The evil shogun, Kunitoki is back, and this time he has sought refuge in the sprawling city of New york. Armakuni, whose Ninja clan were totally wiped out by the shogun, has felt his presence and has vowed to end his existence once and for all. Through severe meditation, Armakuni has managed to arrive safely on the roof of a warehouse somewhere in The Big Apple. Musical instruments lay scattered on the rooftop floor He picks himself up and makes his way cautiously behind a long, flowing curtain. On entering the next room he is immediately confronted by a thug Lightning kicks and punches are exchanged - most of the New York hoodlums have been trained in some martial art or other it seems - but eventually the thug goes down.
You control Armakuni in his attempt to revenge his clan. The action takes place through various locations within the city of new York Control of the Ninja is performed through various combinations of the joystick. As well as kick and punch, he can also leap through the air. Your energy bar is represented by a spiral that depletes as more hits are absorbed. Some of the enemy that you will encounter will be armed with nunchukas and poles which can be taken if defeated. If they manage to strike you with a weapon then your energy bar will be reduced quite substantially. You'll have to drop each character twice before they die otherwise they will regain consciousness and repeat their attack.
GRAPHICS: Each location has been beautifully drawn and graphical presentation is very good. Although there are lew moves, the animation on the characters is fairly smooth.
SOUND: There is a main tune that plays throughout the game and this adds to the fast paced atmosphere. The in-game effects are also of a very high standard.
ALEX: I must admit that I have never ever played either of the Last Ninja's on the 8-bit machines but if Last Ninja 2 is anything to go by then I can't have missed very much. The graphics were quite good, but I couldn't get to grips with the awful control system. The sound is fairly impressive but does not save an otherwise boring and tedious release. I think you should expect more from your money.
STEVE: Although I thouroughly enjoyed the original Last Ninja I cannot say that I was too impressed with the sequel. Okay, the graphics are impressive, but the game is basically the same and therefore proves to be a little dated and simplistic. The controls were also overly awkward and more often than not, I found myself cursing my Ninja as he ran backwards or somersaulting instead of throwing a punch. A rather poor conversion from a decent 8-bit game.
In this episode the Last Ninja start to train a new order of Ninja, but suddenly hw finds himself in New York. He has to fight against the Evil Shogun once again...
How to run this game on modern Windows PC?
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