Amiga Games #3

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Alien Syndrome screenshotAlien Syndrome 1988
ALIEN SYNDROME is an arcade shoot-'em-up with a sci-fi theme, ported to the Amiga by Sega (via Mindscape). Aside from a couple of rough edges, it's a very creditable job. Your task is to collect hostages from four levels of an alien-occupied space station before a time bomb detonates. You choose...

Allo Allo screenshotAllo Allo 1993

Altered Beast screenshotAltered Beast 1989
PC Show time always heralds the appearance of many new titles and last minute deadlines for the software houses. Hot off the mastering machine is Altered Beast, due on the shelves around the time of this issue and certainty as impressive. You start the game not having to worry too much...

Altered Destiny screenshotAltered Destiny 1991
If time weighs heavily on your hands then Altered Destiny might well prove to be the answer to absorbing some empty hours. It's a six-disk graphic adventure with the emphasis on exploration and discovery. Loading alone absorbs several minutes, particularly if you choose to watch the snail-slow animated introduction that unfolds...

Amazing Spiderman, The screenshotAmazing Spiderman, The 1990
After twenty eight years of crime busting Spiderman is more popular than ever, with the latest in the long line of Spiderman comicbooks topping the million sales mark. It's a remarkable achievement, especially for Tod McFar-lane, the writer and illustrator, who was rumoured to have collected a cool quarter of...

Ambermoon screenshotAmbermoon 1993
Ambermoon is a top-ish adventure yam with pleasing aesthetics and an absolutely gargantuan play area. Even if you play it hard and long, it's still that completion will take over months of terrestrial time. Ambermoon fulfills a set standard in adventure game, such as loads of spells to find and use,...

Amberstar screenshotAmberstar 1992
Here we go into another mystical far off land. This time, we're getting there German style! These days, a role-playing game has to be more than a little special to stand out from the ever-growing pack Everyone knows there's nothing quite like a huge gome to get their teeth well and...

American Gladiators screenshotAmerican Gladiators 1992
It could only happen in America. Only they could come up with a television show in which ordinary, everyday people put their bodies on the line in a series of extremely physical games, against superhuman musclemen and women with unlikely names like Nitro, Thunder, Ice, Blaze and Laser. Oh sure, we...

Anarchy screenshotAnarchy 1990
Cities throughout the galaxy have been overrun by the Anarchists, a riotous crowd who use a variety of fashionable aircraft. There's nothing they like better than hiding car keys, putting glue on toilet seats and using their gravity-distorting devices to make bread fall buttered side down. And now, as disaster...

Annals of Rome screenshotAnnals of Rome 1988
Annals of Rome is a Risk-like game set in 273 B.C. You are ruler of the Roman Republic, while the computer commands the surrounding nations. Your objective is to keep the empire going as long as possible. Unfortunately, the game falls short of its premise. For example, the only thing...

Another World screenshotAnother World 1991
LESTER KNIGHT CHAYKIN: boy genius, nuclear scientist, hair the colour of a carrot, drives like a maniac. Pulling up in his Ferrari outside his laboratory one evening, Les could scarcely have imagined what incredible events were going to take place. Everything appeared normal. The computer ran its obligatory security scan, made...

Ants screenshotAnts 1995
Adult adventures in cyberspace and NOT SUITABLE FOR UNDER 18s. That's woken you up, eh? BloodNet first arrived back in the chilly month of February and our correspondent from north of the border found it a: "compulsive and compelling journey to the outer reaches of cyberspace," scoring it a most...

Apache Flight screenshotApache Flight 1992
Apart from the likes of the Codemasters' titles, original budget titles are still a fairly rare commodity. Hence, it's a nice surprise to see something like Apache Flight. Don't expect anything flash: it's basically a primitive version of SWIV; even so, though. Apache is still a solid and playable shoot...

APB screenshotAPB 1989
Officer Bob is a friendly sort of chap, but he is also a cop patrolling his beat with some tough arrest quotas to fill for his bonus pay. Everyday Bob gets a new quota, each one bigger than one before. To fill it Bob must arrest a set number of...

