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Fish! screenshotFish! 1988
The subject of Magnetic Scrolls latest adventure is set to nibble on the bait of yet more admirers. Andy Moss reports on how Fishy is fish? I hate fish. That's not to say I hate FISH! far from it, it is just that I hate fish. Real fish that is, so...

Flashback screenshotFlashback 1992
Working in a company that produces six video entertainment magazines, I get to see a fair few games. Whether it's C64, Sega, Nintendo or Amiga, there's an almost endless supply of software for me to pick through during those (infrequent) spare moments. This isn't without its drawbacks though - you...

Flight of the Amazon Queen screenshotFlight of the Amazon Queen 1995
Big name graphic adventures are and thin on the ground these days. Thinner in fact than the ozone layer over the South Pole. Thankfully one has flown in for Christmas though. Imagine this: you're a square jawed pilot with a beautiful 1940s Boeing tri-engined passenger/freight plane and you're about to airlift...

Flimbo Quest screenshotFlimbo Quest 1990
I wanna tell you a story. Boy meets girl, girl likes boy; they get on like a house on fire. Enter a mad professor; girl is forcedly removed from boy. Boy gets well needled. Sounds like a rescue attempt's on the cards. The boy's Flimbo. A cute, clumsy, Americanised chappie who's...

Flood screenshotFlood 1990
The Bullfrog programming team, famous for last year's smash-hit Populous, are back in the swim of things with Flood, a 42 level (count 'em!) platform game from EA. Flood casts the player as Quiffy, a fat green slimy blob who waddles along collecting trash in an underground system of mazelike caves....

Floor 13 screenshotFloor 13 1992
SPIES LIKE US Have you ever thought that the present government might be doing a lot more than you realise? That the large but mysterious body that runs the country might be pulling all sorts of dirty tricks, whilst simultaneously pulling the wool over your eyes? According to Virgin, it's a...

Football Glory screenshotFootball Glory 1994
The whole point in reviewing a game is to compare it with software already out there, and tell you what's what. Football Glory and Sensible Soccer, for example. You've seen all the preview screenshots, you've heard all the stupid stories about how this looks incredibly like Sensible Soccer (but apparently...

Footman screenshotFootman 1988
We all know the old joke about the first program that is ever released for a new computer: Reversi. If that's true - and it is if you think about it - then the main contender for the second has got to be Pacman, or in this case Footman. It's...

Forgotten Worlds screenshotForgotten Worlds 1989
Er, wow? Hmm, what about a zowie? Now this is one Rolex Oyster of a game (that means good to people not as rich as me). FW seriously rivals Silkworm as the greatest Amiga arcade version to date. For a reference point of view, Nick 'RIP' Kelly awarded the original an...

Formula 1 Masters screenshotFormula 1 Masters 1996

Formula One Grand Prix screenshotFormula One Grand Prix 1988
A simple arcade game, where you have to test your skills with F1 cars. The graphics and the engine is quite similar to Lotus. It was released on Atari ST too. ...

Formula One Grand Prix (Microprose) screenshotFormula One Grand Prix (Microprose) 1991
This is the legendary Formula One Grand Prix from Microprose. Many tracks and setup options very advanced controls, internal cockpit view, external view, etc. Features cool vectored graphics, and fast speed. An A1200 is required for better speed though. ...

Fractions! screenshotFractions! 1992

Frankenstein screenshotFrankenstein 1992
A very nice Frankenstein platform game, where you play Egor and had to collect all the things you're asked for by the Doc to rise Frankenstein. Fine graphics and sound, only one floppy disk. ...

Frantic Freddie screenshotFrantic Freddie 1990
From the people who brought you that excellent version of Donkey Kong a couple of months back comes Frantic Freddie, yet another platform game. If anything (and some may find this hard to believe) it's even simpler than Kong. Hero Freddie has to be manoeuvred around the network of platforms...

Fright Night screenshotFright Night 1988
You are controlling a vampire and have to suck blood to survive each day. There is only one "Level", your big, old gothic resident, but each day there will be different persons in different rooms that are waiting for dinner. You start in the cellars where your coffin is. You run...

Frost Byte screenshotFrost Byte 1988
Curious and charming. Play a 'slinky' style spring in a platform adventure. It looks almost identical to its 8-bit cousin, but it is pleasantly intriguing with severe moments of oddness. ...

Full Contact screenshotFull Contact 1991
One of Team17's biggest titles. A game before Mortal Kombat, which ruled the beat 'em up game market. ...

Full Metal Planet screenshotFull Metal Planet 1989
Apparently the board game of which this is the computer version, was in existence long before Stanley Kubrick made the film with the 'Full Metal' prefix. It's a one to four player strategy game set in the future, where up to four spaceships have landed on a planet containing a...

Fury of the Furries AGA screenshotFury of the Furries AGA 1993
Les Tinies sont probablement les creatures lews plus malicieuses de toute la galaxie. Et non mistaking! Yes. I've got a multi-language manual and I'm not afraid to use it, but I doubt that you'd be too impressed if I went on like this for two pages, so let's start again in...

Fusion screenshotFusion 1988
Although Powerdrome was supposed to precede it, recent delays have meant that Fusion surfaces as E.A.'s first release developed entirely by U.K. artists. And the team that brought you Enlightenment - Druid II have brought with them much of the look of that game. However there's not a magician in...

Future Basketball screenshotFuture Basketball 1990
Never mind Tip Off, this is where the real basketball action is! Originally released by Hewson a year or so ago - to no real effect - Future Basketball is in some ways a poor man's Speedball 2. It's essentially a fairly straightforward basketball game (ie, it's nothing like Tip...

Future Tank screenshotFuture Tank 1988
Your home, planet Mirar has been overrun by aliens. They captured the defence system and control the whole military installation. The population is now under attack. The only hope of the people is the secret base with a super tank. An action shooter game. You control the tank and have...

Future Wars screenshotFuture Wars 1989
Adventures have seen something of a revival recently - but not, perhaps, in the way that many old adventure die-hards might have hoped for. The text adventure seems to have finally died a death (at least in the sense that none of the larger commercial software houses cater tor this...

Fuzzball screenshotFuzzball 1991
Outside the storm raged. Thunder, lightning and rain all did their best to add drama to the occasion For in the castle on top of the hill there was some magic occuring. You cannot have magic without a wet one. For years the magician's apprentice had dreamed of becoming as powerful...

Gainforce screenshotGainforce 1993

Galactic Conqueror screenshotGalactic Conqueror 1988
At the end of the day, when President Bush leans back in his leather-bound chair and sighs as if he's got the entire world nestling in his toupee, you know it's time for you to take command. He might claim to be striving for world peace but who really gives...

Garfield Winter's Tail screenshotGarfield Winter's Tail 1989
Garfield (the world's fattest and laziest cat, as if he needed any introduction!) has dozed off in front of the fridge. The cold is having some effect on his sleep, as he begins to dream of Northern Italy, and the Alps. As any glutton knows, Italy is where lasagne comes...

Garrison screenshotGarrison 1987
Garrison has been touted around the public domain for goodness knows how long! With the tantalising taste of just one single screen, the Garrison demo disk was hot property; a must for any self-respecting Public Domain hack if ever I saw one! With US Gold releasing Gauntlet for the Atari ST....

Garrison 2 screenshotGarrison 2 1987
This game from German software house, Rainbow Arts, is the follow-up to their first Garrison game. Basically the two games are straight rip-offs of Gauntlet 1 or 2. For anyone not familiar with this classic formula, we're basically talking about an overhead viewpoint sword and sorcery maze game, with loads...

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