Amiga Games #35

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Vampire's Empire screenshotVampire's Empire 1988
A popular criticism of 16-bit games is that while they have excellent graphics and sound, the underlying game may just as well be on any of the leading 8-bit machines. Unfortunately Vampire's Empire looks just such a game. You take the part of a grumpy old man, fascinated by tales of...

Vaxine screenshotVaxine 1990
Conditions are terrible, it's five to a cell! That cry will be heard the length and breadth of the country any day now. Thing is, it won't be prisoners complaining about conditions, but your very own body. Unknown, unseen and unexpected a virus is attacking mankind, but luckily the Assembly...

Vectorball screenshotVectorball 1988
This is one of the the oddest and most original sports games I ever had the pleasure of booting up on my Amiga. It is set in a surreal world of vector and shaded landscapes where the inhabitants of the planet watch their national sport, Vector Ball, whenever they have...

Vektor Storm screenshotVektor Storm 1994
Simplicity is everything. All that is great in this world can be attributed to the fact that it has intrinsic simplicity at its core. The second movement of Mozart's Piano Concerto Number 21 (in E flat) is a fantastically structured piece of elegant simplicity. The Japanese Haiku poems present beautiful...

Velcro Grub screenshotVelcro Grub 1992

Venus The Flytrap screenshotVenus The Flytrap 1990
After Listeria, Mad Cow Disease, Salmonella and Phil's Footy Mad Sheep, those loony farmers have finally caused a global catastrophe of unimaginable proportions. Through overuse of pesticides all the insects have died out! No more nasty bee stings and ants in your pants maybe, but lots of plants will die...

Vermeer screenshotVermeer 1988

Veteran screenshotVeteran 1988
Bring on the clones! With Op Wolf yet to arrive in the office, Software Horizons have taken a steal on the blood and guts brigade with a cheapo replica. On loading you're offered a nice, if somewhat gruesome option to choose which weapon you want to cause the carnage with....

Video Kid screenshotVideo Kid 1992
Billy was just an ordinary everyday kid who loved to watch television. One day, his father brought home a brand new video recorder and some vids. Billy settled down to watch one, but found it was full of naked women and well-known Conservative MPs. Billy quickly found another tape and...

Vikings: Kingdoms of England 2 screenshotVikings: Kingdoms of England 2 1992
A fine strategy game, which takes place in medival England. You can build your kingdom, set taxes, cut wood, etc. Features detailed, beautiful graphics. ...

Vindicators screenshotVindicators 1989
Domark launch the new Tengen label, on which most major Atari coin-op conversions will appear for three years, with this space-tank shoot-em-up for one or two players. Controlling an SR 88 Strategic Battle Tank, the player must eliminate each one of 14 multi-level space stations, sent to conquer earth by the...

Virocop AGA screenshotVirocop AGA 1995
An antibody. What a terrible name for something which is actually rather useful. I used to read horror novels and I definitely saw horror movies long before biology arrived on my school curriculum and thus spent a sizable part of my youth thinking that an antibody was like an Antichrist,...

Virus screenshotVirus 1988
For a man who's only ever produced two games, David Braben has got one hell of a reputation as a programmer. He designed and co-wrote the timeless classic Elite, and more recently conceived and wrote Zarch for Acorn's mighty 32-bit mega-machine, the Archimedes. Zarch's astounding graphics and gameplay caused it...

Visionnary Catacombs screenshotVisionnary Catacombs 1991

Voodoo Nightmare screenshotVoodoo Nightmare 1990
You take on the role of Boots Barker in his perilous attempt to escape the jungles of darkest Africa. The game is set in the 3D isometric mould. I have now read the instructions five times and I still can't work out what to do. All I know is that...

Voyager screenshotVoyager 1989
Twelve years ago NASA launched the deep space probe Voyager II on a mission to survey the solar system and anything beyond it. Since then we've had lots of pretty colour pictures sent via its hugely expensive camera. Incidentally NASA have just realised that by using a $900 video camera...

Voyages of Discovery screenshotVoyages of Discovery 1994
Way back in April 1990 AF gave Pirates from Microprose the once over. It earned 74 per cent which is a fair enough mark, but belied the playability, enjoyment and hours of fun that could be derived from playing the game. It had historical background, geographical accuracy of a sort,...

Vroom screenshotVroom 1992
I've never really liked driving games, but maybe that's because the only ones that I've had a go at have been utter tripe with jerky graphics and awful controls. However, what do you think has transpired? Yes, I can honestly say that I've seen the light Vroom has to be...

Vyper screenshotVyper 1988

Walker screenshotWalker 1993
If ever a game deserved to be described as a shoot'em-up in its purest form, then Walker is it. Dispose of complex control systems, abolish all power-up structures and rage a path from right to left instead of the traditional left to right. What do you get? Quite simply, a...

Wall Street Wizard screenshotWall Street Wizard 1988

Wanted screenshotWanted 1988
You play a wild west headhunter and have to shoot all the enemies. You walk "up" on the screen, but you can't control your walking speed, the game just scrolls the screen. So it's a simple arcade shooter, like 1942, but instead of a plane, you control a wildwest hero. ...

War in Gulf screenshotWar in Gulf 1993
This is what will happen. In 1995 the Israeli and Arab factions will shoot each other. There will be many casualties on both sides. The situation will be somewhat confused for a while, and a slightly surprising result of the fierce fighting will be the development of two divisions of...

War in Middle Earth screenshotWar in Middle Earth 1988
Mastertronic's latest incarnation of the classic fantasy novel Lord of the Rings is a wargame with a difference. With Frodo and his mates wandering off to destroy the One Ring you just know that if left to his own devices he'd have that ring melted down in no time at...

War Zone screenshotWar Zone 1991
If you can think back a few years and remember the game Commando, you'll probably already know what Warzone is all about. Core Design, the people responsible for the excellent Corporation and Chuck Rock, obviously feel that there's still some life in the old dog. Hopefully, they're right, as Commando...

Warlords screenshotWarlords 1990
When a race becomes a civilisation, there's only one clear path forward: war. Warlords is a fantasy-based war-game. Eight players battle it out to become the ruler of the fabled land of llluria. Each has the same aim: to kill their chosen race of peoples to until they are the...

Watchtower AGA screenshotWatchtower AGA 1996
Remember Commando? Or Ikari Warriors? Two games that caused me to hark back to my eight-bit computing days. Well, Watchtower borrows heavily from this style of gameplay and makes no bones about it. 'A top-down view Commando-style arcade war game!', shouts the press release. But what seems to have been...

Way of the Little Dragon, The screenshotWay of the Little Dragon, The 1987
A game that tries to emulate the original techniques of the karate. Different opponents and background scenes, many moves. Nice graphics in 1987, a good beat 'em up game. ...

Ween screenshotWeen 1992
Before we start I should advise all of you who are expecting any sad attempts at a joke about a game called Ween that you're going to be disappointed. Ween is a perfectly good title and wouldn't dream of making any jokes. It is one of those French RPG thingies,...

Weird Dreams screenshotWeird Dreams 1989
Despite the increased power of machines like the Amiga, games like Weird Dreams are still in the minority. The promises held out to gamers of interactive movies and virtual realities have, for the most part of a year that finally saw the Amiga take off, failed to materialise. Instead we've...

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