Apprentice screenshotApprentice 1990
Who said that being an apprentice was dull? Boxes, balloons, impish servants and fruit. What do they have in common? They all appear in the latest great game from Rainbow Arts. Apprentice casts you in the role of a learning magician. Ambitious beyond your years, you want to cut short...

Apydia screenshotApydia 1992
Apidya is the 11th best game on the Amiga, and also the machine's finest horizontally-scrolling shoot-'em-up. It hasn't been surpassed since it was originally reviewed way back in AP13. Certainly, it's hard to think of a more potent beast to be in control of than a wasp. (Much better than a...

Aquatic Games screenshotAquatic Games 1992
The secret agent with the golden crispy coating, the stiff upper flip' and no end of other sad puns returns in an eight-event, multi-player, joystick-pummeling sports game. Surely everyone knows who James Pond is? Well, just in case there are a few of you out there yet to be introduced to...

Aquaventure screenshotAquaventure 1992
Since the dawn of the 'Amiga era', Psygnosis have managed to impress time and time again with their innovation and quality game design. We now expect to receive an audio-visual treat whenever we pick up one of their glossy, black boxes. However, too many Psygnosis creations have fallen short of...

Arabian Nights screenshotArabian Nights 1993
Don't you just hate it when you're doing a spot of gardening, the sun is shining, the woman you love is smiling broadly from the balcony above and everything is just perfect? I bloody do - especially when a huge winged demon swoops from the sky and makes off with...

Arachnophobia screenshotArachnophobia 1991

Arazmax screenshotArazmax 1992

Arkanoid screenshotArkanoid 1987
ONLY the Japanese could lake what is essentially a game of Breakout and add a plot. Apparently you were cruising along in the spaceship Arkanoid when the ship was destroyed. You scrambled to safely but were captured in space by someone. Of course it isn't that simple. The lime and era...

Arkanoid 2 screenshotArkanoid 2 1988
Since the birth of the video game. Arkanoid has existed in a lower form It hasn't always been called Arkanoid, it's usually better known as Brick Out Yes it's the old move-the-bat-to-hit-the-ball routine, the basis for the vast majority of games consoles before 8-bit machines The full title of this...

Armalyte: The Final Run screenshotArmalyte: The Final Run 1991
Cyberdyne system's C64 blaster was probably the most accomplished game ever to grace the little beige suitcase's screen. Featuring six stages of frantic action, set against some simply stunning bas-relief backdrops, the C64 Armalyte won itself a legion of fans, and rightfully so. Unfortunately, though, the same classic status cannot...

Armour Geddon screenshotArmour Geddon 1991
Things are not looking good. In orbit around Earth is a powerful laser satellite. With just one command it can vapourise an entire city. This deadly weapon is controlled by a group named the Sheltered Ones. By using their money and influence they have managed to distance themselves from the...

Armour Geddon 2 screenshotArmour Geddon 2 1994
Sure, you have vehicles and weapons, but not many. The key is to gather resources and factory capacity so that you con build more weapons. There are plenty of factories and mines scattered around, but most are occupied, so your first judgement must be how many units you can afford...

Army Moves screenshotArmy Moves 1987
After having played Army Moves for some considerable time today, I've come to the conclusion that it isn't a very enjoyable game to play. In fact it's about as much fun as standing next to a fat, sweaty man in a crowded tube train on the way home from Farringdon. The...

Arnhem screenshotArnhem 1991
Arnhem originally appeared on the Spectrum and was the first of a series of World War II simulations from CCS. Arnhem is remembered as the best of the group and now makes a welcome appearance on the Amiga. Arnhem is a one or two player tactical wargame depicting Operation Market...

Artura screenshotArtura 1989
An ex-covergame from a certain rival magazine that is best left unmentioned (ZERO, of course), I don't think It would be too unfair to label Artura as, well, a bit of a steaming great pile of an arcade adventure really. Once again the problem is speed; your character trundles along...

Ashes of Empire screenshotAshes of Empire 1992
The General, sighing, threw himself into his pilot chair and rested his feet on the console of the flying sub. He cursed under his breath. What had made him accept the UC mission this hellhole of a continent? A moribund empire in its last throes, its nationalities on the brink...

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