Wolfchild Download (1992 Amiga Game)

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The main character of the game is on a rescue mission to save his father who has been kidnapped by a fanatical group of terrorists, the reason being that the boy's father, a scientist by trade, has been dabbling in mutation and DNA transformation. The information has leaked out that he has discovered the secret of how to mix DNA to create new breeds of mutation.

Consequently, the terrorists have caught wind of his discovery and kidnapped him in the hope that he would build a machine that could perform the transformations for them. On hearing of his father's kidnapping, the boy sneaked into his father's laboratory and deliberately performed a DNA transformation - on himself. The result was a muscle bound hero who could change into a wolf. Pleased with his brand now alter ego, the hero set off after the terrorists in a battle to the death in order to save his beloved father.


The action takes place over six nicely drawn levels of multi-directional scrolling backdrops, the first being a massive spaceship that is soaring through the clouds. The hero starts off as a man but as he progresses, picking up extra weapons and bonuses, he changes into a wolfman packing some pretty nasty weaponry.

Each level is allocated a certain style, for example, the second level is set in the forest with appropriate woodland nasties and the third set in a kind of Aztec temple that is crawling with creepy insects that are, as you might expect, just that little bit larger than life. At the end of a level there is an end-of-level guardian that must be hit several time in order for it to explode. Only then can our metamorphosing wolverine character progress onto the next stage.


All the graphics for Wolfchild are developed on the ST using the renowned OOP Art studio due to its excellent sprite creation abilities. Unfortunately, there isn't a decent sprite creator on the Amiga so this is why the ST is used. One of the toughest problems for the programmers was the 45 degree floors which the character must slide down or run up.

Collision detection proved awkward with an angled slope but with determination the problem was eventually solved. When the character charges up a slope his movement speed is impaired to give the effect of struggling up the slope which works extremely well. A great deal of the sprites and backgrounds are obviously inspired from comic book art which Simon, the graphic artist, loves to read - his present faves being the all-time classic Batman and Frank Miller's Elektra Assassin.

How to run this game on modern Windows PC?

This game has been set up to work on modern Windows (11/10/8/7/Vista/XP 64/32-bit) computers without problems. Please choose Download - Easy Setup (3.90 MB).


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