Amiga Games #30

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Skrull screenshotSkrull 1988
If ever there was a program that could describe the word clone, it has to be Skrull. If you've ever played the game Barbarian by Psygnosis, then you'll certainly recognise this game. The game is totally controlled via the mouse by clicking on various icons shown on the right-hand side...

Skyworker screenshotSkyworker 1994

Slam Tilt screenshotSlam Tilt 1996
Finally there is an Amiga pinball game that has broken the mold. Until now flipper games have either been perfectly-scrolling, good-looking and ultimately boring reproductions of The Real Thing (Pinball Mania, Illusions) or they have been quirky, curious things (Pinball Prelude) or they have been crap (Thomas The Tank Engine). Actually,...

Sleepwalker AGA screenshotSleepwalker AGA 1993
Xerxes, king of Persia, once said on surveying his army, 'I am moved to pity, when I think of the brevity of human life, seeing that of all this host of men not one will be alive in a hundred years' time'. And after a couple of days of playing...

Slip Stream screenshotSlip Stream 1989
"Wood ruck, commander," the computer ejects in a female tone, just before dropping your Emerald Fighter from what is best described as a burlap mothership. Fortunately, you can skip this launch from the great gunnysack by pressing your joystick's fire button - a maneuver that I highly recommend. Gameplay can be...

Soccer Kid screenshotSoccer Kid 1993
Football Kid is a completely different kind of football. A platform game with a difference! Players need considerable skill and a few tricks up their sleeve if they are to play their way through the 6 worlds of Football Kid. The game's objective is simple enough, although it lakes some getting...

Soccer King screenshotSoccer King 1988

Software Manager AGA screenshotSoftware Manager AGA 1994

Sony Game screenshotSony Game 1992

Space Ace screenshotSpace Ace 1989
Based on the 1983 laser-disk Arcade game, Space Ace is the sequel to Don Bluth's Dragon's Lair. In this game you are Ace, Earth's greatest hero. You must stop evil commander Borf from taking over the world and destroy his super-powerful weapon, the Infanto Ray. Borf has also kidnapped the...

Space Ace 2 screenshotSpace Ace 2 1992
The Space Ace is back. Unfortunately so is his sworn enemy. Borf. Space Ace II follows on directly from the original with the action starting where you left off. At the end of your previous adventure Borf had been reduced to a baby by his own Infanto Ray (with which...

Space Gun screenshotSpace Gun 1992

Space Harrier screenshotSpace Harrier 1988
Space Harrier. The game that needs no introduction. And so what better excuse not to write one. It won the hearts and most of the pocket contents of millions of people everywhere when it made its debut as a chunk of coin-op hardware a couple of years back. You know...

Space Harrier 2 screenshotSpace Harrier 2 1990
The second "zooming chessboard" shoot 'em up is now available on the Amiga and jolly good it is too. Jetboarding is a laugh and so is shooting raging aliens so you've decided to combine the two and rescue Fantasyland (which is in crisis) all in one afternoon. You can jet...

Space Hulk screenshotSpace Hulk 1993
When was the last time you got spooked by a computer game? I mean, really jump-out-of-your-skin scared? Never, probably. It's only happened to me once, many years ago when I was playing Rescue On Fractalus, an ancient Lucasfilm game for the C64. For the benefit of those reading who isn't...

Space Job screenshotSpace Job 1993

Space Max screenshotSpace Max 1992

Special Forces screenshotSpecial Forces 1992
Ever fancied yourself as a member of an elite fighting force? Perhaps the SAS or Delta Force. You want to be a member of the Special Force, trained in the art of stealth, sabotage and annihilation. Well now is your chance thanks to Microprose. You must take control of a...

Spectrum screenshotSpectrum 1991

Speedball screenshotSpeedball 1988
Question: What do you get if you cross football with rugby, rollerball, and throw in a bit of Brockian Ultra Cricket for good measure? Answer: Speedball. Probably one of the best games yet to grace the Amiga. In Speedball, you control a gang of five 'ballers, in what is the...

Speedball 2: Brutal Deluxe screenshotSpeedball 2: Brutal Deluxe 1990
Every machine has its classics. The Spectrum had Knight Lore and A tic Atac, the C64 had Impossible Mission and Pitstop II. As for the Amiga, what games can truly rank as the best the machine can produce? Obviously, there's Kick Off II, but apart from that? Well, Speedball II...

Spellbound screenshotSpellbound 1990
Every Amiga owner knows that Psygnosis games have great graphics and sound, but often limited gameplay. Well, the release of this game will change all that. Reverse the trend, even. You see, Spellbound is probably one of the most playable platform games yet on the Amiga. It is also a...

Speris Legacy, The AGA screenshotSperis Legacy, The AGA 1996
Have you ever sat back and thought just how ridiculous the plots of most games are? Take Speris Legacy for example. A king has two sons. One is evil and twisted and the other is good. The evil one is heir to the throne but because he has black magic...

Spherical screenshotSpherical 1989
Spherical is a platform game with a difference. I say this because there isn't a set route to take to complete the level and you create a large number of the platforms yourself. The game takes place inside a castle in Khomdal. The hero's of the game are an elf named...

Spherical Worlds screenshotSpherical Worlds 1996
Spherical Worlds, as the name doesn't imply, is a two-dimensional adventure in which you take control of a spherical droid whose mission it is to roam the various sectors of a space station. Quite why isn't clear - there are no printed instructions, and the only "readme" included on the...

Spirit of Excalibur screenshotSpirit of Excalibur 1990
It is the year of our Lord 539 in Arthurian England. Arthur has been killed in battle and consequently his realm is in disarray. You are given the character of Lord Constantine, the Crown Regent, and officially Arthur's successor at the head of the Round Table. Unfortunately, you are currently...

Spy Who Loved Me, The screenshotSpy Who Loved Me, The 1990
Get exercising those eyebrows! Roger Moore is back as James Bond in the 1977 movie. Once again 007 - licensed to kill and do raunchy things with as many women as possible - has to thwart the plans of a megalomaniac and save the world. This particular villain, Karl Stromberg,...

Stable Masters screenshotStable Masters 1992

Star Control screenshotStar Control 1990
Some great games invent new genres, and others, like Paul Reiche III's Star Control, compile sparkling new versions of old ones. Star Control pays homage to all those rotate-and-thrust games like Space War, Asteroids, and Gravitar. Its unique sense of humor and terrific two-player mode made it a runaway hit...

Star Dust screenshotStar Dust 1993
Stardust is like Asteroids, obviously. I don't know about you lot, but it gladdens my heart to see good old- fashioned, challenging, blasting games back in vogue. For a while it seemed like we were doomed forever to tedious platform games and beat-'em- ups that you could finish in an...

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