Amiga Games #16

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Great Courts 2 screenshotGreat Courts 2 1991

Gremlins 2 screenshotGremlins 2 1990
Gremlins, eh! What would the workman of today do without them? On diagnosing the broken washing machine... "Well madam, I reckon it's one of 'em Gremlins." And the TV repair man... "Don't titter missus but you've got a Gremlin in that there Toshiba." Well, I for one could do without...

Guardian AGA screenshotGuardian AGA 1994
For a title that was equated to Sonic the Hedgehog by The Edge Magazine, Guardian is a little disappointing. While it is an early polygon game, it is still lacking in some areas, including sound. In-game sound effects are almost nonexistent and those that are present could have been greatly...

Gunship screenshotGunship 1989
Even with all your F16s and Falcons or Interceptors, to my mind, there's been no flight simulator that's even come close to Gunship. Less reliant on having dozens of attractive graphics and lots of exterior views, and more reliant on having realistic action, Gunship on the 64 has much more...

Gunship 2000 AGA screenshotGunship 2000 AGA 1993
Having already done flight simulations about hidden stealth (F19) and maximum overkill (F15) MicroProse's latest helicopter sim is the greatest yet. Starting out as a lowly Warrant Officer candidate, you go through an entire career as an American Army helicopter pilot. You can eventually command a squadron of four pilots...

Hammerfist screenshotHammerfist 1990
Big bad company Centro Holographix has taken two human subjects, turned them into holograms (fairly solid holograms, but we will put that down to artistic license) and for the sake of economy put them both into one body. This has obviously irritated Hammerfist, the tall, dark, violent male, as well as...

Hard 'n' Heavy screenshotHard 'n' Heavy 1989
Hard 'n' Heavy was a Giana Sisters clone on the C64. Later it was released on Amiga. It is a conversion, so not as good at the original version. The graphics is almost the same, but the music is much worst. ...

Hardball screenshotHardball 1987
Baseball is one of the games which most Brits don't generally see the point of, especially when the majority consider it to be nothing more than Americanised cricket. Still, Accolade went out on a limb with this game and they came up trumps. Hardball, which is now over six years old,...

Hardball 2 screenshotHardball 2 1990
Question: What has nine innings, curve balls, changeups and hangups, baseslides, pitchers and lots of silly hats? No, not a press conference. It's Accolade's latest sports conversion. Hardball 11 is an attempt to recreate America's national sport on the Amiga. And it certainly does what it sets out to do,...

Harley Davidson screenshotHarley Davidson 1990
Anyone involved in the world of Harley-Davidson motorcycles will undoubtedly be familiar with the biker rally in Sturgis, South Dakota. Like the Beetle owners' 'Bug Jam', the Sturgis rally is the place to be once a year for riders of these much-revered two-wheeled machines. In Mindscape's licence, you play a rider...

Harpoon screenshotHarpoon 1991
A naval battle strategy-simulator based on Larry Bond's popular Harpoon board-game from 1980 about the cold war. ...

Head Over Heels screenshotHead Over Heels 1989
We make no apologies for giving this more space than the normal budget reviews, as Ocean have set a new standard for cut-price titles. Listening to Joe Public's constant moaning about 'how the oldies are the best', Ocean have dipped into their impressive 8-bit back catalogue and have converted one...

Heart of the Dragon screenshotHeart of the Dragon 1990
Step into an oriental world of mysticism, magic and martial arts mania courtesy of this thump 'em up which has 192-colour arcade screens and 3-D graphics. Assuming the persona of Tommy Lee. Kung Fu expert and superstar, you have to overcome the nefarious sorcerer, Li-Kuan, which is a hard task...

Heimdall 1 screenshotHeimdall 1 1991
The word classic is bandied around for virtually every new game that someone thinks is particularly good for its genre, and, as a result, has lost some of its meaning. Heimdall, on the other hand, has every right to claim the title, and represents a major move forward in the...

Heimdall 2 screenshotHeimdall 2 1994
Heimdall 2 is without a doubt the best of its kind. It's got just the right balance between action, adventure and puzzle solving. You won't have to plod around for long before finding a quest to solve, and there will without a doubt be puzzles in there somewhere with nasty...

Helicopter Mission screenshotHelicopter Mission 1994

Hero Quest screenshotHero Quest 1991
Of all the board game producers in the world, one is more notorious for its style, presentation and rules than any other - that company is Games Workshop. Just to underline this point, the rule book for the table-top version of Hero Quest would make any MicroProse flight simulator manual...

Hero Quest 2 screenshotHero Quest 2 1994
I don't know about you, but I thought Heroquest was a really good game Then again, I've always been a fan of that kind of small scale strategy adventures, going back to Laser Squad and back even further to games like Rebelstar Raiders on my ZX Spectrum. Games where you can...

High Seas Trader screenshotHigh Seas Trader 1995
Think of Elite, or indeed Frontier, but change the spacecraft to an old wooden boat and all that space to oceans' worth of salty sea water and you've got High Seas Trader. It's a trading sim, set in the 17th century (1651 to be precise), but unusually features a plot...

Highway Patrol 2 screenshotHighway Patrol 2 1989
The American Sherman tank and all its variants did sterling service for the allies during World War II, so for all those of you who've dreamt of getting to grips with one of the ugly brutes, here's your chance. It's a one player game containing three scenarios based on actual battles...

Hill Street Blues screenshotHill Street Blues 1991
There's no doubt that TV police shows have come on a long way since the days of Dixon Of Dock Green, Z Cars and the like. Policemen are tougher and crooks are less likely to say: "you got me bang to rights copper" than: "come and get me copper, there's...

Hillsea Lido screenshotHillsea Lido 1995
This is the ultimate seaside management game. Not that there are a lot about but this is the best. If you always fancied running a stretch of promenade, a pier and a bit of beach then this is the game for you. Personally I've never really thought about it. Running...

Hillsfar screenshotHillsfar 1989
There's no RPG system more famous than the AD&D one and SSI have spent the last couple of years trying to capture if not the whole system, then at least the feel of it, on computer. Heroes of the Lance was the first to appear and turned out to be...

Hilt screenshotHilt 1994

Hilt 2 screenshotHilt 2 1996

Hired Guns screenshotHired Guns 1993
In our exclusive Playtest of Hired Guns, we were already full of praise for it, even though we'd only seen a few levels. And now the completely finished game has arrived it's anything but an anticlimax. Make no mistake about it, this is an instant Amiga classic... The high-tech world of...

History Line 1914-18 screenshotHistory Line 1914-18 1992
The First World War is not usually noted for its strategy - there wasn't any! Hard pressed soldiers facing each other across a devastated No Man's Land only a few hundred yards wide, languishing in mud filled trenches and being slaughtered by the hundred thousand in wave after wave of...

Hoi screenshotHoi 1992
If you thought Saurs were the sort of thing you developed in your lower facial region after spit swapping sessions with an insufficiently vetted member of the opposite sex, prepare yourself for a shock. Saurs are, in fact, baby dinosaurs from a world strangely similar to our own. Unlike humans,...

Hole in One screenshotHole in One 1988
Computer versions of Miniature Golf have appeared twice on the Amiga the first was Zany Golf by Electronic Arts, and the second game was Mini Golf by Gremlin. Although totally different in style, both games captured the basic essence of miniature golf, and added features to the courses that would...

Hollywood Pictures screenshotHollywood Pictures 1995

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