Gobliins 2 Download (1992 Amiga Game)

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France is known for many things: wine, fashion, food and dirty racing drivers to name but a few. However, Coktel Vision are the people who may well put La France on the Amiga games map for a while to come. Gobliins 2 (only two i's this time) is, as you have doubtless guessed already, the sequel to the highly popular Gobliiins.

Two fine upstanding chappies who go by the dubious names of Fingus and Winkle have been volunteered by King Angoulafre to go on a mission to rescue the Prince Buffoon, King A's beloved if somewhat stupid heir apparent. The aptly named prince is firmly in the evil clutches of the demon Amoniak, and to add insult to injury has been made to become Jester to the demonic court!

This is the vengeance of defeat at the hands of the King in hand to hand combat some half a century ago - demons, like elephants, never ever forget. Only the wise Modemus can give any advice to the intrepid twosome to see them through the perils that lie (not very far) ahead.

The theme here is very much that two heads are better than one. Winkle and Fingus are at either ends of the personality spectrum. Fingus is the diplomat, sensible to the last and the one who thinks things through. Winkle is quite a rogue with an evil sense of japery and an eye for what might loosely be termed the finer things in life. On the interpersonal front, Winkle has all the subtlety of a Scud missile - not the man for enlisting the help of the unhelpful!

Much puzzle solving needs to be done and upon yourself is this task placed. Fingus and Winkle will carry out your instructions in their own idiosyncratic fashion, occasionally politely suggesting what might be the best course of action. If you still find yourself in a permanent state of bemusement you can play one of your three jokers to gain extra hints.

Bottoms up!

So what of the game itself? It must be said that the graphics are quite beautiful and the animation is as smooth as a baby goblin's bottom Problem is that you have to wait an eternity to load each screen.

The actual concept of the game is excellent. Much thought is required and the nature of the gameplay is very interactive, even more so than in most adventure games you'll find. Problem is, many of the things you have to do are not immediately apparent - which in itself isn't a problem. After all, if it was easy it wouldn't last long but some of the logic behind the problems is just far too wacky for my liking.

For example, get past a difficult dog by sticking a large sausage down a hole in the road! Perhaps this is de rigeur in France, but we Brits are slightly less insightful it would seem. This kind of trickery is enough to mash your brains and leave you dizzy with an extremely severe headache.

This game is a real corker. The graphics are superb I and the background music no worse than anything else. This is the stuff of adventure puzzlers' dreams, and rightly so. I must say though that it is unbelievably hard. Maybe I'm just stupid but there you are. A fabulous adventure with plenty of thought-provoking puzzles to make sure the chilly wintry hours go by. Just make sure you pack a few extra brains with your sandwiches and you will probably be alright on the night.

Very nice point and click adventure game, with lots of fun, joke and well animated characters. You should get through many phatetic brain-teaser, and listen to the great and funny music. Worth to try all the three episodes and to play the game 'till the end!

How to run this game on modern Windows PC?

This game has been set up to work on modern Windows (11/10/8/7/Vista/XP 64/32-bit) computers without problems. Please choose Download - Easy Setup (4.23 MB).


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