Amiga Games #34

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Turbo Trax AGA screenshotTurbo Trax AGA 1995
Apart from Acid's Roadkill we haven't seen many Amiga car racing games recently (if you discount Powerdrive which was pretty miserable). When they do arrive along though they always seem to become best sellers, ranking up there alongside football titles. This Spring sees three long-awaited games being released in quick...

Turrican I screenshotTurrican I 1990
Just when you thought platform games could go no further, along comes Turrican, to be instantly showered with awards and accolades by the cartload. But is the finished product worthy of all this hyperbole? Yes, most definitely. It is technically superb yet low on originality - it borrows all of...

Turrican II screenshotTurrican II 1991
Following up one of the best shoot 'em ups ever to grace the Amiga sounds like a near impossible task, so the team behind the long awaited sequel to Turrican have played it safe and kept the basic gameplay traits whilst tweaking it and smoothing off a few rough edges....

Turrican III screenshotTurrican III 1993
It might have been only three-and-a-half years since the first Turrican game appeared on the Amiga, but it sure as hell feels like a lot longer. At the time of its release, it was hailed as one of the Amiga's top shoot em ups - even if it was a...

TV Sports Basketball screenshotTV Sports Basketball 1990
It's not exactly big business over here, and apart from the odd bit of Channel 4 coverage, it's hardly ever seen on our screens. But in the country of its origin, Basketball is big with a capital BIG Second only to Football and Baseball in the popularity stakes, America's biggest...

Twin World screenshotTwin World 1989
The Gaspars were a peaceful and prosperous race, watched over by the magical family Carikens. Sadly, the family neglected their magic and the Kingdom began to fall to pieces. That's when the evil druid Maldur decided to move in and massacre the family. Only one child survived and it's down...

Twintris screenshotTwintris 1990

Two-On-Two Basketball screenshotTwo-On-Two Basketball 1986
Prior to hitting to the hardwood in GBA Championship Basketball: Two-on-Two, you must first rate each of your playing abilities (dribbling, jumping, etc.) on a scale of one to six. Then you must select between game options: one player league play, two player head-to-head, two player teammates and one player...

Typhoon screenshotTyphoon 1987

U Chess AGA screenshotU Chess AGA 1993

U.N. Squadron screenshotU.N. Squadron 1990
U.S. Gold's latest licence is a conversion of the popular Capcom coin-op, UN Squadron. Tiertex in the past have converted Dynasty Wars and Strider from their respective Capcom boards (using a digitising system which allows them to recreate a game's graphics almost perfectly whilst reducing them to sixteen colours, and...

UFO: Enemy Unknown screenshotUFO: Enemy Unknown 1994
Now here's game everyone loves. A strategy game with lots of action, you control a special force team, X-com, which must do battle against alien invaders from outer space. There's lots of fun to be had with this game. As well as equipping your base and engaging in a bit...

Ugh! screenshotUgh! 1992
Now and again a game pops out of the sky and knocks you for six. Ugh! sauntered into the office looking like a harmless platform caper, but it's a game that has taken us by complete surprise. The star of the show is a hairy caveman who has the hots...

Ultima 3: Exodus screenshotUltima 3: Exodus 1986
The original Adventure game appeared in the mid-seventies and was to be found on many mainframe computers. For all its success, there were some who wanted to see an improved operating system, as Adventure only accepted a simple showing each character's status. In 1977 a group at the famous Massachusetts...

Ultima 4 screenshotUltima 4 1988
Mention the Ultima series to any hardened adventurer and you will nearly always get the same answer. A wry smile, a knowing look and the feeling that something special has been shared between you, something that only experienced adventure role players have been a party to. There's no doubt that...

Ultima 5: Warriors of Destiny screenshotUltima 5: Warriors of Destiny 1990
"Twice as large with twice as many of everything", was how Richard Garriott aka Lord British describes what he tries to fulfil in an Ultima game. The long running adventure series has developed something of a cult following now, and the latest game, Ultima VI looks set to take the...

Ultima 6 screenshotUltima 6 1992
With sales of over one million and a bundle of prestigious accolades from around the world, the Ultima series of fantasy role-playing adventures from Origin are regarded as the best examples of the genre. Sadly, the Amiga adaptions of the first five games were desperate efforts. Origin therefore wanted to...

Ultimate Pinball Quest screenshotUltimate Pinball Quest 1994

Ultimate Soccer Manager AGA screenshotUltimate Soccer Manager AGA 1995
Footy fans will be cheering. Non-footy fans will be holding their heads in their hands in despair! Yes, it's another football management sim but before you switch off - this one is different I promise. It's by Impressions, yes those people behind rather serious strategy games, but it promises the...

Under Pressure screenshotUnder Pressure 1991

Uninvited screenshotUninvited 1987
A GOOD adventure is either written in such a way so as to not encourage you to look too carefully at certain items, or simply tells you that the table is "just a table". Should you wish to pursue the more thorough approach of examining everything, I can recommend Uninvited...

Universal Warrior screenshotUniversal Warrior 1993
Zeppelin are obviously not ones for deep storylines as this, their latest budget release, puts you straight into the combat zone with only three objectives: stay alive, make lots of money and don't worry about the fact that there's no plot to speak of. This is a 'tank in a maze'...

Universe screenshotUniverse 1994
My mother will disown me when she finds out: Core Design's Universe has made a thief and a liar out of me and, worst of all, I'm proud of it. Of course adventure games have always encouraged this sort of thing, right from the very beginning of time when text...

Unreal screenshotUnreal 1990
The plot behind Unreal is the cliched tale of a damsel in distress. Your task is to travel across many lands to reach your sweetheart who has been captured by the Protector of Evil and she has been been locked in the P of E's castle. To reach the castle...

Untouchables, The screenshotUntouchables, The 1990
Four months after C64 Untouchables won a Gold Medal for capturing Al Capone, the gangster has escaped onto the Amiga. Once again vast profits from illegally importing and selling alcohol, banned by the Prohibition laws, has allowed him to totally corrupt the police of Chicago. But the sheer flamboyance of...

Uridium 2 screenshotUridium 2 1993
Video games are killing pop music. That's what some people say. If it's true, Andy Braybrook stands accused of being a mass murderer. You wouldn't think it to look at him, but his 'rap sheet' says it all. In April of 1990 Andy's conversion of the coin-op classic Rainbow Islands...

USS John Young screenshotUSS John Young 1990
By the year 1997 the situation of the world has changed dramatically, and not for the better of the Europeans. After the decline of NATO, European power declined as well. In a move that surprised all the nations of the world, the Arab countries headed by Iran suddenly launched an...

Utopia screenshotUtopia 1991
How can you create an original game these days? The answer, according to designers Graeme Ing and Robert Crack, is to take out the best bits of previously successful titles and incorporate them into a new experience. Using the urban simulation concept of SimCity, they've added a Populous isometric-3D view...

Valhalla screenshotValhalla 1994
"I am the Prince of Valhalla," says a small, chubby-faced young lad, soon after the thunder has subsided. "And I have a sad story to tell." A potted history of the Kingdom of Valhalla follows: good against evil, and the Prime's quest for justice against his father's murderer, his dastardly...

Valhalla 2 screenshotValhalla 2 1995
Love it or loathe it, you can't deny that Vulcan Software's debut into the market last year -the first ever talking Amiga adventure, otherwise known as Valhalla caused a bit of a storm. Created in a living room, with a copy of AMOS Professional and a sampling cartridge, this top-down...

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