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Wheelspin AGA screenshotWheelspin AGA 1995
Rather coincidentally, pretty much the last thing I wrote for The One (apart from the obituary!) was a Work In Progress for this little fella and jolly nice it looked too. Of course, the main problem was that we never actually saw the thing running, and as is always the...

Where in the Time is Carmen Sandiego screenshotWhere in the Time is Carmen Sandiego 1990

Whirligig screenshotWhirligig 1988
When a game comes along boasting four billion sectors, more than a little scepticism creeps into my head (but that's nothing new!). There seems little point in dealing in such high numbers when there will obviously be little variety from the first to the four billionth. On the other hand,...

Whizz AGA screenshotWhizz AGA 1995
Whizz is a fast isometric 3D game, one which would like to think it's a platformer but unfortunately is not. The box proudly states that the game's 3D perspective is the next step toward in platformers. And who knows? Perhaps they're right, but I'm afraid that Whizz fails to deliver...

Wild Cup Soccer screenshotWild Cup Soccer 1994
This is fantasy football in its truest sense, with the player cast as manager of the Bruisers, a team of footy-crazed dwarves. Your task is to guide these stumpy soccer stars to Wild Cup glory in a knockout, knockabout tournament against seven rival teams of assorted mutant rabbits, sheep, bears...

Wild Streets screenshotWild Streets 1990

Wild Wheels screenshotWild Wheels 1991
THE ONE'S FIRST CONTACT with Red Rat software came way back in the early days, when Mandarin Software released the superb Lombard RAC Rally, conceived and programmed by the team. However, the only game that we've seen since then was the technically accomplished International Soccer Challenge (published by MicroProse), which...

Willy Beamish screenshotWilly Beamish 1992

Windwalker screenshotWindwalker 1989
It was not very long ago that software houses discovered" a new form of computer entertainment: "interactive games". Otherwise known as roleplaying games (RPGs), this new type of software featured full interaction between the central character and his/her surroundings and other characters who would appear in the game. The games...

Wing Commander screenshotWing Commander 1992
When Wing Commander first came out it was one of the those advanced texture-mapped, gouraud-shaded games that the Amiga struggled with at the time, and was widely regarded as too slow to be playable. That was mostly because the A500 was still considered to be the most popular Amiga, but...

Wingnuts AGA screenshotWingnuts AGA 1997
Sometimes it takes a newcomer to shake out the doldrums. It seems like everybody these days is obsessed with getting a realtime strategy game to market they used to be obsessed with getting a 3D shooter out, but the release of Doom and Quake changed all that. Along comes the...

Wings screenshotWings 1990
Cinemaware was the Voltron of computer game design in the late 1980s, able to forge an undeniable masterwork from a handful of almost-ordinary arcade mini-games. In the World War I saga Wings, shoot-em-up and dogfight sequences are strung together by the diary of a young pilot. Avoid being shot down...

Wings of Death screenshotWings of Death 1990
Wings Of Death. The name doesn't give away too much. When I told the neighbourhood games testers the name of my new game they all thought it sounded like an aeroplane game - perhaps set in the second world war. Well, NO. Wings of Death is not a war game,...

Wings of Fury screenshotWings of Fury 1990
As the end of the second World War draws near, US Naval forces are clamping down on the Japanese troops. Huge aircraft carriers carrying F6F Hellcat fighter planes cruise the seas closing down enemy encampments. You are a member of the crew on the carrier USS Wasp, one of the...

WinUAE screenshotWinUAE 2012
WinUAE is the best type of emulator in my oppinion, although people say it doesnt run as many games as WinFellow. But I find it much easier to operate and it seems to run most of the game I put on it, even if it does take some time to...

Wiz 'n' Liz screenshotWiz 'n' Liz 1993
Most grannies sit at home sipping the odd cup of cocoa and knitting their favorite grandchildren hideous Arran sweaters. Not this pair though, Wiz 'n' Liz are an energetic couple of Wizards from the Planet Pum. They spend most of their time zooming around the planet doing all sorts of...

Wizardry screenshotWizardry 1990
A YEN FOR ADVENTURING 'The consoles are coming! The consoles are coming!' From every rooftop the cry can be heard, and it's getting louder. Marching westwards from the Land of the Rising Yen, a mighty army of cheap, super-fast game consoles is bearing down on the Amiga, threatening to drown it...

Wolf Pack screenshotWolf Pack 1990
When the Kriegsmarine U-boats prowled the seas during World War II, they hunted like a wolf-pack. Attacking in waves, they would first wound and then sink their prey. By interrupting the flow of materials vital to the war effort, U-boats sought to siege Britain into submission. For submarine captains this was...

Wolfchild screenshotWolfchild 1992
The main character of the game is on a rescue mission to save his father who has been kidnapped by a fanatical group of terrorists, the reason being that the boy's father, a scientist by trade, has been dabbling in mutation and DNA transformation. The information has leaked out that...

Wonderdog screenshotWonderdog 1993
No, no, no! Core have missed out on a potentially brilliant and revolutionary form of computer entertainment with their latest release. If you're going to do a game based around a dog then why not have it cock its leg every few paces and deposit a lump of semi-digested Pedigree...

Wonderland screenshotWonderland 1991
It is one thing previewing a game as I did this one (CU July 1990) and another actually playing it for a review. At a preview it is all too easy to be shown only what the person conducting the demo wants you to see. Also, it is impossible to...

Woody's World screenshotWoody's World 1993

World Circuit screenshotWorld Circuit 1991

World Cup 90 screenshotWorld Cup 90 1990

World Games screenshotWorld Games 1987
There aren't many sport simulations available for the Amiga at the moment. One of them, World Games, is Epyx's latest addition to their famous collection of sporting games. World Games challenges your competitive skills with a series of athletic contests of one to eight players. The lineup of eight realistic...

Worlds of Legend screenshotWorlds of Legend 1993
Legend has indeed become something of a legend. "Fab and gripping," chirruped Tim Tucker when he covered its budget re-release in AP26. And. "It'll keep you entertained for months" when, in the same issue, he reviewed Worlds of it. And Tim was right. Legend is a fabulous game, and one...

Worms screenshotWorms 1995
Worms is based on that old gaming gem Tanks. Basically you and an opponent lob bombs at each other, which inflict damage dependent on how close they land to your character. But in this game you have worms instead of tanks and there are 15 weapons to choose from along...

Worms Director's Cut screenshotWorms Director's Cut 1997
So what was wrong with the original Worms that needs fixing? Well, let's be honest, nothing. It was, still is, and probably always will be one of the most playable games ever. I've always wondered how Sting must feel when he writes a 'classic'. You know, songs like Every Breath...

Wrath of the Demon screenshotWrath of the Demon 1990
Put simply, the plot is this: You play a warrior sent to slay a Demon threatening your King's realm. Why the manual can't just come out and say this is a complete mystery. Instead, you get a load of old guff about some wizard called Anthrax, a faery having a...

X-It screenshotX-It 1994
The Psygnosis warehouse clearance continues. It's hard to move round a computer shop without tripping over teetering piles of Psygnosis titles, at the knockdown, never-to-be-repeated price of one of your Earth tenners - Walker, Armour Geddon 2, etc. And this landslide of back catalogue stuff comes a new game, X-It,...

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