PGA European Tour Download (1994 Amiga Game)

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Golf, it must be said, is a thoroughly frustrating game. Your feet ache horribly offer about five holes, and the hooks, the slices, the hacks, the tops and the missed putts ensure days of plus four-bedecked frustration. In fact, the golfer's favourite sight is the nineteenth hole where one can relax with a frothing flagon and the odd frame of snooker. Computer golf is much the same except your feet won't smart, and you can't relax in fhe pavilion afterwards.

It's some three and a half years since European Tour's original incarnation, PGA Tour Golf first appeared and despite its years, it's still the finest golf game on the Amiga. Sure, many have improved on the somewhat sparse graphics; many offer more options and courses, but in terms of gameplay, PGA Tour is top of the leaderboard.

And so to its successor. Again, four courses, only this time spread between the fairways of England, France and Switzerland. The first thing you notice is the startling similarity between the two games. Sure, the graphics have been tarted up (even the weather changes), but the gameplay remains faithful to the original. Yet, if we are to be scrupulously fair (we always are, of course) then the saying, 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it', applies here. The only extras are the draw and fade options which enable you to swing the ball around and a pointer system on the overall view of the hole which allows you to pinpoint the yardage anywhere on the fairway.

Par for the course

In visual terms (and this is the A1200 version), the golfer sprite is better animated and the courses in general, are much prettier but the sound is just a thwack, the odd bird tweet and an occasional 'ooh', from the gallery.

Some odd things abound, though. I'm on the edge of the 11th green, see, and I'm 17 yards from the hole, so why does the computer offer me the five iron which, in this case, can knock it a maximum of 18 yards. I'm only 17 yards away, a pitching wedge will do just fine thanks! But selecting the pitching wedge only enables you to hit it 12 yards. I've never seen Seve with a five iron on the edge of the green so why do I have to use one?

Gripes aside, PGA European Tour improves on the original - this is basically a port from the Mega Drive - and it's a heck of a game. But if you have the original, the extra courses disk may be a better download.

How to run this game on modern Windows PC?

This game has been set up to work on modern Windows (11/10/8/7/Vista/XP 64/32-bit) computers without problems. Please choose Download - Easy Setup (3.77 MB).


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