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Action Fighter screenshotAction Fighter 1988
NOW this is what I have been waiting for. Chuck away the instructions, we won't need them. Just pop the disc in the drive and flex those wrist muscles. A few presses of the Fire button and already the game has started. No tedious little animations or jingles here, this is...

Action Service screenshotAction Service 1989
Somewhere in Europe there is a school. Not just any old school but one where the elite forces of NATO go to train. The skills learned here are designed to strengthen both mental and physical reflexes until the trainee is allowed to leave the academy - a perfect fighting machine. Up...

Addams Family screenshotAddams Family 1992
KOOKY... Taking notice of past licensed failures. Ocean have opted for the Hudson HawK route, adopting a single gamestyle rather than a mishmash of sub-games. It had always been Ocean's Gary Bracey's intention to rival Mario, and on perusing the film's script, he decided that Addams had the perfect setting for...

Addictaball screenshotAddictaball 1988

Advanced Destroyer Simulator screenshotAdvanced Destroyer Simulator 1991
As a dashing sailor responsible for a Royal Navy destroyer during World War II, you must embark upon a series of seafaring campaigns. Evacuate allied forces, patrol the seas, and escort all the friendly old freighters. Advanced Destroyer Simulator wins no awards for detailed simulation but deserves credit for its simple...

Advantage Tennis screenshotAdvantage Tennis 1991
As with French fashion. Gallic software has always been just that little bit more smartly presented than our home-grown stuff. However, whilst their releases often border on the weird and lose out on playability, our French chums nevertheless Know how to breathe new life into a tired format. North And...

Adventures of Moktar screenshotAdventures of Moktar 1991

Adventures of Robin Hood screenshotAdventures of Robin Hood 1991
In Robin Hood you must perform many heroic deeds to change the public impression of you from "villain" to "hero." To he ultimate aim is to retake your castle, which was captured. The game has extremely simple/poor graphics. ...

Adventures Through Time screenshotAdventures Through Time 1989

Afterburner screenshotAfterburner 1988
Long awaited it may be but let us hope no-one is holding their breath because there is no R-Type miracle here. Afterburner is a dog. The various sequences and backgrounds are there, but what gameplay that existed in the coin-op has been forgotten. The graphics themselves are patchy speccy affairs and...

Age screenshotAge 1991

Age of Rock, The screenshotAge of Rock, The 1991

Agony screenshotAgony 1992
Agony is astonishingly lovely to look at, but very simplistic to play. It has got brilliant intro music, but the worst in-game music I have heard in years (well, it is not technically bad, but musically it is, um, an individual taste). It seems quite tough, but you find yourself...

Air Ace 2 screenshotAir Ace 2 1989

Air Bucks AGA screenshotAir Bucks AGA 1992
I suppose you could call Impressions' latest Airways Tycoon with inspiration seemingly deriving from Microprose's railroad gem. Place yourself at the head of a small company in the late Forties where your priority is to create a successful airline company. You have until recent times to become the biggest and...

Air Force Commander screenshotAir Force Commander 1992
Having had some impressive reviews within these hallowed pages, the Impressions team are not without some admirers here at AUI. In Air Force Commander they have demonstrated yet again an uncanny knack of picking a subject just at the right time. This simulation is a corker. It throws you nght...

Air Support screenshotAir Support 1992
Although Air Support can certainly be classed as a simulator, it takes a different approach normally avoided by software houses -wireframe graphics. That's right. If you're looking for fancy head-up-displays and compacted instrument panels then look elsewhere. Although the effect does take a while to become accustomed to, you soon get...

Airball screenshotAirball 1989
As a punishment for having the temerity to trespass into the wizard's domain, he turns you into a balloon. The only way to regain your normal shape is to search his castle's many rooms and floors for a book of spells - find this, return it to the start room,...

Akira screenshotAkira 1994
Film licenses always raise a fair amount of cynicism - there have been so many disappointments in the past that it's hardly surprising. However, when news of this latest release reached the office our hopes were raised - this one at least sounded as if it would be something different....

Aladdin (AGA) screenshotAladdin (AGA) 1994
This is truly an astonishing software achievement and I can't applaud Virgin enough for once again coming up with something technically brilliant. Aladdin is nothing less than a realistic re-enactment of the actual movie. The soundtrack is delicious, the graphics are Disney cartoon quality and whole thing is like an...

Alcatraz screenshotAlcatraz 1992
If you are a veteran to the Amiga games scene you may remember a classic product that went by the name of Hostages. It put you in charge of a crack special forces team and made you deal with the problems that such a unit would be faced with during...

Alfred Chicken (CD32 AGA) screenshotAlfred Chicken (CD32 AGA) 1993
There's something about the mind of a platform game designer that's warped. After all, what sane person could possibly come up with a plot like Alfred Chicken. The Meka Chickens have come from outer space and eggnapped Billy and his brothers. They've even taken the fluffy Floella. You, under the...

Alien 3 screenshotAlien 3 1992
IN SPACE NO ONE CAN HEAR YOU SCREAM Some people seem to attract loonies, others act as a magnet tor viruses. Ellen Ripley seems to draw acid-spitting slaughter-hungry aliens. As the mam character in the Alien films, she's outlived the crew of her starship, a platoon of colonial marines, and, in...

Alien Bash 2 AGA screenshotAlien Bash 2 AGA 1996
You are on a prison ship, which takes the prisoners directly to the Aliens planet. You can escape from the ship after the landing, but now you have to try tool yourself up and to wipe out this deadly scourge. It's an action game, very similar to Chaos Engine. So...

Alien Breed screenshotAlien Breed 1991
When contact was lost with the ISRC-4 Space Research Centre, the big cheeses at the Interplanetary Corps got a little bit jumpy. After all, they'd all seen Aliens at least twenty times and were starting to get an acute feeling of deja vu So, better safe than sorry, they rerouted...

Alien Breed 2 screenshotAlien Breed 2 1993
Alien Breed 2 is taking shoot'em ups to a new level. Now Team 17 have released the non-AGA version, and, surprisingly, it's actually a better game. My only problem with the AGA version is that it is far too hard, and this version is just that little bit easier. Why?...

Alien Breed 3D AGA screenshotAlien Breed 3D AGA 1995
It all happened so long ago now. Doom, that is. Actually, that's not true at all, because Doom only happened about a year and a half ago, and that really isn't that long is it? It just seems like ages because there have been so many different Doom clones In...

Alien Breed SE '92 screenshotAlien Breed SE '92 1992
First, let me stress that Special Edition is not Alien Breed 2. The official sequel is scheduled to appear during the middle of next year. In the meantime, Special Edition is here to keep the juices flowing. Maintaining the same scenario as the original, Special Edition features altogether differently designed levels,...

Alien Breed: Tower Assault AGA screenshotAlien Breed: Tower Assault AGA 1994
Everyone in the world of Amiga games knows about Alien Breed. The Gauntlet clone that managed to better the original in terms of plot, playability, and good fun. The first version of this Amiga institution first appeared way back around Christmas time of 1991. Since then, it's seen many incarnations, notably...

Alien Storm screenshotAlien Storm 1991
Following the demise of their own planet, a group of aliens have been searching the galaxy for a new planet to colonise. After several failed attempts to create their own living environment upon uninhabited planets, they have finally waged war on the unsuspecting Earth. This first became apparent several months ago...

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