A-10 Tank Killer v1.5 Download (1991 Amiga Game)

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A-10 Tank Killer is obviously enough a flight simulation of the USAF's A-10 Thunderbolt - or Warthog as it is affectionately known by all 'Hog -Drivers'. Those of you weaned on little else but F-16s might wonder what the hell an A-10 actually is. Primarily, they are used alongside battlefield helicopters in the close air support role. They are slow enough to identify and attack ground targets but they come with high survivability and a greater weapons load than helicopters. A-10s have a distinctive shape and the largest and mast powerful gun ever mounted on an aircraft. Called the Avenger 30mm cannon, it fires depleted uranium shells at a rate of 4,200 rounds per minute. Enough to atomize a tank at 4,000 yards. It is generally rated as being 'one mean muvva'.

While the game is aerodynamically accurate it should appeal to the player who would normally avoid flight sims altogether: it won't snow you under with technical specifications. In fact, die-hard flight-sim fanatics will criticize it for its lack of certain details. For example, the game's A-10 is a two-seat version whereas the only active service version of the A-10 is the single-seat version. In addition, you don't have to land if you don't want to and the time has been compressed in certain areas. Also, the main flight adversary is called a MiG-27-but looks more like a Su-25. However, Dynamix are fully aware of these facts. They intend A-10 to be more of an entertainment package. That is not to say that flight-sim aficionados won't enjoy it. I am and l did!

In fact the graphics are A-10's star quality. Dynamix have used digitized photos of real actors, taken on location, kitted out with real flight gear to give you maximum atmosphere. You want a realistic cockpit display? The game has a digitized cockpit from a genuine A-10! And there ore other digitized screens of the aircraft itself (the weapon loading screen, for example). All of the other graphics are solid 3-D affairs which are detailed and smooth. A good demo of the 3-D graphics is the Vehicle Preview option. This shows you each individual vehicle (including aircraft and helicopters) that you will meet in the game. Other impressive screens are the status screen which shows any damage taken, along with an animated weapons inventory and multiple views inside and outside of the aircraft.

The game itself consists of six different missions. They tend to he varied, multi-port affairs. For example, one mission asks you to hit a supply dump. However, you must also provide close air support for a platoon of tanks which will take out the SAM sites for you AND keep a nearby bridge open for allied support. In fact the main area of the game is the campaign. Here, you will cycle through each mission but every action you make will affect events later on. The more failures you have initially, the more difficult things will he later on - both for ourse1f and the rest of the armed forces. Dynamix have promised further scenario disks to load into the original game.

The great thing about A-10 is that you really feel you are part of a team. Missions usually involve lots of aircraft and the inter-pilot chatter is an excellent feature. Radio messages appear on-screen informing you of mission updates, or orders from your flight leader or just to 'back off!' if you fly too close to someone during a mission.

When you play Falcon, for example, you get the feeling it is you against the world. However in A-10 it is more of 'You hit the MiGs, I'll hit the SAMs and Buddy here will blast the anti-aircraft guns. Let's go for it. Yee-hah!' So you feel more involved, the action appears more realistic and you end up with a real knot in you hear 'I'm hit! I'm Hit' and you watch your wingman turn into a ball of fire. A-10 Tank Killer is thoroughly recommended - it is pure entertainment.

A fine simulator program, where you have many choices and settings to set up, equip, use, etc. It's a combat simulator. Your mission is to fly with the A-10 and destroy everybody :) In contempt of the simple vector graphics, on older machines the game is very slow! A1200 required.

How to run this game on modern Windows PC?

This game has been set up to work on modern Windows (11/10/8/7/Vista/XP 64/32-bit) computers without problems. Please choose Download - Easy Setup (4.20 MB).


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