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Clever and Smart screenshotClever and Smart 1988

Cliffhanger screenshotCliffhanger 1994
Don't worry! Cliffhanger isn't the movie licence that will change the way platform games play forever. Far from it... Oh my God! Look, I know I'm going on holiday but there's no need to give me all the rubbish to review as punishment. With this and Last Action Hero it's lucky...

Clik Clak screenshotClik Clak 1992
Puzzle games come and go, with few making a lasting impression. Fewer still reach the exalted heights achieved by that classic, Lemmings. Gear Works is unlikely ever to be referred to in the same sentence as that game but that doesn't mean it's not worth a quick five minutes. The aim...

Clou, Der AGA screenshotClou, Der AGA 1994

Clown-O-Mania screenshotClown-O-Mania 1989
Beppo is a clown, and one day, while he's wandering around the circus, he finds a map which shows the way to a land full of valuable crystals. Ahem. Well here's a game that reminds me of an old one called Crystal Castles or something. It's a kind of 3D...

Clue AGA, The screenshotClue AGA, The 1994
One of my favourite games of last year, The Clue, is, quite simply, a game about nicking things. You begin your life of crime as a small-time thief, breaking into ice-cream kiosks and delicatessens, and the idea is that gradually, if you are successful, you work your way up the...

Cluedo screenshotCluedo 1990

Codename: Iceman screenshotCodename: Iceman 1990
Code-name: Iceman is Sierra's latest 3D adventure quest, this time based around a secret military operation. Set in the near future, the scene is set with a global shortage of oil and to top it all, cold war conflict. As with all other Sierra quests, you play the hero -...

Colonization screenshotColonization 1995
America, Land of the free, home of the brave. Or actually, at you will find out when your own pilgrim fathers first shuffle nervously ashore in the new world, home of the braves. Colonization is the eagerly awaited Sid Meier instant classic, and is, in the broadest possible terms, a themed,...

Colorado screenshotColorado 1990
Colorado is an icon-driven arcade adventure. You play the part of one David O'Brian, a trapper, womanizer and drunkard in the American South at the end of the last century. After an uncharacteristic act of bravery, you were rewarded with a treasure map which you believe will lead to the...

Combat Air Patrol screenshotCombat Air Patrol 1993
Combat Air Patrol reaffirms our view of Psygnosis as a company who can really turn out quality software when they want to. Combat Air Patrol is a lovingly crafted, beautifully designed masterpiece of programming skill. Created by Ed Scio, (the brains behind that great tank sim Armour-Geddon) with graphics by...

Commando screenshotCommando 1989
Well here's an old chestnut. Commando was being played to death on the Spectrum and C64 back in the days when my pet hen, Derek, was still an egg. (Derek's nearly three now, if you're interested). Anyway, hens apart it's quite simply a viewed from above vertically scrolling shoot 'em up...

Conqueror screenshotConqueror 1990
Those of you who like to keep abreast of developments in the computing world in general -and not just what's happening on the Amiga - might just remember a couple of Archimedes games that appeared a while ago: Zarch and Conqueror. Zarch has been available on the Amiga for some...

Conquest screenshotConquest 1995

Conquests of Camelot screenshotConquests of Camelot 1990
Over the years Sierra has established a reputation for itself as a quality programming house, producing graphic adventures in its own unique style. Game content aside, users have a love/hate relationship with the Sierra style - cinematic opening sequences and scene setting, occasional use of animation, mouse controlled character movement....

Cool Spot screenshotCool Spot 1993
Platformers come and go without so much as a second glance from the games-playing public. So why should Cool Spot be any different? What's going to make this release stand out from countless others? Have faith, believe me - this is different. First I saw the console version, and gobsmacked by...

Cool World screenshotCool World 1992
Ocean seem loathe to develop any game that hasn't first appeared in cinematic form -Hudson Hawk, Bart vs Mutants, Terminator 2... the list goes on and on - in fact Cool World is only the first of three film licences to be released by Ocean in the coming weeks. It...

Cosmic Pirate screenshotCosmic Pirate 1989
EVER been stuck in the house on a wet Bank Holiday Monday, all the shops closed and you're bored of everything that fits into that inviting slot on your dear Amy? OK, so maybe you haven't played Death Mutants from the Planet Nong all that much, mainly because it isn't...

Cosmic Spacehead screenshotCosmic Spacehead 1993
This is a unique mixture of platform and adventure games. Cosmic is controlled by using a pointer to select keywords then clicking on characters and objects on screen. Chatting to the strange people on the planet Linoleum will have you in stitches and the 50s style futuristic graphics are out...

Crash Test Dummies screenshotCrash Test Dummies 1994

Crazy Cars screenshotCrazy Cars 1987
Shoot 'em ups are coming thick and fast for the Amiga but not the racing games. Crazy Cars is one of the first (and hopefully not the last) game of its kind on the Amiga. You don't actually race, instead the aim is to go through six American tourist attractions...

Crazy Cars 2 screenshotCrazy Cars 2 1989
I must admit I've had some rather harsh things to say about some of Titus Software's earlier releases. So when I was given another car game from them I very nearly called in those very ice men to tow it away. Fortunately for them and for me I tried it...

Crazy Cars 3 screenshotCrazy Cars 3 1992
The nice thing about race games like Crazy Cars is that you can sit down and play them immediately, often without even referring to a manual, because they use an age-old concept; one that is easy to relate to and understand. We all know what to expect from a game...

Crazy Sue screenshotCrazy Sue 1990

Creatures screenshotCreatures 1993
Two years ago a game like this would have been banned, at least the programmer would probably have been strung up. But as times have changed so have the restrictions on what is acceptable and what isn't in the computer game world, so much so that games like this do...

Crown of Ardania v2.0, The screenshotCrown of Ardania v2.0, The 1987
Table rounded strategy game, like the Risk. You have to deploy your troops on the map and give orders to take over the enemy. Simple design and ugly graphics. ...

Cruise for a Corpse screenshotCruise for a Corpse 1991
For those of you who don't know. Delphine are a relatively small French development team who have made their mark on the software scene with just two releases. Cinematique, their unique and incredibly powerful adventure interface, has enabled them to create two of the finest interactive movie adventure games ever. Future...

Crystal Dragon screenshotCrystal Dragon 1994
With the words "Crystal" and "Dragon" in the title, I'm prepared to wager this afternoon's lunch that you'll be expecting this RPG to be based on finding a small glass winged creature, probably containing stupendous powers, capable of rendering the owner ruler of the Universe. And killing lots of nasty...

Crystal of Arborea screenshotCrystal of Arborea 1990
Gone, thankfully, are the days when a role-playing game meant little more than a great leap of the imagination, a plot with trolls and gameplay along the lines of a special maths paper. Arborea doesn't include any of the above elements, though there are orcs, black elves and shamnirs. The setting...

Curse of Enchantia screenshotCurse of Enchantia 1992
The first thing you'll notice about Curse is that it contains no text whatsoever. This is a brave move on the programming front as part of the charm for the greatest adventure game of all time was the humorous lines of dialogue. Witch way? In this, you take control of a young...

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