Pinball Dreams screenshotPinball Dreams 1992
A nice pinball game from the pinball maestro, 21st Century. It has four tables, covering themes such as the wild west, space rockets, a haunted churchyard and pop music. ...

Pinball Fantasies screenshotPinball Fantasies 1992
Before the release of Pinball Dreams I had never before played on a pinball table but that was soon changed. 21st Century came along and filled a much needed gap in the software market by producing a realistic and addictive pinball game. Now we have the inevitable sequel also written...

Pinball Hazard screenshotPinball Hazard 1996

Pinball Illusions screenshotPinball Illusions 1995
First things first. If you enjoyed 21st Century's previous two pinball games, Dreams and Fantasies, you will rejoice in the latest incarnation, Illusions. And if you were one of the pub-playing pinball machine doubters who felt that the first two simply couldn't cut it when compared to the real thing,...

Pinball Mania AGA screenshotPinball Mania AGA 1995
Oh woe is me! The player is treated to yet another four tables of pinball fun from the company which has made its bread and butter by selling pinball games for many years. But look out 21st Century, because if you don't pull up your socks, somebody else is going...

Pinball Prelude screenshotPinball Prelude 1995

Pirates! screenshotPirates! 1990
Over two years after the C64 version first appeared comes the Amiga version of this swashbuckling adventure, that puts the player in the boots of a 17th Century buccaneer. Out in the Caribbean, the general idea is to take command of a ship and sail around seeking fame and fortune. You...

Pirates! Gold AGA screenshotPirates! Gold AGA 1994
This is what happens when you take Elite, strip out all the hi-tech gadgetry and set it in the 16th century Caribbean. You start off as a wannabe pirate with a little boat of your own, several thousand miles of ocean and a couple of sailors who've tagged along for...

Plan 9 From A Other Space screenshotPlan 9 From A Other Space 1992
Producing a worthwhile computer game based on a very worthless subject is a tough goal to aim for but Gremlin haven't gone for the obvious options of making a straight forward adventure based on the script of the film or some form of basic arcade/platform affair that features the films...

Platoon screenshotPlatoon 1988
Ah, Platoon. I remember it well. Ocean's game of the movie was well-received on its first release in 1988 for its atmospheric feel and tough, varied gameplay, and those qualities still stand it in good stead today. The graphics and sound are perhaps a little basic by current standards, but...

Player Manager screenshotPlayer Manager 1990
How many times have we lost at Kick Off and said "Oh, I must have had a bad team."? How many times have we been faced with a far superior computer team and wished we could have done something about it? Wish no more. Player Manager has finally arrived, and...

Player Manager 2 Extra AGA screenshotPlayer Manager 2 Extra AGA 1995
After the awful Championship Manager 2, a game we'd waited 2 years to get our hands on, it's something of a relief that one of the better footy manny games of the last few years gets a return visit to the shop shelves. Let's start with the bad bits though,...

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