Amiga Games #12

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Dynablaster screenshotDynablaster 1991
Bomberman is a well known name among console owners as the PC engine and its handheld brother have been rocking to the sound of explosive detonations (or several months. Frustrated owners cry out, "Aw, ya geeeeek!" as they fall foul to the plans and devices of their friends and enemies....

Dyter 07 screenshotDyter 07 1990
Dyter 7 takes its inspiration from two of the classic shoot 'em ups -Choplifter and Defender. From Choplifter come the tiny figures that have to be plucked from danger by your chopper, and from Defender comes the sophisticated radar which shows the position of the enemy attack vehicles that have...

E-Motion screenshotE-Motion 1990
E.Motion is not what you'd call a really standard game. In fact it's a very nonstandard game. Let's join our hosts, the Assembly Line, tor a quick chat about E.Motion and how it was made. The Assembly Line are John Dale, Andy Beveridge, Martin Day and Adrian Stephens, and although there's...

Ebonstar screenshotEbonstar 1988
In contrast to the complexities of their excellent Faery Tale Adventure, Microillusions have now come up with a game of surprising simplicity. Ebonstar takes elements from a few ancient coin-ops and with a neat vector graphic effect, results in a game rather like those oldies Space Wars and Stella Castle. A...

Einmal Kanzler Sein screenshotEinmal Kanzler Sein 1991

Eishockey Manager screenshotEishockey Manager 1993

Elf screenshotElf 1991
Licence-free games from Ocean are about as rare as someone winning the car on Bullseye, but when the Manchester Maestros do pop up from behind their movie and coin-op cover, the results are often better than the games with famous names on the boxes. This arcade adventure, programmed and developed by...

Elfmania screenshotElfmania 1994
The most unlikely-named beat 'em up ever is finally ready. So we got a most unlikely-named journalist to check it out. Alan Dykes puts on his plastic Spock ears and gets fighting. Beautiful, colourful or cute things can often be the most dangerous - they can lull you into a false...

Eliminator screenshotEliminator 1988
The same warped mind that had you tearing your hair out over Nebulus has now decided to put your trigger-finger to the test. Programmed by Linel in Switzerland, John Phillips' Eliminator puts you firmly in the driving seat (bucket, crushed velour) of the eponymous craft - a small, heavily armoured...

Elite screenshotElite 1988
Long, long ago, in the dim and distant past when 8 bit machines ruled the Earth, Messers Braben and Bell conceived and coded what was to become one of the greatest computer games of our time - Elite. BBC Micro users everywhere abandoned their chores, hobbies and wives in search...

Elite 2: Frontier screenshotElite 2: Frontier 1993
A moment's silence please while we remember. A long time ago there was a game. This game struck a chord with a generation of games players. It put you at the controls of a spaceship and left you to your own devices in a huge area of space, free to...

Elvira screenshotElvira 1990
Accolade has been pushing into the graphic adventure arena lately and with the release of Elvira, they've scored a monster [pun intended| hit. I was expecting a game as schlocky as the TV horror movie hostess it's named for, but it turned out to be one of the best of...

Elvira 2 screenshotElvira 2 1992
You know your going to be in for a good time when a game box read "Recommended for mature audiences"; and you become even more keyed up when there's lots of gory pictures on the back of the box. Love it. You all read the PC review last issue, didn't you?...

Elvira: The Arcade Game screenshotElvira: The Arcade Game 1991

Emanuelle screenshotEmanuelle 1989

Empire screenshotEmpire 1987
Character graphics on the Amiga? At first sight, this is one of the most unprepossessing games I've seen on the Amiga, short of the appalling Around the World in 80 Days. Let me say right away that surface appearances are deceptive. Although it may look like a survivor from the...

Enchanted Lands screenshotEnchanted Lands 1990

Epic screenshotEpic 1992
With the likely nonappearance of Mindscape's Wing Commander on the Amiga, it looks as if Ocean's long-awaited sci-fi blaster, Epic, will be a more-than-adequate substitute. With a scenario which bears more than a passing resemblance to the 70s cult sci-fi show. Battlestar Galactica, the game pits the player against the...

Epsilon 9 screenshotEpsilon 9 1995

Equality screenshotEquality 2003
This game was scheduled for 1992, but it was never released. The TLK soft now, in 2003 released it for us as freely downloadable software! :) Unfortunately it's in French, but everybody can play it without reading the French text. Good logical-puzzle game, you should try! ...

Escape From Colditz screenshotEscape From Colditz 1991
Do you remember Colditz on telly? Surely no one can forget the episode where the man pretended to be mad (largely through the cunning ploy of dribbling his porridge) to get himself released from Colditz. Hurrah! One in the eye for old Fritz. Then of course it turned out he...

Espana: The Games 92 screenshotEspana: The Games 92 1992
It's amazing how much hype is generated within the computer industry due to the Olympics. This month alone, we've seen enough athletic type sports games to last us a lifetime. And, just when you thought that the last competitor had entered the final straight, enter Ocean from the back of...

European Football Champ screenshotEuropean Football Champ 1992
A couple of weeks ago, I was in the rather unfortunate position of going on holiday, just as the World Cup started, with a fairly football fanatic fella (nice onomatopoeia, young man Harry). As you can imagine, with up to three matches on the go every evening, I spent a...

European Space Simulator screenshotEuropean Space Simulator 1989
Rather than set it in the present day Tomahawk have decided to use the 2010 as their setting for a shuttle launch. Unlike the Arthur C Clarke novel, technology has hardly progressed. Shuttles are used for much the same purposes as they are nowadays: transport, research and repair. The only...

Exile AGA screenshotExile AGA 1991
A platform like arcade game, with good graphics and music featuring digital speach. You have to control your hero, who has a jetpack on his back. It's not an easy task. ...

Exodus 3010 screenshotExodus 3010 1991
They all ignored the endless warnings. Now Earth is dying and it is your task to find a new and flourishing planet. Up until now most space role playing games have been very heavy going. The excellent Megatraveller games were just too serious for many gamesplayers and they were put off...

Exterminator screenshotExterminator 1990
One of the most original and visually stunning coin-ops of recent times, Gottlieb's excellent Exterminator, reaches the Amiga this month thanks to multi-talented development house, The Assembly Line. The game features an on-screen pair of hands which have to visit seven houses in a street, each with five rooms, and...

Extra Time screenshotExtra Time 1989

Eye of Horus screenshotEye of Horus 1989
Denton Designs, eh? Don't you just love 'em? Well, if you're an 8-bit veteran you probably do, but they don't have much a track record on the Amiga and looking at this game, you begin to see why. Reminiscent in many ways of their Speccy epic Gift From The Gods,...

Eye of the Beholder screenshotEye of the Beholder 1991
An official Advanced Dungeons & Dragons role playing game! It has wonderful intro animation, many selectable characters and 3D view. Nice and exciting. ...

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